The Night Gods II- Chapter X: Stonewalled Part 1

in #fiction7 years ago

New art by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Bret began digging into what Lena had given him with few results. The autopsy showed little promise other than injuries resulting from an accidental death... except- there was facial bruising that really shouldn't have been there. It was more consistent with having been beaten than hit by an auto... but not enough to warrant a separate investigation. There was also indications of forced sexual activity- tearing of vaginal tissue not consistent with consensual sexual union.

Well, thought Bret, at least that's something- it confirmed Lena's suspicions. Just as he was wondering where to go next with his investigation, something happened that did more to confirm his own suspicions than anything Lena had said... It was a memo from corporate- shut it down. Do not proceed with any further investigations into Melissa Womack's death. The reason- it was a dead end- a nonissue. Now his interest was really piqued. What possible interest would the network have with a purely local matter? He decided to give Lena a call to see if she had heard anything...

"Lena, it's Bret Shoemaker," he said.

"Oh, Bret, thank God, I was just about to call you," came the panicky sounding reply.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I've been getting calls. At first it was just somebody calling and hanging up. The caller ID said it was a blocked number. But now they're threatening. It's a man's voice, muffled sounding like a hand or cloth over the mouthpiece."

"What does he say?" Bret asked the obviously terrified woman.

"That minding other people's business is unhealthy. Bret, I'm afraid, scared out of my wits. I don't know what to do." Lean's voice was quavering.

"Maybe you shouldn't be involved in this. Just go back to working for the senator and forget about it. I'll take it from here," Bret suggested.

"Too late for that," she said, "I'm already involved and I'm not giving up until Melissa gets some justice."

"What about the senator," he asked, "does he know?"

"No," she said. "I haven't mentioned anything yet, but I think he suspects something."

"Maybe you should go to him. Will he provide security if you tell him about the calls?" Then he changed tack. "What about the police, did you tell them?"

"I'm not sure I trust the DC police, they're dirty. For all I know it could be a cop calling... and as far as security from the senator- I really don't want to involve him until we have more to go on."

"Well," Bret said. "There is one other way... Why not pack a few things and stay at my house until this blows over. I've got a townhouse and there's plenty of spare room. No strings," he chuckled.

"I don't know." It was tempting. At least she would feel safer. "What will people think?"

Bret laughed. "It isn't 1950. People live together all the time... sometimes even as roommates."

She thought hard for a moment. "Ok," she said. "Where is it?"

"Let me come get you. I'll feel better- you're safe where you are now. At work right?" he asked. "I'll say I'm going out on a story and I'll be there in say half an hour. Then we'll go to your place so you can grab some stuff. I don't want anything to happen to you on the way."

"That's fine... Yes, I'm at work- give me 45 minutes. I have some things to do here before I can leave."

On the way to Bret's townhouse she spoke animatedly about Melissa. Bret could tell she was dedicated enough to go the distance. She would prove a formidable asset, he thought.

"I think we're going to have to let the senator in on this... at some level at least." Bret said. "Otherwise, how are you going to explain to him your new living arrangements?"

She nodded. "I guess you're right. I just want to let him know a little at this point... just until we find out who we're up against. I don't want to endanger him too."

"We'll find out," Bret told her confidently. "Count on it."

"I am," she said, "believe me- I am."

By the time Bret got Lena settled in and back to his office, another memo was waiting. He had been called into corporate... the big boss, Lockhart wanted him.

"Bret," Lockhart said smiling. He rose and walked over to greet the confused journalist. "Have we met before?"

"Once, I believe. At the Press Club dinner." Bret was trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "Can I inquire to what I owe this honor?"

"Right to the point. I like that," Lockhart said noncommittally. "It's about that Melissa Womack business... It's a nonstarter. I want it dropped."

"Can I ask why?" Bret was watching Lockhart closely looking for any clue as to why his boss was interested in the death of a campaign volunteer. "I think there might be a link between her and the death of Alan Denning's wife."

Lockhart's face didn't change... Neither did his tone. "I seriously doubt it. Anyway I... we want don't want the story to go any further. That goes for your girlfriend Cedeno too."

So, he thought- they're having us followed. They must be sweating something... apparently there was more to the story than just the death of the girl... But what?

"But Sir," Shoemaker said. "I have an autonomy clause in my contract. I get to choose my stories... my contract says so."

"Look Shoemaker... if this goes any further, or if I hear anything about it on your show- you don't even have a job, much less a contract."

"What's the network's interest in Denning? It's network policy not to endorse candidates." Bret was fishing.

"We're not endorsing him." Lockhart's face was reddening. Bret had touched a nerve. "It would just be more in our interest to see him in the White House than some cheesedick from Buttfuck Montana, or wherever the fuck he comes from. Look son, I'm not trying to be a hardass here... I just want this thing ended- and it is my network."

"Ok then," Bret said. "But let me ask you one thing- why are you having us followed?"

"I'm not having anybody followed." Lockhart looked Bret straight in the eye. "Why would I?"

"Then how did you know she was staying with me? It's only been a matter of hours."

"Get the fuck out of here, Shoemaker. This ends here... Now!" Lockhart was practically shouting. "If this goes any further, you're gone... and fuck your contract. I got an army of lawyers and believe me boy- you do not want to get into a pissing match with me over this."

"Fuck you and fuck your lawyers... I quit!" With that Bret stomped out slamming the door.

Lockhart picked up his phone and told his secretary: "Get me Przybysz." When he answered Lockhart said: "We got a problem. Shoemaker just quit. He's not going to stop with this- I know him. Keep an eye on him and on that fucking broad. Just keep an eye on them for now... No rough stuff."

Shoemaker went back to his office and started clearing out his stuff, being as careful as possible to avoid contact with his co-workers. He called Lena to give her the news. She was surprised. "No more than I am," he said. "I didn't think I had the balls. Be careful. Don't go anywhere until I get home. We can probably count on being watched pretty closely from now on. When I get there, we can go out and eat."

"I'm already making dinner," she said. "I can cook too."

GIF by @papa-pepper


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It's always a pleasure to have somethink interesting like this to read! Well done, dear friend ^_^

Thank you my dear... I'm working on part two right now! You're going to like it!

Wow Shoemaker with the balls of steel quitting his job while cursing out Lockhart. But he and Cedeno better be careful though - that oaf Przybysz is gonna be watching them more closely from now on.

This is just excellent Rich - your story beats every episode of West Wing, Scandal or any other political drama any day of the week. Keep the hits coming!

Thank you my friend! I already have part 2 written... just have to edit- probably tomorrow!

Today is!

Boy, you're tough! A guy needs to air out his brain every once and a while!

Yip I am tough..I am anxious hate waiting!

Well you'll have to wait until Monday! Sorry, but my batteries need recharged!

Awesome can't wait to read it!

This post got a 36.14 % upvote thanks to @richq11 - Hail Eris !

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