The Night Gods II- Chapter III: Melissa's Revenge

in #fiction7 years ago

Google Images... Artist: Ian Joyner

Melissa came to feeling violated... Her entire body felt like she had been run through a ringer. She must have passed out at some point during Denning's attack. Everything hurt; legs, back and especially her most vulnerable parts- it seemed that he must have penetrated her everywhere. She could hear the shower running in the bathroom and whistling from within...she debated whether or not to enter. Her first instinct was to run out of there as fast as she could, but she needed a mirror to survey the damage before going out in public. Wondering the time, she got up and staggered toward the bathroom, barely able to hold herself upright.

She wiped steam from the mirror and could see dried blood under her nose where he must have struck her. Wetting a facecloth she washed her face... Oh God how she hurt. What had he done to her? How long had she been there? Her blouse was in tatters barely clinging to her narrow shoulders. She tried to straighten her hair.

"Want to join me"? Came a voice from the shower. He acted like nothing had even happened. All Melissa could do was shake her head- and even then, that was painful. The shower door was open and Denning was inside cheerily washing the last remnant of her shame from his body. "I wouldn't mention this to anyone," he said. "After all, you're the one that came here dressed like a whore... and it's your word against mine..." He was grinning maliciously.

Melissa gathered her things, checking her cellphone for the time... 11:34. Maybe the lobby wouldn't be crowded and she could get away unseen. She put on her coat and gathered up her things and left before he could get out of the shower. There was no one by the elevators- so far so good. She rode the empty elevator to the ground floor and holding her hand beside her bruised face she hastened toward the exit. Outside, she got a cab and returned home.

In her apartment, she debated as to what to do next. She wanted to call the police- she had carefully placed her torn panties into her purse. But, like Denning said, it was her word against his... he was rich and a prominent politician- a presidential candidate. She was a nobody... what chance would she have? She sipped her tea, thinking. The police might not believe her and even if they did, how would she fare in court against a powerful politician... they would destroy her. After an internal debate Melissa decided to shower and go to bed... taking on Denning and his army of lawyers would be futile. She went to bed feeling terrible, her entire body hurt and despite her long hot shower, she felt dirty. 'It's not your fault,' she kept telling herself. She had wanted a romantic interlude, dressed to encourage it- but not what had happened- never!

She didn't sleep well at all, dozing off here and there- more awake than asleep. She lay staring at the ceiling, thinking... there must be something she could do. Then it came to her. In the morning, she would contact Sen. Ashby's campaign office... they would listen to her and know what to do. She finally fell asleep and it seemed like only minutes when the alarm went off. She got up and got a cup of coffee, then went to telephone.

"Sen. Ashby's office," the voice said. "This is Debbie, how can I help you?"

"Are you in charge?" Melissa asked.

No," the voice said, " you need to speak with Ms. Cedeno. Just a minute... can I ask who's calling?"

"This is Melissa Womack. I was working for Gov. Denning and I have something that I think can help the senator. I'd really like to see him."

"Why don't I put you through to Lena Cedeno, she'll know how to direct you," the receptionist said.

"Ok," said Melissa. It looked like this what it would take.

"Lena Cedeno. What can I do for you?"

"Hi, my name is Melissa Womack. I've been working in the Denning campaign and something happened. I don't want to talk about it on the phone, is there some way I can come and talk to somebody... I'd like to see Sen. Ashby himself, if that's possible."

"Why don't you come in and talk to me, and we'll go from there. I'm his campaign manager and I'm sure if it's important enough, the senator will be happy to talk with you." Ms. Cedeno sounded very warm yet professional. Melissa liked her already. "It's about 8:30 now, how about 10:45?"

"That'll be fine," Melissa said feeling a little better, If only she could talk to the senator, he'd understand and believe her. Governor Denning already had a reputation and maybe this wouldn't lead to his arrest, but it might at least stop him from becoming president. She ate a quick breakfast and set about getting ready. She applied her makeup gingerly wanting to hide the results of last night's violence. When she felt she was ready, she left to get a bus downtown.

The bus let her off about a block and a half from Ashby Headquarters... she set off on foot, trying to cover her bruised face on the way. The building was across the street about halfway down the block. Melissa stepped out from between two parked cars careful to watch for traffic both ways. She didn't see a taxi speed up just as she stepped in the street. It struck her throwing her high into the air and she landed on the hood of a parked car like a ragdoll thrown from a rooftop, causing a spiderweb of cracked glass to appear on the windshield.

Denning's only accuser was dead... and somewhere a demon was smiling.

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I love fiction story !!
Still reading it !!!
Thank You for sharing @richq11

Thank you... I'm enjoying writing it. I have a feeling that this is going to be a loooong one!

Yes ! And we enjoy reading these stories!
I am lucky to read all your stories

Well... Thank you! Wow, I'm overwhelmed. I never thought I was a very good writer, I just love doing it!

You just carry on ! There are people who love reading your stories !!
I was sitting with my dad in study and I gave your story to him to read, he said the character mellisa is Playing a strong role in the story.

Even in death! Wait until tomorrow and see what happens!

Wow definitely didn't see that coming! Somehow I don't think that it was an accident - that conniving Denning! Excellent story @richq11 - you certainly had this reader on the edge of his seat :)

That's good... you weren't supposed to see it coming! I must be getting better lol! Thanks so much! I bookmarked your story and am going to read it in a couple of minutes. I've been trying to write and deal with the tree guy all morning. Just fed the dog... I almost have time for a cup of coffee and a story!

Awesome, keep writing my friend! Hopefully, the tree guy finishes soon so that you can write more peacefully and calmly. There is nothing that grinds my gears more than listening to sounds of construction and chainsaws lol.

Take your coffee and take your time creating another compelling chapter - can't wait to see what happens next!

One of my fav steemit writers! Upvoted, resteemed!

Thanks!!! Don't miss tomorrow's Lottery Council... Guaranteed to be a good one!

Good stuff. Looking fwd to it.

I'm working on it now!


Thank you... it gets better

it's a very "strong" part, but I really like it. Well written, it make me feel inside the story. Excellent, dear friend!

Thank you... If you feel inside of it- I'm doing my job! It's going to go downhill from here!!!

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