The Night Gods II-Chapter VII: A Night At The Opera Part 2

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Artwork by @marty-art with many thanks! Please check his page!

While his wife was being savagely murdered on a Georgetown street, Alan Denning was having the time of his life at the home of a willing submissive- a beautiful barely clad blonde that was bound and gagged on the floor, while a profusely sweating Denning was whipping her bare buttocks, raising welts with each blow. She looked tauntingly up at him, spurring him on to strike her even harder. It would have been clear if anyone was watching, that she was enjoying it as much as he was. She shook her backside enticingly as Denning's belt rained blow after blow on her naked buttocks. She rolled her eyes dreamily and moaned as he struck her. It was worth every dollar it was costing, Denning thought... this would not be his last engagement here. He began undoing his trousers to complete the consummation when the doorbell rang. he held up his hand to dissuade her from answering. The ringing changed to an insistent pounding and the young prostitute rose and got her robe, looking questioningly at Denning who shrugged. It was Przybysz... and he was livid.

"What the fuck did you do?" he shouted.

"What?" Denning looked back feigning innocence. "What are you talking about?"

"You fucking know what I'm talking about." Przybysz was beside himself.

"Not here." Denning looked in the direction of the girl.

"Get dressed... We need to talk," the stocky man said emphatically.

They made the ride back to the Hilton in silence. Przybysz sat glaring at Denning who appeared unruffled. Once they were safely in the room Przybysz unloaded.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Denning thought the man was going to turn violent.

"What," Denning asked, once again feigning innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bull fucking shit," Przybysz shouted. "Don't you even try that shit on me. Lockhart and his pals are about this fucking far from pulling their support." He held up his hand, thumb and forefinger about half an inch apart. "Not to mention you made me look like a fucking asshole, I'm supposed to be watching over you... keeping you out of shit like this."

"So that's it," Denning returned. "You're just concerned with looking bad. You don't give two shits about what happened to my wife."

Who said anything about your wife," Przybysz asked, eyebrows raised. "Besides, this is about way more than your fucking wife you stupid cockwipe... This is about the future of this country."

Denning had fucked up and let the cat out of the bag. Time to start back-peddling... then he turned tack and went on the offensive- he started shouting back.

"If you fucking guys were as all-powerful as you claim to be, I wouldn't be in this fucking mess- I'd be way ahead in the polls, not in a virtual tie with some fucknut senator from BFE! It's you assholes that aren't doing their jobs."

Przybysz glared back: "Did you ever think it's supposed to look like a tight race. Everything's been under control the whole time. Who do you think it is that tells all those douchebags out there what to think," he said waving his arm in a horizontal arc. "What do you think we are, a bunch of fucking rookies?"

"Well, you could have let me in on it," Denning declared petulantly.

"We don't have to let you in on shit. All we have to do is make sure you win... Got it?" Przybysz was pissed. He went on: "You work for us, we don't work for you, you fucking shitheel. You do what we say. This bullshit with your wife was strictly amatuer hour horseshit... you're going to fuck this whole thing up."

Denning was thinking. He didn't like the way this was going at all... 'you work for us.' I don't fucking work for anybody, he thought. "I thought we were partners in this," he said.

"Ok," Przybysz said. "If it makes you feel better to think of it that way... we're partners- and you're the junior fucking partner and you do exactly what we tell you. And, we didn't tell you to have your wife butchered... Jesus, who the fuck was that psycho prick!"

"Some guy I met at a governor's conference," Denning admitted. "Look, this is going to be ok... I'll make it work in our favor. We'll get the sympathy vote... the women."

"What, like that red-headed bimbo you had run over. It may have worked once- those things usually do. But when it becomes a pattern, people get suspicious." Przybysz shook his head. "This is going to take a bunch of damage control- you really fucked up. The press is already all over this and the police..." his voice trailed off before he began again, "and Lockhart is really fucking beside himself. I've never seen him like this before. I thought he was going to have you whacked!"

"It will be Ok," Denning said reassuringly. "I've got it all under control... I'm all over it."

"Just fucking hold it," Przybysz said. "You got nothing under anything. haven't you been listening to anything I've been saying? You don't do shit until we tell you. Don't talk to the press- nobody. Pretty soon the cops will be here. You and I ate at the hotel dining room and we've been here working on campaign strategy."


"But, shit." Przybysz held up his hand. "You better get this straight. You take orders, just like I do. The only reason you made it this far is because Lockhart and his pals wanted you to. You just had your wife murdered... not just murdered, fucking eviscerated. You know it, we know it and if you don't want to go down for it, you better get your shit in one sock."

"But, you got no proof..."

"We don't need proof. If you don't know by now- it isn't what happened that matters, it's what it can be made to look like. You don't even know who we are. One word to the cops and you're history... Poof!"

Denning didn't like the tone of this... or the direction it was taking. The police would certainly be there any minute now. It had been almost an hour since his wife's untimely demise and he needed to buy time. He would play ball... for now.

"Alright," he said. "Tell Lockhart I'm sorry. I fucked up. I was nervous... Afraid of how the polls were going." It was a lie, of course, but it might do fro now.

Przybysz looked satisfied. He was about to speak when there was a loud knock at the door. The police, only they knocked like that. Denning looked at Przybysz and went to open it.

"Mr. Denning?" It was a tall black man in a suit and overcoat. He had two uniforms and another man in a poorly fitting suit. Obviously the police.

"My name is Lt. Garrard and this is Det. Walsh. Perhaps you'd better sit down... we've got some disturbing news."

"What is it?" Denning was trying to look surprised. "Is it my car? My campaign headquarters" Was it broken into... there should have been security."

"It's your wife, Sir," Garrard went on. "There was an incident in Georgetown..."

"Maureen... Is she alright?" Denning slumped into a nearby chair. "What..."

"I'm afraid there's been a murder." Garrard looked straight at Denning gauging his every action. This guy was smart and Denning knew he would have to play it off perfectly.

"How?" he asked.

"I'm sorry sir. Before we go into that there are some questions we need to ask." Garrard was professional- nobody's fool.

"Yes, of course... sorry."

"Perhaps we should do this in private," the Lt. said looking in Przybysz direction.

"This is Przybysz, a very close associate and advisor. It's fine, I'd rather not be alone right now anyway... Please." Denning thought he was playing it perfectly so far. "We've been together all evening. We ate and have been working on campaign strategy."

"As you wish." Garrard took Denning into the bedroom while Walsh questioned Przybysz in the living room. When they were satisfied, they left. When they were gone Denning asked...

"What did you tell them?"

Same thing as you. we ate then worked on the election. Look Denning... we'll pull you through this- Garrard is one of ours. But you better quit going off reservation. You can still go down for this... It isn't over by a longshot."

"Garrard?" Denning looked genuinely surprised.

"What did you think, everybody was at that first meeting. This thing is huge. We've been running this country since before it was a country. So, before you get anymore bright ideas..."

"I get it," Denning cut in.

"Make damn certain you do. I've got to go report to Lockhart. He's still really pisses. You better start playing ball or you're fucked." With that Przybysz was gone.

Denning would play ball... for now. He had plans of his own- big plans.

GIF by @papa-pepper


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AHA I knew Denning was behind the murders of Melissa and his wife! Now I'm really hoping that Lockhart whacks him already - Denning needs to be stopped! I really enjoyed the conversation between Denning and Przybysz - I wanted to see Przybysz snap his neck in half but perhaps he'll save that for another time haha. You've got everyone on the edge of their seats now Rich - keep it going my friend!

Most stories are about good vs evil... This is evil vs evil (it is politics after all- there are no good guys). In real life good never triumphs... good people merely get to escape with their lives if they're lucky.

Very true indeed, which is why I'm especially excited to meet your crusading journalist!

This post gets a 28.47 % upvote thanks to @richq11 - Hail Eris !

Bless you... Bless you!

for 28.47% upvote how much fund i have to give you @discordia

I'm still thinking of something to say...told ya Devils advocate!

Just wait... I'll give you a little preview- a war is a brewin between two forces of evil!

Do not be overcome by evil. But overcome evil with good.... evil vs evil???? You better write fast...get a new pen..

I just went out and bought 6! I went through 2 in less than a week. This episode was 11 hand written pages! the previous one was 8. Wally world sells notebooks for $0.25 and I go through them fast. I keep one for each story and one for misc.

I'll be introducing the "crusader" for good in the next chapter (tomorrow)

Thanks a lot Rich always love your posts. And thanks for my new friend.

Thank you... I knew you would like Silvia. You're both very much alike!

Great content!
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you!

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