A GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE ...INUKE's fiction writing contest #6

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)



I am The Historian. My task is to safeguard both the ancient records and those we create in our own time. However, there is a greater assignment: to tell the truth as accurately as one possibly can regarding all history, both ancient and current. The year is 428 ACE (After Cosmic Event).

I shall provide a brief overview of the times leading up to The Cosmic Event of the year 2042 AD.

There is much, that to us of the New World, seems utterly alien and nearly impossible to have existed prior to 2042, but we have records both written and in other forms such as videos and Crystal Imprints that speak to us and inform us. And like I said, my task is to tell the truth.

The first records we have of a potential Cosmic Event, like the one that eventually occurred, comes to us from the year 2017. Scientists were discovering that the earths magnetic poles were shifting which by itself was not a great threat, and indeed was a relatively common event in the history of the earth, however this shift was coinciding with the movement of our solar system within our galactic arm, and a major reduction of our Suns activity. These three phenomena occurred conjointly causing The Cosmic Event.

Our solar system is constantly in motion within the galaxy and it had been moving out of the protective Cloud of dust left over from a pre-earth event, a super nova explosion, leaving the solar system exposed to a bombardment of cosmic rays and sub-atomic particles never before experienced. At the same time the Sun went into a cyclical "minimum" of activity. Not only did the earths climate cool dramatically but more importantly the Sun was not emitting its normal levels of magnetic activity and modified hydrogen that protects the entire solar system from otherwise deadly levels of cosmic rays and particles. When the earths magnetic poles shift there is a period of time when the magnetosphere weakens substantially. The magnetosphere is what allows life to exist upon the earth in that it gives us an invisible barrier against deadly cosmic rays an interferons. Leaving the Cloud of protective dust left over from the super Nova further exposed the earth to deadly rays. These three things: the pole shift causing a weaker magnetosphere, the Suns diminished protection, and our solar systems movement out of the protective field of the Cloud made the earth extremely, if only temporarily, vulnerable.

In this "moment" of extreme vulnerability there was a massive solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that far exceeded anything since the first observation of a CME occurred in 1854 AD (The Carrington Event). It was calibrated as an X132 event. This particular CME blasted the earth with electromagnetic energy that destroyed all electronics, all computers, the entire electric grid and even hardened military computers, ships and vehicles, including the Prime AI, and of course this included all satellites. Within moments the earth and its inhabitants flew backward in time to the mid 1800's before electronics. Within the year 90% of the earths inhabitants perished, most due to starvation.

I have provided a photograph of the night the CME surged into earths atmosphere (above). Unfortunately photographs of the event are very rare simply because all of the cameras at the time were dependent upon batteries or other electronic sources. We do have, however, eye witness accounts, one of which I will share:

"The atmosphere lit up with a violent display of pulsing reds, oranges and writhing and twisting sheets of what appeared to be fire. Those of us who dared witness the event were at first mesmerized by the magnificent view but then we were horrified, knowing this was the end of civilization as we had known it."

When the X132 CME was first detected scientists privately speculated that it was a similar event that must have blasted away the atmosphere of Mars. There was genuine concern that this might also happen to earth. As it was, the full force of the CME narrowly missed the earth but even so our atmosphere was severely damaged resulting in the destruction of crops, the diminished life spans of all animals including humans due to exposure to higher levels of radiation in all its spectrums and an increase in cosmic rays, nutrinoes and other sub atomic particles.

The first 100 years were the most challenging, and the human race literally hung by a thread. But gradually the atmosphere was restored, the Sun returned to normal levels of activity protecting the solar system from excessive exposure to cosmic rays, and the Cloud we had excited providentially surged around the solar system once more.

The history of humanity from that point of near-extinction to the present day is fascinating and complex. I can only provide an outline within this brief account. I'll cover the most pertinent points.


There were those who were the powerful, wealthy, Elite, prior to the Event. They were the best prepared with all manner of personal physical enhancements attained at immense expense prior to the Event. They also had prepared for drastic circumstances with food stuffs, underground compounds, weapons, para-military personnel, and all manner of technological gear designed to sustain life for decades after any cataclysmic event. But their number was relatively small. There were cases where they tried to re-establish civilization, of course with themselves as the chosen ones to lead and direct. It did not work. Let me just say that within 50 years they, the once Elite, and their families were relentlessly hunted down and slaughtered.


It was ironic that those who were on the fringes of society, the native Americans, native tribes in the Amazon river drainage, native people in Third Nation countries, etc., were actually the most capable of survival in the first hundred years. They were already living in very humble and limited circumstances so there was little transition necessary. Of course the severity of the environment was very challenging and they lost considerable numbers like everyone else. However in the long run they did well.

Some of those people have thrived and have largely returned to the traditions and practices of their ancient forebears. One prime example is the Lakota Sioux of North America. They have almost completely returned to the land, to the life their ancestors once lived.


Of the general population the numbers who survived were few. Nature swept through the people from every nation, race and origin. The wind of this winnowing was fierce and complete. By the end of the first century ACE fewer than one million souls survived, and those that did were the ones who were the most capable, with strong physical attributes (no Enhancements), and superior intelligence.

428 ACE

What has become of humanity? Other than those peoples who have returned to their ancient roots, humanity once again thrives. It has been 400 years since the climate has stabilized and during that time a more humble human has risen. We have learned the lessons Nature provided. We cooperate in harmony with nature and all living creatures. LIfe is much simpler than what humans experienced prior to the Event. There is no war. There are no national boundaries, other than the lands given over to some indigenous tribes. Small manufacturing once again thrives. The use of electricity has long since been re-established. We use no fossil fuels. Energy is free and available to anyone. Art in all it's forms is encouraged. Government is very limited and is consigned to providing basic services. Most importantly those who serve in any capacity within these services do so on a four year voluntary rotation. There is an Earth-wide Council of Elders, with local councils in relation to it.

Perhaps the one thing that has made peace and prosperity possible is the practice of gender control. The first attempts at gender control began in 226 ACE. Males were neutered prior to puberty with only some select males kept intact for supplies of genetic material. Gender Control became the accepted practice among all peoples, excepting indigenous tribes by 280 ACE. However, this was accomplished through genetic manipulation. Boys simply never matured sexually. This practice ended Patriarchy and its curse upon humanity. As previously stated there are no more wars. There is no more relentless competition to be the dominant male or business or warrior. Peace and happiness are endemic among all peoples.


We the Lakota, The People, The Chosen, have risen again. The Great Prophecy is fulfilled. We have swept through all lands and peoples. HEYYA HO!



Amazing imagination. I love the world you could create by going ahead of us in time. But 2042 is pretty close, buddy. Can this hold on a bit longer till mine and a next few more generations all go? It's a humble request. Hahaha.

My criticism would be that the tone isn't as fluid as can be. But that is permissible from the POV of a Historian that you have chosen. So it worked still. Keep doing this often.


Thanks for the comments. Actually the scenario of the pole shift, the movement of the solar system out of a protective cloud and the solar minimum, which has just started, are indeed happening. There is an excellent YouTube site (Suspicious Observers) that scours current published scientific papers and the like on this subject. Their projections, findings, seem to be well founded in good science. I must share that these folks take all of this quite seriously and as data accumulates are taking steps to inform people and prepare for ... well, challenging times. Worth keeping an eye on. If this all plays out it may indeed be one of those times when we bend over and kiss our asses good by.

I like how you wrote something fictional based on actual events and scientific phenomena about the galaxy and sociological guesses about the human race. That made it more believable in a way.

I sent you a text. I think a friend of mine who is also a minnow posted it to another Nigerian who is a whale and it got resteemed or something. This story is not worthy of 231 votes so someone must have done something. I'll take some time tomorrow and see if I can track it down.

Cool story, Pops! I liked all the descriptions of how each group or tribe of people fared after the disaster. I liked how the indigenous people went back to their roots, and the gender control thing was really interesting. I've never heard any kind of notion like that fictionally or otherwise. Very original approach there. Well written.

"...the gender control thing was really interesting." Yes, that's why I alway cross my legs when in the presence of women!!

That was great! I almost got a headache from trying to understand the Cosmic Event and all the physical properties. Loved the ending - free energy and all that good stuff. I'm not sure I had understood the concept of 'gender control'. I am intrigued, although, I know that I do not need to understand every detail. Great write! And great ending :)

Greetings. Honored you took the time to read this story. I'm chagrined... this is not my best work. Kind of pumped it out to enter the contest. Somehow I had this massive upvote thing going on with it. Still have not figured out who/how that came about. The cosmic event is actually a growing probability. The three key components are indeed coming into place as we breath: the cyclical major solar minimum, moving out of a protective "cloud", and the magnetic pole shift which indeed is happening and does happen on a fairly regular basis. Anyway, a growing number of scientists are saying global warming is over. You may want to take a look at Suspicious Observers on YouTube. They have all the science there.

Have a blessed day.

Well, Climate Change is the more relevant term, as Global Warming gives a different impression. Yeah, I had this opened for three days if not more, but I wasn't well enough to focus and read through posts. I had the time and mental energy today, and I suppose you were curied or something like that. Suddenly, you have a higher reputation and a much better payout than I ever had hahaha!

It's @fairygodmother. No just kidding. My fairy god mother broke a wing. Waiting for her to get it fixed. Blessings. Hope you are feeling better.

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This comment has received a 0.20 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mahadihasanzim.

That was an interesting story... I have my doubts that the humans would survive any such catastrophic events. Also,

Thank you for participating in the contest inuke’s story writing challenge #6: A glimpse of future?. Your post has been selected as an entry for the contest.

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