A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 18) - The Hours Between 2200 and 2300

in #fiction7 years ago

This is a continuation of the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the previous chapters to catch up with the story. Enjoy!

<< Chapter 17


The multi-talented @verbal-d (who, by the way, edited this chapter) has bestowed a wonderful gift for this story. Known for his lyrical rhymes, he's also a master when it comes to mixing melodious beats. To enhance the reading experience, play this on loop in the background as you read this chapter. Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be consumed by the entire experience. Please be sure to follow and donate to @verbal-d! You can also follow his work on SoundCloud.

Mamie undressed me and locked us both inside the tiled torture chamber. She still had on her garb when she turned on the metallic delivery system. The giant bent down, sat on a stool, and probed my body with her hands.

The water was cold when the torture started, but it quickly warmed up. Mamie usually employed a bearable temperature. But, the water was a bit warmer this time around. I chalked it up to it being nighttime, but the giant seemed fazed.

They must've used the teevee to soften my brain. The water treatment had always been a means to rob me of my viento and memories. They must've realized that I was onto them when I fought Teten for the remote.

Mamie's goal must've been to erase the memories of my realization. The memory of my altercation with Teten would be an unintended plus. It must've been the reason for her rush when she snatched me up. She must've been afraid of the destruction I could cause to the fortress.

    "Ledd," Mamie said. "Lift your arms up."

So, I did, albeit begrudgingly. It was a means to an end, and this might have been the perfect opportunity to win over Mamie's trust.

She slid her hands down my side and, as expected, foam started to bubble out from inside me. It might have been the soothing stream of water, but it became increasingly tedious to stay awake. My viento was being pilfered from me, but I couldn't risk aggravating Mamie. Especially not when I was on the cusp of winning her over.

It hadn't always been that way though. Years ago, before my escape, Mamie had always been our stalwart defender from the other giants. For a time, I even questioned whether she was a prisoner herself. She was very doting and protective of us, her charges. Eventually, she showed her true allegiance and it all became clear to me. I still laughed at myself for falling for her ploy from time to time.

I wasn't ashamed to admit it though, I felt a bit betrayed, even though I didn't have any right to be. She wasn't a fellow prisoner; she was one of them. A giant who used subterfuge to ingratiate herself to her captives. Her facade would never again fool me. Two could play at that game.

I remembered that a long time ago, Mamie became bloated and ailing, and her stomach bulged as if it was ready to burst. It became a chore for her to stand or sit, and she wasn't able to perform her usual tasks. Because of it, the giants took extra special care of her. They tended to her every beck and call. I never knew what caused it or how she recovered.

As a result of her illness, they took her far away from the prison. Rumors spread that they subjected her to procedures to remove her disease. I remember feeling saddened by her absence, not knowing if she would ever return. Mamie came back a few days before Eddie at the prison. She was noticeably weak, but it seemed as if she was free from her ailment.

That was the first time I ever thought about making an escape, but I didn't have the necessary tools at the time. One might argue that I didn't have anything either when I did make my escape. So, it might have been that my resolve wasn't as strong back then. Years of torture and slavery had a way of strengthening one's yearning for freedom.

    "Close your eyes, Ledd," the giant commanded, and in turn, I did. The last time I defied that command, a strange poison burned through my eyes. It was an experience that I didn't dare repeat.

She rubbed my face, then her hands went up to the top of my head. The motion of her fingers were less forceful than Dadier's technique. But, it felt like they burrowed deeper. The massage was hypnotic. Had I not prepared for the water treatment, it would've caused me to enter a trance-like state. The last time that happened, I lost precious minutes of my life.

Using my armas de viento, I bounced my consciousness against the tiled walls. I timed it exactly when she commanded me to raise my arms. The memories transformed into precipitation that hung on the smooth, ceramic surface. It held copies of memories that I held dear. I had forced myself to think of ... I wasn't quite sure, but it was something that I fondly recalled earlier so that I ... So that it would be the memory that became erased — the memory that they would be forced to take.

Whatever memory I was thinking of, it was already tucked away. It was all in the menthol-smelling froth that had effervesced off the top of my head. There was a purpose why I thought of that, I just couldn't quite remember. Whatever it was, there was no use in trying to remember, since I was going to get it back. I guess I focused on that memory so that I could forget it for whatever reason.

Staring at the dreadful giant, I couldn't help but flash her a grin. She smiled back and muttered indecipherable drivel. Little did she know that this was all going according to plan.

The giant was drenched, but refused to remove her armor, perhaps as a precaution if I fought back. Her hide wasn't as thick as Dadier's. She had less protection if I ever did launch an attack on her unprotected body. My armas would have easily crushed every bone of her body, if I ever did strike with full force.

Even though she stole some viento, all my important memories remained intact. What was more important was that I didn't show any defiance against her. It should have helped in gaining her trust.

The water treatment went by quickly. Mamie rinsed me off with a torrential downpour afterwards. She collected all the powers and memories into a small metallic grill. The giants called it a "drain," which was appropriate. It was what one would come to expect as the name of the containment for things that they had drained.

    "Wow, Ledd," she declared cheerfully. "Very behaved ha, that's very good, anak!"

Mamie patted me down with a moist, blue towel, unlocked the door, and allowed me to exit the chamber by myself. On my way out, I swiped the tiled wall to collect the memories I had displaced. I wiped it on my head and face, and licked my palms so that I could ingest every single drop. Everything came rushing back, every thought, every small detail. The water droplets even held some of the viento that I used, so that was an unexpected surprise.

She called Dadier to dress me, to which the other giant complied. I had failed to notice before but she did, in fact, have a degree of control over him. Perhaps my theory about the giants working in pairs had merit.

    "Let's go, little man," Dadier quipped as he beckoned me to enter the prison cell. "Let's get you dressed."

I knew enough to not exert much effort after the water treatment torture. Mamie subjected me to the same exact massage technique that Dadier always did. She targeted weak points of my body that incapacitated me. I still didn't have any means to avoid that, so I had to adjust how I acted after the treatment.

Gliding lightly over the wooden floorboards, I made no sudden movements. I tried to make small jerks to test out the extent of my control over my body. The results were surprisingly positive, but I didn't want to give it away. I was afraid that they would readjust their approach the next time they massaged me.

Faint music lingered in the background, as Dadier stood with clothes in hand. I acted like I was groggy, even though I was operating with full strength. When I arrived in front of him, he bent down and clothed me with with soft, striped pants and a loose, white shirt.

    "Did you enjoy your bath?" the towering giant inquired.

Bath? Was that what they called the water treatment torture that they routinely subjected me to. I wasn't quite sure if it was a shortcut for something, but at least it was easier to say.

    "Yes, as a matter of fact, I did."

He nodded and proceeded back to his station, leaving me alone in the prison cell. There was no one in sight, and it felt like a huge expanse whenever I was alone there.

With no one to supervise me, I ended my charade of acting groggy and jumped up my bed. My feet sank down, as if the soft bed was eating me whole, so I decided to leap once again. Finding myself in Dadier's bed, I surveyed the surrounding to see if the giants had stepped back in.

    "Dadier?" I called out, to no reply. "Mamie?"

I stood up on Dadier's bed and proceeded to jump up and down, with the intent of wrecking it. If I robbed the giants of a good night's rest, then it would certainly weaken them. Once I had put a few jumps in on Dadier's bed, I turned my attention to Mamie's. The two beds were attached together, so it was easy to transfer back and forth. Exchanging between the two beds, I heard their bottoms creak. It was a telling sign that the beds were weakening. I used my armas to supplement my jumps, adding weight whenever I fell.

Hearing the bath chamber door open, I immediately halted my assault and leaped back to my bed. Mamie entered the room with a bright, red towel wrapped around her body, unaware of the damage that I had done. I wouldn't have been the least bit surprised if their beds collapsed in the middle of their slumber. Clueless, she glanced at me on her way to her cloth cabinet. She took out a fresh armor and proceeded to adorn herself with it. I sat there unassuming. If I wanted to destroy her, that would've been the perfect time to do so. I hoped she knew that, and I hoped that it would count towards gaining her trust.

Mamie approached my bed and sat down beside me. She tousled my hair, and muttered words that were in a language I wasn't able to understand. The giant looked somber, but tried to force a smile. Her eyes started to well up, but she looked away to try and contain it. Perhaps she was opening up to me about her grief when I escaped.

I used my right hand to graze the left side of her face, and I placed my lips on hers. She closed her eyes, and couldn't resist letting her tears flow. I absorbed all the energy I could in what short time afforded to me. When our lips parted, she opened her eyes and lay on my bed.

She tried to pull me down along with her, but I didn't yield. It was not that I didn't want to; it was just that the surge of energy that ran through my body allowed me to resist her pull. She placed both of her hands on her face to conceal it. The giant didn't want to show it, but I was able to successfully drain some of her powers.

It was the first time that I was able to perform that technique, which was something that they usually did to me. There were no instructions, and they had never taught it to me before, if they ever intended to. Perhaps it was a result of teevee's reconditioning. Maybe it was from a memory that I got back.

Energized, I stood up on the bed and stared Mamie down. With my newly acquired technique, I could take back the power the giants had stolen from me. I would tear them down piece by piece using the very same techniques that they applied on me. Two could play at that game!

The extremely passionate @ryivhnn has created this magnificent viento-inspired artwork for this story. Close your eyes and picture this masterpiece, as you imagine Ledd soaring to new heights. Please be sure to check out @ryivhnn's wonderful artwork and in-depth logs of her experiences with homeschooling her children. You can also become a patron of hers on Patreon so that you can support her regularly.


<< Chapter 17

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!



always enjoy your pages friend.
updated my streemian not to miss voting for you.

Oh wow! Such a huge honor! I appreciate the inclusion, my friend! :D I'm really grateful to you for taking the time to not only vote, but also comment on my work. You don't know how much it means to me :D

(Spoiler Alert: It means a lot :D )

Seriously Ledd's interpretation of events is in equal parts frustrating and freaking adorable XD

Looking forward to either an epic anime battle or something hilariously anti-climatic XD

.> . <.
That's about the only spoiler I could write haha! You'll discover why when everything wraps. I'm just so glad that it's both annoying and entertaining--both my intended effects ;)

"You just ... you just don't get it, Ledd!" the giant thought frustratingly. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead and back. "Let me love you ... I said, let me love you!!!"

Thank you for your continued support, my friend! It is indeed treasured :D

I sense and sympathise with your simmering imminent explosion with desperately wanting to discuss it but not wanting to spoil XD

Well nothing's stopping the poor giant from loving him, he'll get it when he gets it. Hopefully XD

Haha! I can't be impatient now, since it's on the final arc. Also, I don't have a follow-up story lined up since I've been slacking off, so I better get to it :/

Two can play the game. Lol.

He rates himself so highly. How cute of him ☺️. 2200 - 2300, so i'm guessing the story will end soon?

Haha! Yeah, it's just one of the things people who have the same condition have. Trust me, I've done my research on it, brother :)

The story is ending soon, but not as soon as you think, I think :/ Mind the time of the very first chapter and note that this is a day in the clouds for more clues as to when everything wraps :)

Thanks for stopping by, man. It's been awhile! :D

It's really been a while. I guess I lost my groove and just found myself floating but i'm slowly crawling my way back!

Oh yeah, a few more hours to go. I get!
The work you've put in really reflects in the story. Well done bro!

Thanks, man! I hope you find your footing and get into the thick of things again. We've been missing some fisteganos fiction in our lives :D

Lol, excellent chapter, @jedau! The inquisitiveness of Led. The way he's trying to decipher the environment around him. Are Mamie and Dadier really on my side? Bath time seemed like an adventure to him which was very amusing and expertly told.

It's really kool the way you tell it because it also makes you wonder what his parents must be thinking and how his facial expressions must make them feel. Fantastic stuff from the multiple angles you can look at it.

Man, I'm loving this story and already regret fully the time I was away Steemit. Awesome stuff, brother! Bring on the closing in to midnight! :)

Thanks, brother! This was the first time I tried writing in the first-person, and telling different perspectives without writing them has been the most enjoyable aspect of it :D

Now that you're back, the rest of the chapters are here waiting for you to read them :D This chapter is kinda like a dark reflection of the more action filled earlier chapter that involved bath time. I'll discuss it further in this week's SILVER LINING so stay tuned for that ;)

Thanks for taking the time to read, bro. I really missed your comments on here :D

My bro, thanks for the great insights from your personal perspective. I can only guess everything flows to well because you it is all based on your real life experiences. Awesome stuff, man.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself and remember your whole book is all occuring in one day. Your pacing and flow of the story as top notch as well. I'm considering writing a first person short in a while and you can bet, I'll be using your work as my guiding tool.

Very well done again!!

I'm glad that my work influences you. That means a lot coming from someone whose writing style I admire greatly! A Day in the Clouds was highly influenced by The Symbiotic Protocol, too! So, I guess by being influenced, you're just carrying on that mutual streak. I can't wait to see the first person short you come up with, brother!

Admirable work dear friend @jedau, I have listened very good things about you dear friend, but when I know your works, I can verify that it is real as I have heard, congratulations for your great work

Thank you, my friend! I'm glad that my work is able to verify all those good things. Nice to have people who continually support me. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave your comment, brother! :D

Pase por acá para saludar y desearte un gran día, querido amigo @ jedau

Gracias mi amigo @jlufer! Espero que tengas un gran día también :D

I'm almost too sleepy from being absorbed in that bath and massage to comment, haha! I could smell that shampoo, and remember a time when I also didn't close my eyes and was subjected to stinging torture.
It's funny with baths and children, sometimes it makes them immediately exhausted, other times it energizes them. And I also recall many times that I myself felt exhausted after bathing one of the kids.
Again, I imagine how frustrating and difficult it would be to his mom and dad, to love him so much without him realizing it.
I know I would love him to pieces though, kids that get up to mischief are often my favorites :)
As always, looking forward to the next one!

I'm almost too sleepy from being absorbed in that bath and massage to comment

YES!! I've achieved my intended purpose haha! Whenever I write, I really try to influence the reader's mood. When it's action, I want the reader's heart to really race. When it's boring, I want the reader to feel bored or sleepy haha It's a risky move, but that's something I'm really meticulous about.

Since you're a mother, I'm really glad that I'm able to tug on your heartstrings this way, my friend. In a way, this story is a subtle salute to all the loving parents out there who give out their love unconditionally.

Even though both bath scenes yielded an exhausted Ledd, we have to note that a lot has happened in his day already, so this is the more exhausted one, as opposed to the more relaxed earlier version haha!

Thank you for leaving your thoughts, my friend! I really appreciate you sticking with it all the way :D

It's an epic recounting of a night time routine! I loved the jumping on the bed when he should have been sleepy. It's totally what happens. Great stuff dude and sorry I was late to the party. I thought I had been right on top of my feed these last few days, obviously not!!

Understandable, dude. Better late than ... say it with me ... pregnant! Oh, hmm... I guess the opposite applies in your case now huh haha!

With all the crypto craziness, I forgot I even posted this!! Hahaha! He's such a bundle of energy, which was good for the story but bad for parenting. That's why they take him to playgrounds and such so that he can expend the excess energy.

Thank Bathala for the extended payouts, so you were able to sneak this in, and, of course, for your continued support. Ripple's price may rise and fall, but your comment's price are worth more than Bitcoin, brother. Because apparently, gold is so 2000s.

Yeah gold is old is what they are saying on the streets ;0)

Hehe, the pregnancy bit and Mamie all bloated amused me no end!!

All hail the extended payout window

I was going to ask you, in a loud gladiatorial tone, if you're not amused, but you beat me to it! You're one of the coolest cats on the comments section, so a lot of credit goes to you, my good buddy!

My commenting skillz are but a shadow of yours. You are the king of the comments! Every one reflecting properly on the post. Hail the king!!!

YES! All hail ... me >:) mwahahaha!

Too bad my kingdom doesn't even know who I am! hahaha!

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of May 08. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $7.11 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: May 08 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Jeez.. I'm back on the list. Oh well, at least I'm on a list haha! Thanks :)

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