A Blockchain based fiction.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Inspired by @whatageek

When I read this post, https://steemit.com/funny/@whatageek/here-are-5-horrible-ideas-for-steemit-the-movie-repost I enjoyed every bit of my reading and found it fascinating. I even dropped some ideas off the top of my head and was excited.
I do not see myself as I writer even though I tend to call myself that because of the many poems I write, so the task of writing a work of fiction on this scale didn't for once appeal to me. (Forgive my laziness).
However my subconscious won't let this be and immediately got to work in the background, unknown to me, and today bumped out of nowhere to give me something new to be excited about.
I am still not a 'writer' and it's been a while I actually read a novel but in my little experience, when words start to come at me this way, I have little or no control and I just have to pen them down.
On one hand, sharing this idea seems crazy because there's this part of me that keeps saying "this is great. An amazing shot at being recognized. Don't let someone else take it" but really who am I kidding? I have not even written a children's story book so why would I think this is my shot at whatever.
Then there's this part of me that keeps reminding me of the countless times I've seen the following words online - "ideas are so many. Like a dime a dozen. It's the execution that matters. Don't be scared to share your ideas" and many others of that sort. This part of me tries to be very realistic.
There's also the part that dreams in the magnitude of the Burj Khalifa. What if I write this and it becomes a HUGE success? Hollywood picks it up! Would they cast me in it?
Somebody should please tell that side of me to chill and take a deep breath because I still don't know how to write fiction!
I want to believe it's very human to have all these feelings inside just one head. I want to believe I'm not weird or going crazy anytime soon. I want to believe it's perfectly normal to act this way. Am I right? No? Yes?
Moving on...

So for the story, first thing I got (and I use this all the time I write something I believe is higher than my normal intellectual capacity lol) was like a summary of the entire story. On scouring the Internet later on, I found out that what I wrote was referred to as the plot of the story and I was on the right track. Way to go!

I then went on to list the characters that should feature, starting with the main guy. Defining their roles got interesting as I went deeper until I completely zoned out of reality into dreamland. Dreamland offered no help, at least none that I can remember, so I guess my body was only trying to pull me out of the addiction I never asked for in the first place.
However I didn't go to bed without encountering some difficulties. Keep in mind that my first shot at writing creatively on this earth was fiction. Two things hindered me; coming up with character names and writing out a dialogue to enable the reader accurately picture the correct scene.
Today, character names came to me fairly easily (so far so good, that is). I still don't know how to write out a scene with the dialogue and actions but I'm hoping whatever 'gods' put this idea in me would help me out like they did with the names.

What's the idea of the story?

A guy wakes up in a hut by the beach side on a sunny morning but all he remembers was tucking himself under his blanket because of the harmattan cold. He begins to have various deja vu moments which were very confusing to him till he got a hang of them. After being able to prevent a couple of gang fights and school yard quarrels, he begins to see himself as a "superhero" till life throws in a twist which brings him down to earth but still requires him to solve. He finds a way around it and continues on. For every issue he prevents or solves, he gets a higher difficulty level in the next.
It's not all happy moments for him however and he desperately needs to find out how he became what he is and why it had to be him.

Who is this guy?

From the little I know at the moment, his name is Korede 'Corey' Evans, a British guy with Nigerian parents. He looks short but is actually a 5'11. His family moved from Nigeria to Ireland when he was 5. He's a football fan and a strong supporter of The Arsenal. When not in school, he enjoys working with his hands and currently works as a plumber fixing blocked pipes in kitchens, laboratories, and everywhere else. He reads everything from newspapers to journal stories and believes there's a God. He probably has a good sense of humor (at least that's what he thinks).

Then there's his father...
A full Nigerian man named Kolade Evans. A very fine gentleman with thick black beard and a charming Nigerian accent. He loves to teach and he's loved by his students and neighbors. He disappeared on Corey's 16th birthday.

There is Sade Evans but no mention of her being Corey's mother till later when he discovers this fact himself. She's very loving but shows this in rather weird ways. Her parents were very influential and she was also a bright student. She apparently has a lot of secrets which gets unraveled with time.

Aunty May came into Corey's life the very day his father disappeared. There isn't much information about her apart from her appearance and the way she interacts with people around. She is a black woman. Tries to be jovial but always seem to be in a hurry.

Nathaniel 'Nat' Oshi
Scientist. Programmer. Hacker. He is everything. Third generation Japanese-American. He's in his mid thirties. Has a day job as a waiter in a restaurant. Overheard Corey being denied payment for his job and confronted the boss. He resigned after the boss insisted on not paying Corey and instead paid Corey out of his own money. He would later send Corey an sos message before disappearing.

What next?

Well I'll continue with my life the way it was. This looks like it would be an adventure and I'll definitely enjoy every bit of it. I'm not setting any deadlines or timeframe. It might even die out with time so no promises.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments. Any thoughts at all. I'll definitely post whatever I write on it from time to time.



Nice...just keep writing. It is good have good habits.

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Oh great! I'm highly honored and humbled at the same time. I hope you find more of my post worthy along the line. Thanks a lot.

Good luck , you might have the next Dreamfall Chapters in the bag :) , nice write , nice character sheets and the story seems like it might have some fun points, good luck to you and have fun with the writing, earn that "Writer" you so like the sound of

Haha! I think I'll start to look forward to your comments from now on!
This will probably be where I'll also be guilty of procrastination. Hopefully I'll get back to working on it soon enough.
Thanks for your kind words 😊

:D Thank you for sharing and growing , I have to say you are quite steady , you seem to be able to work and develop yourself both at the same time and so far have adjusted well to the platform :).
You've outgrown me so to speak :) I have a good feeling of where this platform might get us , hopefully artists working together ad collaborating on real world problems sooner or later, it's also a great staging ground to see what others will find valuable.

It's a great premise! The way I usually go about it if I'm finding it difficult to begin, is not begin at the beginning, haha. Instead I will write down a full scene and once that's done I can generally write my way to it. I don't know if that helps, everyone's process is different. But I wish you luck. It's an amazing journey, worth every bit of the struggle.

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