Here Are 5 Horrible Ideas For Steemit... The Movie! (Repost)

in #funny8 years ago

Alright guys let's pitch some ideas to Hollywood and see if we can get it made. If they can turn battleship into a movie I'm sure we can come up with something for steemit  Here are some I'm spit-balling:      

-Okay time-travelling aliens communicate with us through steemit and it is there, that we discover, that we are the time traveling aliens all along.  

-In a world were people cannot speak, steemit becomes our tool for communication.  

-A man lives alone spends all his time on steemit talking to people but then he finds out, he is the last human on earth...  

-Is it a blockchain, or is there a world of millions of goblins who live in your computer and keep your posts. Watch their zany antics. We will get the makers of Wreck-it-Ralph for this one.  

-A man, falls for steemit and tries to marry it.  -Steemit Lego Movie, because everyone loves lego.        

Any other horrible ideas? Write them in the comments. The worse the better.


A boy stumbles upon this very neat home in the woods. Happens to have a PC and great internet connection. He sees a post that sounds familiar. He can't stop reading and he spirals down till he scours the entire Blockchain to find a message from his grandfather. Apparently the post was never upvoted so it got no popularity. The post should contain a solution or formula to something. Can't come up with any at the moment haha!

I think you are on to something. We can call it "A Lost Connection". Because bad puns are awesome.

Haha! We should make the discovery very dramatic. Possibly a waste of time because saving the world is too cliche and mainstream

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