in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#133 : Breakfast Meeting


The little Girl had waited patiently while the two old farts had finished their coffee. It was a sin to waste coffee. Then she’d escorted them to a private dining room.

Just as they walked through the door. Henry heard a familiar voice. “Hen-REEE! Is that you?”

He blinked, then grinned. The DragonLady was speaking to him in a WestTexas accent.

“Kamiko?” he replied “Kamiko Akiyama? Is that you? I didn’t recognize you when you walked by. Well I’ll be darned. Last time I saw you was in Plainview Texas. I think you were shift boss on the kill floor at MissouriBeef.”

“Yes!” Kamiko replied “The slaughter house! Those were the good old days weren’t they?”


Wilbur and Henry joined the group sitting at a large table in a private dining room They were sharing a sumptuous breakfast with the Dragon Lady, the Maggi, DragonForce, The Skirmishes, and surprising enough, Bob and Angel. There were also a few others. It was quite a crowd.

“So how you been since Plainview?” Henry was speaking to Kamiko as everyone listened politely. “Started a Tong have you?”

Wilbur almost choked.

“In a manner of speaking that would be correct” Kamiko went full DragonLady mode. The Orcs took the cue and turned up the intimidation factor. “How do you like it?”

“Brrr. Bad enough to scare me half to death. You OK there Wilbur?” Wilbur didn’t look OK. He was pale as a ghost. Somehow Kamiko, Marc and Captain, people that he’d worked with for months, had transformed in the blink of an eye from a kindly old Japanese Matron and a couple of hug-thugs into a deadly killer and scary monsters.

Without even twitching.

He was somewhat unsettled. It contrasted with his worldview.

Kamiko took pity on the poor man.

“It’s a skill dear.” She told him. “One that I acquired the hard way. The technology that Shelby brought us didn’t hurt either.”

“Speaking of that technology.” Henry spoke up. “That’s some really fine stuff. Saved my butt it did. Even if it did take a pixie to ‘splain it to me.”

He glanced at Lucy. She smiled but didn't’ say anything.

“Perhaps it’s time to speak of business” Karlee Skirmish said.

“What kind of business?” Wilbur asked.

“SeaFood.” the TigerMom’s avatar spoke for the first time. She had everyone’s undivided attention.

“SeaFood” The avatar repeated, “And Asian food. I intend to start a restaurant to compete with this fine establishment.”

She nodded to Ernie who was walking around the table warming coffees. Ernie nodded back.

“I welcome the competition.” he said “It will keep me on my toes.”

I think you should speak with Cody here. Talk about thinking out of the box? Cody isn’t even in the same room half the time.” Joshua , one of the mages finally said. Then he looked shocked as if he hadn’t intended to actually speak and winced. The little boy sitting next to him had kicked him under the table, hard.

“As a matter of fact.” Shelby said “ We just come up with a little something that might fit right in. Just the other day Joshua gave me a call.”

The Next Episode Is
#134 : Gamma Ray ZAP…
The Previous Episode was
#132 : Talk Through the Night…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Looks like more than a few have been thinking whats to the south, how far inland has the actual sea moved.

Yes, healthy competition is always good for the market, provided that the consumer is offered variety, quality and good price options; that's why Ernie, welcomes the competition ... I imagine that afterwards will come Italian and Spanish food ... How interesting is this business environment and growth of the commercial market around Banana Slug.

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