in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#132 : Talk Through the Night


As was their custom, the ArchMage escorted the DragonLady to breakfast. The two Hug Thugs tagged along. They wern’t, exactly here body guards, they just happened to be going the same direction. For quite some time dragon force and the other ‘leaders’ of the Banana Slug community had been having breakfast at Ernies together. It served as an impromtu business meeting. The HugThugs noticed Wilbur and Henry sitting at a table. From the looks of things they had been there all night.

Mental Texting

Marc to Captain
“The little one has a gun

Captain to Marc
Which one would THAT be?
They’re both pretty beefy

Marc to Captain
The one with the beard.

Captain to Marc
They BOTH have Beards

Shelby to Kamiko
Are they always like this?

Kamiko to Shelby


“Oops.” Henry sounded a little subdued. He saw the Dragon Lady and her retinue approaching and decided to have a little fun with Henry.

“What do you mean Ooops.” Wilbur said “That’s never a good thing.”

“It might not be.” Henry agreed. He, all TOO casually, checked his side arm. Not that it would do any good with those monsters if he had actually needed it. Two absolutely huge men, they might as well have been Orcs, preceded the ArchMage and the DragonLady. They looked like they could bench press a Mack truck, each.

“Double Ooops.” Henry said again “They're coming this way.”

“And they have a DragonLady with them.” He added.

“What?” Wilbur started to turn. He had no idea what Henry was talking about.

“Don’t!” Henry said “Don’t turn around. Don’t stare. Don’t act like you’re concerned!”

“What’s a DragonLady?” A little light went on in Wilbur’s head. He was beginning to catch on. Just for giggles he decided to play along, maybe turn the tables on Henry. “And how do you know?”

“I was a trucker remember? I went everywhere. I’ve been to a few China Towns. Think of a DragonLady as a SuperTigerMom.” Henry said

The group walked past the two old codger’s without even glancing at them. “whimper” said Wilbur. Hamming it up for Henry. He looked at Kamiko and winked as the group passed by. She returned the wink such that Henry couldn’t see it.

Henry laid it on thick. He pretended that he almost fainted from relief as the formidable group continued on their way. They were heading toward the private dining rooms in the rear.

“Whew” he said.

The waiter appeared with a pot of coffee. That made sense. Time to stop drinking whisky and start drinking coffee. They both took a cup.

The first cup didn’t take long. Just about the time a good wait-person would have shown up to top off their cups the cutest little girl floated up to their table. She might have been about six years old and floated in the SSmoke at eye level. She had the serious expression that children do when they are ‘on a mission.’ She was also an unusually polite little girl.

She bowed while floating in the air, it was SO cute. “The mistress would be pleased if you would join her and her companions for breakfast.”

Wilbur looked at Henry open mouthed. Henry did the same thing, each one trying to out do the other.

“Oh My Gah...” they said in unison.

They both stuttered to a stop and looked at the little girl who had a frown on her face.

“ ....Gah...Golly!” Henry finished.

“Yeah..that’s it...Golly Gee Willickers” Wilbur said.

The little girl’s frown lessened in intensity.

“The Mistress would be pleased if you will join her for breakfast.” the little girl repeated. She wasn’t so cute any longer. She was actually a bit scary. “ She would be unhappy other wise. You don’t want to make her unhappy do you?”

“NO!” Wilbur said. He knew who the mistress was. “No, we don't want to make her unhappy. We’ll be right there. Won’t we Henry?”

The Next Episode Is
#133 : Breakfast Meeting…
The Previous Episode was
#131 - She Wants SeaFood…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


You don't wanna mess around with a serious six year old. Especially one that likely has better control over Ssmoke than they ever will.

Most especially a FEMALE...who's on a 'mission'.

To this pair (Wilbur and Henry), like that they like a little the drinks and they lose the notion of the time ... now they must be serious people because probably a claim or some proposal of business can come...It is necessary that they be sober.

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