
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#1: Prologue


A very long time ago, hundreds of thousands of years, a linear accelerator orbiting a nearby star launched a capsule that would eventually land on earth. It was identical to millions if not trillions of other capsules. The linear accelerator was a mega-structure hundreds of thousands of miles long orbiting as close as possible to the star, using the energy from the star to accelerate the tiny capsules to near light speed and launching them into interstellar space.

It was the original ‘spray and pray” strategy. If enough capsules were thrown down range eventually one would hit something. When it did hit, the modified tardigrade that were the paylod, would activate, begin to reproduce and migrate toward the poles of the planet. There, over millennia, they built an interstellar reef.

When the reef was complete a pilot portal opened and ships sailed through to the new planet. Their purpose was to integrate the new world into the network.

Something went wrong. A nearby star had serious indigestion and disrupted the network. The portal on earth didn’t stay open very long. The Gamma Ray Burster emitted from the sick star sterilized half the planet. It also killed one particular service tech.

As luck would have it the service tech’s portable computer was discovered by the descendants of his surviving shipmates.They had little idea what it was or what it could do but they used it the best they could. Legends of the supernatural were spawned from those episodes. Over millennia the computer and, possibly, others like it were found, lost, found, lost and found, again again, seriously affecting human history.

Eventually it was found was by a combat vet during the Vietnam war.

The Next Episode will be
#2: Viet Nam

For my opinions about stuff that I find on the Internet
that I make up.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference


Nice intro. I like sci fi, so i should enjoy this!

I loved the snail gif. Now I have two series of yours to read. That snail though, that was great.

Yay! Tardigrades in action =D

Ok, I knew it was going to have a start similar to this. Totally hooked!

if you feel the urge to upvote...
Pick something that hasn't time out.
This is 8 months old.
I've posted one or more episodes ever day since then.

Okk, will do so, of course.

I like it how you build all this Sci-fi around everyday folks. That's a great and hard thing to do.

I dunno...I write what I know.
I know about
I write about fantastic trucks (kinda sorta)

Hi, I just upvoted this great post and hoping you could do the same to this post of mine:

Jump right to the War huh? I was hoping for an intergalactic war with that intro.. next

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