in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#134 : Gamma Ray ZAP!


"A few days ago I received a call from Josh here" Shelby recounted to those sitting around the breakfast table. "It went like this."

Joshua to Shelby
I have something to show you
Drop by in a bit if you can

Shelby to Joshua
You've got my attention.
where are you?

Joshua to Shelby
I’m in the Keep

Shelby to Joshua
I’ll be right there


Shelby walked into the Wizard’s Keep to find that Joshua had set up a demonstration. He had a fish and some kind of apparatus. The fish didn’t look all that fresh.

“Take a look.” Joshua used the apparatus to zoom in a microscopic view of the fish flesh displayed to them on VR. It had been sliced open and the flesh was laid over for easy viewing. The fish definitely was NOT fresh. In fact it had little wigglies in it.

Joshua zoomed in some more and fiddled with some controls.

“You can see the parasites, worms and various bacteria?” Joshua asked. It was Cody’s idea. He did most of the thinking. I just did the heavy lifting so to speak.

“He did huh?” Shelby replied.. “why am I not surprised?”

Then he looked into the magnifier.

“Oh yeah. I see the little wigglers.” Shelby replied with distaste “lots.”

“OK...now watch.” Joshua replied.

Joshua moved the fish into the focus of an emitter and placed some shielding between them and it. Much like for an X-ray at the doctor. Then he triggered a FLASH! Much like a strobe light.

He moved the fish back to the magnifier.

“Look now.” he offered.

Shelby did. All the wigglies were dead. He zoomed in. No more bacteria either.

He knew what had happened but why rain on Josh’s parade.

“What’d you do?” he asked politely.

Josh knew that he knew but accepted the question as a compliment, as it had been intended.

“Flash irradiation.” he said “That fish meat went sterile for a few seconds. It’s been contaminated somewhat by the air just now. It was sterile but it’s not safe to eat. That’s not the same thing. The bacteria and parasites are dead but the toxins are still there. I just used it as an example.”

Shelby agreed. “I suppose most uncooked fish have some parasites in them to one degree or another?”

“Yup.” Joshua agreed “Most fish have parasites. Cooking kills them. If the fish is in an impervious membrane when it’s irradiated then it can’t be contaminated while the membrane is intact. The flash would kill the fish instantly by the way. Painless. If fish can even feel pain.”

“I see great possibilities.” Shelby said “Are you putting it on the Fluffy ...er... I mean the Retribution?”

“Yup” Joshua said

“And other places” Shelby agreed.

The Next Episode Is
#135 : Like A Flea On A Hot Griddle…
The Previous Episode was
#133 : Breakfast Meeting…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


So instead of flash frozen, kind of hard to do in a wet world, we have flash irradiation, after being cocooned in an airtight Ssmoke individual fish suit. No bugs, no rot well preserved for the long haul.

it actually works...it's a real thing.

Yeah I've seen a few videos on it, mostly about fruit, but one did show processing meat and fish. Not sure how I feel about it though, but I am still one of those that don't trust nor use microwave ovens. Sometimes it's good to be a luddite, and sometimes it's not.

microwaves is a whole different thing.
shame about the language..
so many words have been hijacked.

It seems that the Retribution can now also engage in the fishing business, which will give the merchandise to the TigerMom seafood restaurant and then Wilbur and Henry can become partners in the fishing in addition to strengthening themselves as companions of whiskey and beer ... they will be delivering a totally healthy fishing free of parasites, worms, bacteria; Good job of Joshua and Cody ... The Banana Slug does not stop its development and every day it works to look for better life alternatives for its people....

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