in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#23: Shelby: This Is New


“In what way?” The dragon lady responded. She had been awakened and briefed on the situation.

“For one thing the baby will be the youngest magi.” Shelby said “ It may have never achieved consciousness since birth....and....”

“There’s something else?” Kamiko Akiyama, sometimes known as the Dragon Lady prompted.

“It’s female” Shelby said.

“Oh my.” Kamiko grinned. “We surely live in interesting times...a Kitsune.”


“ Yvette has bought us some time” Shelby muttered. “not a lot, but some. Perhaps we should brainstorm for a few minutes before we take action.”

“Good Plan.” Elvira agreed. “Best do it right the first time. We might not get a second chance.”

“That’s what I was thinking” Shelby said “Dragon Force ASSEMBLE”

“Why did I KNOW you were going to say that?” The Dragon Lady faked dismay. Rather hard to do so when she was grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s his inner child”. Elvira told her “You know how he is.”


Dragon Force...and it’s auxiliaries brainstormed.

“The executive summary is that a baby maggi was born this day.” Shelby pontificated “One of the people who had purchased one of my wheelchairs in the old days was on hand and attempted to save it. They had built themselves a ‘life-pod’, I guess you could call it, and had a drone. Yvette expended the drone to save the baby. In the process the infant magi was born. You all know how that works.”

Joshua and Chad nodded. They were alive because of that themselves. The others present were also aware of the process.

“The problem is “ Shelby continued “They were one of my earlier customers. They don’t have the new tech. I’m amazed that they have done as well as they have. I’ve been in contact with the older lady, the mentor and guardian of the younger girl who is in the wheelchair. I’ve done what little that could be done to help her given her technical limitations.”

“They need a dragon’s tear” Cody said. Cody wasn’t a mage. In fact he was just a very young boy. He also happened to be a genius where SSmoke was concerned. He constantly amazed his elders. Shelby regarded him in some awe.

“I do believe that you are correct” the Dragon Lady said

“The question is...” Marc Two-Feathers stated.

“How do we get them one “ His brother by another mother, Captain Parmalee finished his sentence.

“I could build a cannon” Cody told them. He was bright eyed and eager. He LOVED to build new things. He proceeded to tell them his idea, an electromagnetic cannon that would loft a cargo shell. The shell would attain almost escape velocity. It would be there in minutes.

“How long would that take you?” Joshua asked him.

Cody told them.

“Too long” Chad said. “A cargo drone could fly there almost as quickly. It’s a great idea. though..so don’t be discouraged.”

Cody nodded. He’d actually figured that out for himself. He’d hoped that one of the others could see a way around that minor problem. Such is the nature of brainstorming sessions. Didn’t work this time.

“The lady’s life pod has the resources needed to keep the baby alive for a little while?” Akatsuki speculated

“That it does.” Shelby agreed. “Ok..that’s settled. Yvette...here’s what I want you to do.”

The Next Episode will be
#24: Naomi: The Eagle Has Landed
The Previous Episode was
#22: Shelby: A Disturbance in the Force…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Any operation or process, regardless of whether they have the right tools, requires planning and a brainstorming is ideal to put each thing in its place ... Shelby the Manager is planning ... now we will waiting for the plan in particular to rescue the baby

Baby magi get rescued, (babies name, maggie?), side benefit, Naomi and her niece Julie? get brought further into the dragon fold with updated dragons of their own? I like how the story is unfolding, also I get to do wild speculations some times. So I get double the fun. ;-}

Imagine a newborn baby with the activation keys to a nuclear arsenal.

WOW. What sort of fascinating world did i just step into? This is very intriguing, wonderful imagination brother.

I totally love your CNN meme...

quality post brother...

This is some kind of post which increase the level of steemit

we are waiting for this post :) very interesting. Have you thought of writing a book? or you already have one?

this IS a book..exclusive to steemit.

This is a riveting piece...I need to go back to the ones you had written so as to savour it as i enjoyed this. This is absolute creativity on display

Nice write..... Dragon Lady.. 🤔😂

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