in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

#22: Shelby: A Disturbance in the Force


Shelby, the ArchMage, awoke to the sound of a baby crying. Except there WERE no babies in the Wizard Tower.

“What the hell is going on?” Shelby asked himself, that is he asked Elvira, his Daemon, his alter ego, his other self.

Shelby WAS the ArchMage. He had powers that even he did not realize that he had. He’d just discovered a new one.

“I was about to wake you up.” Elvira told him “There’s an emergency at the HelpDesk. Yvette is covering it but she could probably use some help. Moral support if nothing else.”

“I’m on my way.” Shelby literally flew out of the tower. SSmoke allowed that.


SSmoke is marvelous stuff. In the aggregate it can do almost anything imaginable and some things not likely to BE imagined. Each individual mote was small....smaller than the particles that cigarette smoke was made of. Much smaller than that actually. At the very center of each tiny, tiny little mote... much, much, MUCH smaller.... were nanomachines, barely a billionth of an inch across.

Yvette hadn’t been kidding when she told Julie and Naomi that she had experience raising young boys from the dead. Yvette was a Daemon, born at the death of Joshua and responsible for his rebirth as a Maggi. She knew ALL about SSmoke, drones...and the secret surprise in the middle.


“If you can spare a minute I could use some help here” Yvette said to Elvira. She knew that the Wiz was asleep but his Daemon wasn’t.

“Whatcha got?” Elvira asked. She knew there was a problem but not exactly what it was. Shelby had already left, he’d be at the ‘help desk’ in seconds.

“A dying baby mage”. Yvette told her.

“YOU HAVE A WHAT?” Elvira responded.

“yup...and it’s gonna be dead real soon now.” Yvette responded. “I’m gonna do the resurrection thing with nano-machines from an SSmoke drone but that’s going to leave me short on resources. I could use some help.”

“Certainly” Elvira said. “ Shelby will be there any second. I suspected that all that SSmoke we’ve been stockpiling would come in handy soon.”

“Can’t never have too much SSmoke” Yvette and Elvira repeated in unison. It was a mantra.


“I’m going to have to commander your other drone too” Yvette told Naomi and Julie. “Reinforcements are on the way but they’ll be a while getting here. “

“What’s happening?” the two women asked, talking over each other.

“Oh...just your run of the mill resurrection” Yvette told them. “The babies dead and I’m bringing it back to life.”

The Next Episode will be
#23: Shelby: This Is New…
The Previous Episode was
#21: Naomi - Call 911…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

I write
My books on Amazon.
I engage in political commentary
generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay


Perhaps this is the moment when veteran Shelby Winslow must demonstrate that he already masters the powers that have conferred upon him the knowledge of SoulStone; Yvette is a magical Daemon with high knowledge of nano-machines but I think Shelby is the one who must solve. are grouped characters: Naomi, Julie, Shelby, Yvette, Elvira, the baby ... Let's hope the results of the resurrection process

you forgot the bottom feeder.

I do not remember it... I think I should go over it

Funny and interesting story but also very smart :) did u write this?😅

Ya man this guy is a beast author

very interesting, it means that you are very famous at how well you wrote. very talented to know that not many people have this gift from God

thank you
i think.

The more I read you posts the harder time I have believing that you are a single person (I'm not trying to be offensive). Your topics are all so disparate. You come off as a conservative veteran at times. Your profile photo appears to be that of a well seasoned gentlemen. You display a keen proficiency at using technology and keeping informed with crypto currency; and you write political commentary and satire all while also publishing fictional works of fantasy... If I didn't know better I would say you are cat fishing us.

heh...I'll take that as a compliment.

One thing I've heard a lot in my life (other than "NO") is the phrase
"only you, everitt, only you"

Nope..just me...and I'm not a cat..

not exactly..

That's awesome. Well it's encouraging to see such a successful steemit account with legitimately interesting content.

          "Joshua" that is who it was, I could not remember. Wow, a baby mage. Now that will be one powerful mage when it grows up, all those years of growing, and learning, not from trial and error only, but with lots of people to teach it the basics, and the teachers will be learning, along the way also. The future looks pretty bright for all concerned.

Nice post guys.Realy I like your post.

cnn news @everittdmickey haha nice bro

osm post
good job

informative post

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