
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#24: QEBug.


The mosquito flew through the hole in the screen of a window in Building 19. The lactic acid, octenol, uric acid and fatty acids that combined with the CO2 of Shelby’s breath were an offer that it couldn’t refuse. The little bloodsucker homed in on lunch like a heat seeking missile after a hot exhaust.

Insects are fundamentally organic robots. Mosquitos don’t have much in the way of brains, they’re not sentient. There isn’t much ‘there’ there. They have the bare minimal neural architectures necessary to get by and that was IT. The Mosquito didn’t have the mental capacity to know or care about the zombie mites in Shelby’s blood. The minuscule cyber-bots invaded what little brain the mosquito had and inserted a sensory tap...

From that moment on the Daemon, and thus Shelby, could see what the mosquito saw. Soon there was a swarm of similarly brain-jacked little blood suckers. The hole in the screen was very inviting. The more bugs there were the more data there was to be mosaicked into one big picture. The video got better and better.

Well that’s disturbing” the Daemon said.

What?” Shelby asked.

Bugs. There seems to be rather a lot of bugs present for a hospital. I’ve used the zombie-mites to tap into the sensory streams of quite a number of them.“ she replied.

Yeah...I thought Hospitals were supposed to be bug free” Shelby replied."at least in CONUS."

This might be a special type of hospital” She said"I’ve heard the term ‘building nineteen’ used a number of times. I wonder if that is significant?

You can listen?” Shelby asked.

Yup...with the bug ears....hang on and I’ll integrate the feeds.” She told him.

Outwardly Shelby appeared to be catatonic. Left unsupervised he tended to curl up into the fetal position. To all appearances he was non responsive. No one, in a thousand years, would have thought that Shelby was seeing through the bugs eyes and hearing through their ears.

He was.

He heard and saw everything around him. Over the course of time Shelby, and his Daemon, learned to control the movements of the bugs. The insect swarm permeated the area. Some of the bugs overheard conversations that the people involved would NOT want anyone else to hear.

Time passed. Shelby had no idea how much. He’d lost track in the tunnels. He had very little control over his body. The nursing staff took care of him. They fed him, cleaned him, clothed him. Sometimes he sat in a chair, sometimes he lay in a bed. Outwardly he was unresponsive to stimuli. Inwardly he watched real time BugTV...

He was aware of everything that went on around him....

...for quite a distance around him.

The zombie-mites were QE (quantum entanglement) linked to his female Daemon. She could control their movements, monitor them all, and project the data onto a virtual monitor in Shelby’s head. It didn’t matter where the bugs went. Distance, shielding and interference were irrelevant to QE com.

Trapped inside the Neural-Shield he and his Daemon conspired . They now controlled a swarm of insects that was increasing in number by the minute. The bugs did his bidding...up to a point. How much could an insect do?

For one thing they could fly about and listen in on conversations. Shelby was a natural snoop. He just naturally used them for surveillance. Nothing happened close by that he didn’t know about. His info-sphere expanded as the number of bugs increased.

The Next Episode is
#25 : Somewhere in the Far East
The Previous Episode was
#23: Do you remember the mites…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


me toooooooooo <3333

Your post is very admiring, I really like ,,,,

Great post

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