
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#26: Hospital



Marc remembered excruciating pain. He had squirmed and writhed on the operating table.

Damn but this guy’s strong. I could use a little help here.” the orderly had complained as he tightened restraints.

Can’t help you, I got problems of my own. This one is strong too” another orderly said. Captain was doing the same thing on another operating table nearby. He and Marc had both been seriously injured. They had almost been killed. In fact it was a miracle that they were still alive. The chances weren’t good that either of them would remain alive much longer. The two medical teams were working franticly.

Not going to be able to save those legs.” one of the surgeons muttered.

These either” another surgeon said. “something really did a number on both of them. Not much of their legs left to cut off really. I think I can save this guys arms though.

Oh shit. He’s flatlined.” a surgeon said ...again.

Same here.” the other surgeon said....again. “you’d think these two were twins. STAT!

The surgical team moved like a well oiled machine. They were well trained, very competent, and had all the supplies needed including a fully equipped operating theatre. State of the art drugs were administered... as needed. Marc’s, and Captain’s hearts had each been electrically jumpstarted several times... as needed. The surgery continued. Parts were sawed off, new parts were needed. There wasn’t really anything else to do. Either that or let them die. Oddly enough Private Security Companies didn’t do that. They didn’t abandon their people or let them die if they could do anything about it. They did their best for their contractors. and demand being what it was, they’d find themselves short on contractors...with no one wanting to take the job. Unlike governments, Evil Oil Companiestm couldn’t draft people when they used up the old ones up so they didn’t treat their people as expendable.

Their people were treated well, paid well and given the most advanced medical care possible when necessary. Unfortunately, sometimes that just wasn’t enough.

The Next Episode is
#27: Recovery
The Previous Episode is
#25 : Somewhere in the Far East
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Very lovely articles. I can't wait to see the next.

Great Words to live by!!!!

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