
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 97; “Why are you so strong and fast?”


She asked me one day.

“It’s the enhancements and augments” I told her. I thought you knew that.”

“Huh? No...you just keep doing one amazing thing after another. I don’t think you ever told me how you came to be able to do that.” she said. " At least not when my mind was tracking properly. What are ‘enhancements and augments?”

So I told her about what had been done to me and how.

“Oh..that must have hurt ...” she said .

“Yes it did.. It hurt....a LOT. It hurt so bad that it would have driven me insane and I’d probably have died from shock except for the pain/pleasure center polarity reversal, and my ASS, and the Goddess.“ I said.

“You’ve told me about the ASS. I’ve met Jenny and you said that you would get back to me about her but you haven’t so far. You said that I’m going to have one too.” she said " tell me more about the Goddess. .”

“Hello dear.” Kitty appeared before us in all her glory. "He calls me Kitty. He didn’t know I knew that. I’ve had other names. I particularly liked Aphrodite or perhaps Bast.”

Shaniqua’s eyes were as big as saucers, the whites visible all around and her mouth was open. .

“Close you mouth or you’ll catch a fly, even through the veil. You can see her too?” I asked her.”

She nodded.

“Good” I said "That means that more of the features of your new nervous system are kicking in.”

“Yes dear.” Kitty told her.”I’m not really here. I’m in Paradise.”

If possible Shaniqua’s eyes got even bigger. Her mouth fell open again.

“It’s not like THAT” I interrupted, gently closing her mouth with my finger” Paradise is what she calls her asteroid. It’s in a corkscrew orbit with earth.”

“Asteroid?” Shaniqua looked at me to see if I was pulling her leg. Nice leg too. No...I wasn’t.

“Yes dear... The proper name is ‘co-orbital’. I’ll tell you all about it. Run along and play Dale” she told me.

“Huh?” Come to think I didn’t have any idea where I was, not really. That I was in Shaniqua’s penthouse apartment high in the air was all that I knew. When I’d brought her there were low lying clouds and it was above them.

We’d been shacked up...er... I mean holed up for some time. The refrigerator, and the pantry had been fully stocked.There had been no reason for any delivery, not even from drones. We hadn’t seen anyone in that whole time. Perhaps no one knew that we were here?”

“Why don’t you go to the gym?” Shaniqua ventured. "There’s one in the building on the ground below us. Mind the first step.”

“Ok "I said. hmmmm...I looked down at myself then grinned sheepishly. All I had on, were boxer shorts.

“Put some clothes on dear” Kitty said...and she waved her hand. My Quintessence transformed into a pink workout suit. Pretty classy one too.

“PINK?” I exclaimed. Shaniqua giggled, Kitty smiled. I knew what Kitty was doing. She was putting Shaniqua at ease. She was softening her up, being friendly, preparing her for something important.

“Oh NO...not pink.” I waved my arm grandioslously over my head in a circular motion...a flurry of twinkles drifted down from my arm like a veil. When the veil lifted my workout suit was rusty brown.

“Ewww.” Kitty said "looks like mud.”

Shaniqua giggled, but looked at me with pleading eyes.

“It’ll be OK.” I assured her "You two have a nice girl talk. I’m going to pump some iron.”

“Three” Kitty said "Jenny is staying with us.”

“OooooKaaaay..” I said dubiously. Jenny was more than my right arm. We hadn’t been apart since she was ‘born’.

“It’ll be ok.” Jenny assured me, just as I done seconds ago to Shaniqua...that was a hint.

“Mind the first step” Shaniqua repeated. "Seriously”

I nodded. I walked over to the a door that I had never been through. I opened it to see...a tube. It stretched a loooog ways down I squinted. The fog was lifting I COULD see a building at the bottom of them.. When I stepped into the tube the floor moved under me. It was an escalator. Unfortunately I hadn’t ‘watched that first step. I fell over backwards then slid....dooooooown the tube. All the way down like a water slide. I wasn’t hurt due to my impermeable skin and the Q. It was kind of fun.

I rubbernecked the whole way down. When I’d landed at Shaniqua’s home in the sky a storm had been raging. I’d seen nothing of the countryside. Now the fog was clearing and I found that I could see for miles.

When I reached the end I popped out like a watermelon seed from between two fingers. I managed to land on my feet to see a big man , really big, standing there...staring at me.

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