
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#30: Job Interview


Kamiko Akiyama looked over the top of her glasses at the unlikely pair sitting across from her desk. They were certainly an odd couple. One was as dark as well tanned leather, the other white as snow. They both had prosthetic legs and they were both very big men. Neither one were fat.

“I’ve interviewed possibly a hundred people for these positions.” she began “Frankly I’m beginning to wonder if they can be filled as I had hoped.

We understand.” The white one said

We think we have unique qualifications” the dark one continued.

We’ve experience at security contracting” the white one filled in.

...before we were injured that’s what we did.” the dark one said.

Now stop that” Kamiko smiled. Anyone that knew her would be shocked at such an emotional outburst. Kamiko usually defined the word inscrutable. “I raised a pair of twins. You two are doing exactly what they did. You’re completing each other’s sentences. They called it whipsaw. I know the trick. You do that to put me off balance.

“_Guilty as charged _“ Captain Parmalee said “would you believe that Marc and I are twins?

NO!” Amazingly....Kamiko was laughed ”I certainly would not.

See” Marc looked at Captain accusingly “I told you that it wouldn’t work. I’m much prettier than you are. No one would ever think I’d have such an ugly twin.

Momma always did like you better than me.” Captain agreed. He looked hurt.

STOP IT!” Kamiko was laughing uncontrollably. “You’re killing me here!

Yes Ma’am“ Captain said. If he’d had a hat he’d have been twisting it in his hands “Marc and I have been together for a lot of years. He and I think alike. We’ve also had a lot of experience providing security services to folks who pay the bills. We have a very good understanding of who is boss.

Well then.”Kamiko was wiping her eyes with a tissue. “That’s a better attitude than I’ve heard recently. I’ve got a few questions. They’ll seem strange. Just tell me the first thing that pops into your minds.

Certainly” Marc said “fire away.

Dunbar’s number” Courtney was smiling but she was serious “have you ever heard of it? What does it mean?

It’s the largest number of discrete individuals that a person can keep in his head at one time. It’s sometimes called the MonkeySphere.” Parmalee said.

What do you mean ‘keep in your head’ “ Kamiko asked him. She was surprised. She hadn’t expected him to know.

It’s the largest number of people that you can know personally. Another word might be ‘tribe’ , or family.” Marc chimed in. “Extended family perhaps. Beyond that number, outside of the tribe, you tend to think of people as “them” and not as “us.

You’re doing it again” Kamiko tried to be serious but couldn’t hold back a smile ”But I’ll forgive you. That’s exactly right. Next question. What are Behavioral Sinks.

You mean ‘Rat Utopia’?” Captain asked innocently.”why that’s insane.

We know all about rats, though” Marc smiled. “We’ve had a lot of experience with them.

I do believe that I’ve found my men.” Kamiko sat back. She looked satisfied. “You two might do. Now here’s what I have in mind. I want you two for tribal police.

The two big men glanced at each other and smiled. She wondered what that was all about.

They talked for hours after that. They developed a plan.

Tribal Police” Marc said toward the end of the discussion.

Jason nodded and Kamiko said “Pretty much. Consider your selves to be SheepDogs. Your job is to ‘Protect and to Serve’ . NOT just a motto, for real. Seriously... for real.

Oh...I have one other question, Captain.” She asked.

Yes?” He replied innocently.

What are you Captain of? Isn’t that a rank?” She asked.

It’s his name” Marc said “Momma had a wicked sense of humor.

Kamiko blinked at that. “Momma? You mean......

Marc grinned evilly. “yup...we actually ARE twins.

The Next Episode will be
#31:Dirty Doctor…
The Previous Episode was
#28: Airport…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


I write
I have books on Amazon too.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


They are a couple of characters hard not to love, funny and crack ups, and good at their job. Oh and their related, it's going to be fun seeing more of them.

I have just caught up reading al previous parts now. I noticed some verb conjugations that were not right and spelling mistakes.

But you managed to struggle through anyhow. Congrats!

LOL. I don't think I deserve congratulations for that.

Thanks for accepting my reply with such good grace.

By the time I got to your comment I'd become an unabashed Mickey fan, despite all the typos and tensed tenses ( which I had to REPEATEDLY restrain myself from commenting on) because he writes too well for any downchecks because he has not (yet) got an editor or proofreader.

Soulstone is available on Amazon for only $4! I'd buy it in a heartbeat just to show some support, but I tried to get them to email me the free sample and nothing showed up. And I also don't know what fraction of the $4 he'd get.

So for now I'm just reading, enjoying, and upvoting each section. Got about to 95 before I had to crash at 2 AM this morning, erm, yesterday morning.


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