
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 91: Up, Up and AWAAY.


Away we went.

Flying was fun, the thunder, the lightning, the strong winds and hail just made it more interesting. I couldn’t afford to fly around from downdraft to updraft and enjoy the ride though since I was on a mission. The lady needed some bedrest. I flew through the supercell as fast as I could. Soon enough I saw something ahead of me. It was definitely unusual.

She was right. I knew it when I saw it but I’d never seen anything like it. Landing was easy. So it was that I soon found myself laying a naked, badly beaten tiny black lady onto her bed. I had transformed my wings into clothing when I landed. It had been almost intuitive, much like I would imagine a bird folding it’s wings.

There was a chair in the kitchen. I took it into the bedroom and sat beside Shaniqua as she slept. From time to time she would toss and turn a bit. Occasionally she would wake up a little and I’d feed her chicken soup. I wasn’t much of a cook but I could heat up soup from a can. I’d hold her hand and tell her it would be ok.

It would be too. She was going to be OK. Kitty had said so. I believed it. Kitty must have heard my thoughts.

“The pill you gave her contains nano, medicinal and otherwise.” she said. She popped in unannounced as was her wont.

“It’ll heal her?” I enquired. I guess I knew that already but it would be rude to say so.

“That and more.” Kitty said. "It will give her some small part of your newly acquired abilities.”

“Will she need to do the pain/pleasure reversal thing?” I asked.

“Nope.” Kitty said " I said she would gain a SMALL part...not the whole nine yards. A few inches by that standard perhaps, maybe a foot. She’ll experience some pain but the nano will make her feel as if she’s had too much to drink. She’ll feel drunk so the pain won’t be that much of a factor. The augmentation process will take several weeks in order to keep the pain level low. When it is complete she will be able to communicate properly. She’ll be able to control the Q. You should set your hive to making a hive for her too. . It can do that. Code it to her biometrics. She’ll have innate AR and an ASS too eventually but nothing much else to speak of.”

I looked at her..she already had a fine ass....oh...that wasn’t what Kitty meant.

“An artificial stupid?” I asked.

Kitty looked at me in pity.

”Yesssss.” she said. Somehow she refrained from rolling her eyes.

“That’s very nice of you.” I told Kitty.

but she was gone.

“Who are you talking to?” Shaniqua said, her voice slurred...she did sound drunk.

“To a Goddess” I told her "She saved you. How are you feeling?”

“I’m obviously either very, very drunk or batshit crazy. I don’t remember drinking anything but I must have because I’m really sloshed.” then she looked at me oddly "I’m in bed, naked, with a man in the room with me who is not naked. It almost never happens that way.”

“As Jenny would say, you’ve been through quite the ordeal. No, you’re not insane. You’re not really drunk either. You just feel that way to numb the pain. Things have...er...changed.” I said.

“Who’s Jenny?” Shaniqua asked...then hiccuped. Yup..she was polluted.

“She’s my ASS.” I replied without thinking. Somewhere in the back of my mind I could hear giggle-fits and gales of laughter. Jenny and perhaps Kitty were vasty entertained.

“You talk to your ass? Toot Toot?” Shaniqua replied..then she seemed to remember something.

”OH!” She said "about earlier. What I said when I was in your lap in the Tub. I’m so sorry. I’m not usually that forward. I....”

“Don’t your fret about it.” I assured her. "You were stressed out at the time and badly injured.”

“ Yeah...I suppose I was. They beat me again and raped some more while I was in the van. Are you really that big?......... I mean.”

......she said then held both hands over her mouth.

“Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud.” she spoke through her hands.

“If I did I’d be lying.” I grinned.

I didn’t know a black person could blush. She did.

I just grinned some more.

Shaniqua growled something I couldn’t understand. Her hands were still over her mouth, then her eyes got wide. She looked anxious.

“Gotta puke?” I asked.

She nodded quickly.

I hustled her to the bathroom and helped her as she knelt before the porcelain throne and threw up her toenails.

When she was finally finished upchucking I cleaned her up then carried her back to bed. She was already out like a light. When she slept she snored. It sounded like purring.

Someone had beat her alright. We’d settled their hash but I was pretty sure they were just muscle. I’d eventually find out who sent them and pay him a visit. I’d kill him too.

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I write
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Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


I was wondering if the "goddesses" would give her the augmentation tech and induct her into the higher spheres.
Once again, you've written an addictive addition to your story. I very much approve.
If people aren't reading this story, they should be.

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