
in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 90: STAYS in the Junkyard


“You can’t just fly away and leave them!” Shaniqua squirmed around in my arms and slapped me in the face. "They messed up my hairdo!”

I looked at her bruised and broken face. She was a mess alright. One eye was swollen shut, her face was covered with cuts and it appeared that one of the cheekbones had been broken.

“Yeah..they certainly did that.” I agreed.

“Have you ever ridden a horse?” I asked rhetorically as I made some modifications to the Q-wings.

“I certainly have.” she huffed.” I was raised on a ranch.”

“Ok..then ride me.” I swung her around onto my back where the Q had formed a place for her. It held her securely.

“Fasten your seatbelt” I told Shaniqua unnecessarily. I was babbling. Pretty girls always have that effect on me.

“WAIT!” she screamed. "I want a weapon!”

“What?” I pulled up short and hovered like a humming bird.

She leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "A whip! Give me a whip like Sally’s. I want to cause pain! I want revenge.”

I had no idea who Sally was but I formed some Q into a nice shiny black snake in her hands.

“It has a blade in it’s handle. Be careful when you unsheathe it. The blade is sharper than any razor.” I warned.

“This should do nicely” she said happily. She cracked it. She was familiar with whips. "Yess...this should do very well.

“Mind the wings” I told her. I thought. I needed a weapon too. I formed some Q into a double bladed halberd similar to one I’d seen in a fantasy video game one time. I also grew a tail with a spike on it.

“The tail is showing off” She chided me. "But boys will be boys...let’s GO!

I lost the tail.

She cracked the whip again...many times...I quit hovering and DIVED. While we were plummeting I recalled "Apocalypse Now.” I don’t care much for the smell of napalm in the morning but I loved that music. I evoked the Q. LOUD music swelled forth. I turned UP the volume even more. The Flight of The Valkaryies blasted the dawn air.

We swooped down upon the shooters like an owl after a field mouse. The the music warned them. They turned to face me, directly into the rising sun. It blinded them and Shaniqua’s whip removed eyes.

We landed in the middle of them. While we were diving toward them I had fashioned some Q into a sexy dominatrix costume for Shaniqua. She even had tall spike heels. I had made some Power Armor for me. We looked awesome.

Then the killing began.

We fought back to back. She would pop the ones out of her reach with her BlackSnake. She had some range with that thing. Any of the thugs that tried to run didn’t get very far. She’d snap him in the back of the head then he’d fall down go boom. Some of them died right then, right there....broken neck. Those that didn’t she spiked with a heel, or sliced em gutted them like a pig with her blade.

I wasn’t near as fancy or precise. Brute force was my style. The double bladed halberd was over seven foot long so I had some reach too. I used it to chop off arms, legs and heads.

Shaniqua was having a GREAT time. She was getting back at them for the insults and abuse....She was working her mad off.

And then there were none. We’d kilt them all.

“That was most satisfactory” Shaniqua said.

“You left a bit of a mess” Jenny said. Shaniqua, obviously, was unaware of her presence.

“I guess we did.” I replied.

“It would be rude to leave it that way.” Jenny continued

“I suppose.” I agreed.

“Dump them in the Shredder” Jenny suggested.

“Excellent Idea” I agreed. "No litter. Always leave a place as clean or cleaner than it was when you arrived. I learnt that in BoyScouts.”

Shaniqua looked at me like I was crazy.

“Who are you talking too?” she asked. The she put her hand to her mouth, turned her head and puked.

“I don’t feel so good.” she said. "I need to lay down.”

I used the Q to make her a comfortable place to rest.

“I want to watch” she said.

“Hard headed little thing ain’t ya?” I said.

“You have no idea” she replied.”now get busy. I’m passing out soon and I want to see you toss them in the shredder first. I’m still a little miffed and that might help.”

I looked at her. Yup..she surely didn’t look so good. She was leaking pretty bad too. I realized that my back and her legs were covered with her blood, not to mention the cuts and the many bruises over her face and body.

“Give her this” Kitty told me. She had materialized in VR before me.

I looked up. A white dove handed me a large pill.

“It’s medicinal nano” Kitty informed me "It’ll keep her alive and heal her”

................and she was gone.

“Say Ah!” I told Shaniqua.

“Say What?” She said.

“That’ll do.” I told her as I popped the pill into her mouth then held her mouth open with my thumb and forefinger of one hand while I poked the pill down her throat with the forefinger of my other hand. She was agile as a cat and she might act like one when it came to medicine. She would NOT be spitting this pill up. I’d had experience with medicating cats. She tried to bite me but....oh...well. If you are owned by a cat you get bit and scratched on occasion. It goes with the territory. She was reminding me more and more of a feline. She choked a bit but swallowed it down.

“You could warn a gal.” she replied...weakly.

“Lie there and don’t complain.” I said sternly. Then I began picking up bodies. Rather I began picking up body parts. I’d got carried away with my blades.

I noticed a water faucet and a hose that was located conveniently near by. After I had tossed the last body part into the spinning blades I used it. A gentle rain had begun that sluiced the blood away. I helped with the hose. It reminded me of the garbage disposal at home when I was a kid. Good times.

Momma had always told me to clean up my messes so I turned the water pressure up high and hosed the place down good. I needn’t have bothered. The rain was coming down harder. A nice little storm was brewing. Lots of lighting too. I adjusted the Q to keep Shaniqua dry.

While doing that I noticed some guns. I gathered them up. Most weren’t anything special but one stood out.

“Will you look at that?” I said

“What?” Shaniqua said between peals of thunder. The storm was gaining strength. The fact that she didn’t come and look spoke volumes to me about her condition. She needed to be in a bed...soon. I brought it too her so that she could see.

“Oooooh pretty.” she said groggily. She was fighting sleep. The nano-medicinal stuff must be working. "A Desert Eagle. My GrandFather had one of those. Not that it helped him much. They still killed him.... and my father, my mother, my brother.....” she began muttering and I couldn’t understand what she was saying. There was definitely a story there. Perhaps she’d tell me one day.

“Don’t forget their vehicles.” Jenny suggested. "It’d be best to remove all of the evidence. Leave no one any clue as to what befell them.”

“Good idea” I said. "Any idea how?”

“Aren’t you a strong guy now?” Jenny said. "and aren’t you wearing a fancy power-suit?”

“I guess I am.” I replied. "Kitty said something about being stronger than a gorilla.”

“Stronger that SEVERAL Gorillas combined.” Kitty corrected me. I knew that you weren’t paying attention. Bad boy.”

...and she was gone.

“Huh” I muttered to myself. I tossed all the handguns into the shredder except for the Eagle and a couple of others that caught my eye. The boys had carried and amazing assortment of firearms. Then I walked over and stood beside the van. I bent over and grabbed it’s bumper with one hand and lifted.

It wasn’t even hard. I easily lifted the front end of the van off the ground.

“Will you lookit that?” I exclaimed. Then the bumper come off in my hand and the van dropped to the ground.

“They don’t build them like they used to.” I mumbled to my self.

“Will you hurry up?” Kitty told me. " The young lady needs her rest. Quit dawdling. Finish cleaning up this mess then take her home”.

and she was gone.

“Yes Ma’am” I replied...then I complied.

I easily ripped the van apart with my hands. Flimsy sheet metal mostly and a lot of plastic. I tossed the pieces into the Shredder as I worked. The cars went next. Soon there was nothing to indicate that they had ever been here. I’d just finished when the day crew began to arrive.

“It might be a good idea to leave” Jenny said helpfully. "Other wise you might have some ‘splaining to do.”

She was right.

I picked up Shaniqua, held her in my arms, the Q transformed from power armor into wings. Once more mighty pinions grabbed sky and I pulled HARD. With the sound of thunder but not quite at the speed of lightning we launched into the sky like a projectile from a slingshot. We were in the middle of the thunderstorm instantly. The day crew didn’t see us I don’t think. Shaniqua was unconscious in my arms. I hated to do it but I needed directions. I roused her as gently as I could.

“Where do you live?” I asked her.

“Over that way” Shaniqua slurred and pointed " Fly, big boy, Fly. You’ll know it when you see it. It’s my home in the sky.”

Then she passed out.

“You have a way with women don’t you Sir?” Jenny said. "You swept her right off of her feet.”

“I guess I do” I replied.

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The Beginning


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Forget the hulk, He's Iron man, hawkman, and Doctor strange all in one guy.
I like where you are going with this story, and "Ritt der Walküren" was so apt for it. I could totally see the scene playing out in my imagination.
Excellent work, Mike.

Q is handy stuff ain't it?
The fun part is that it's potentially REAL.

Shaniqua -reminds me of my girlfriend, - without the whip

that can be fixed.

nice post my friend

Either other fictional writer like it or not, i know you will keep updating us with your back to back hit post on steemit, good to have you hear.

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