in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

BlackHawk and WhiteDove had heard of the ancient story about the Red Kachina coming to earth and bringing great destruction. Neither had quite noticed earth's changes taking place until the medicine man from the community called the tribal leaders together to discuss what the tribe needed to do to survive the upcoming apocalypse.

The weather changes had started to take place as well as the earth's shift in position. All were foretold centuries before, and their tribe had a kiva in place with assorted food and supplies. The ancestors had told them what to prepare; candles, blankets, food, water, candles, medical supplies, and more.

The tribes had tried to warn the world of the upcoming destruction, but no one would listened. They made sure to share YouTube videos and even the newest crypto platform Steemit, and most people laughed and mocked at them for believing lies.

When the sky started to turn red more frequently, they knew that was the time to be on alert. It was not until the day that A BLOOD RED SKY when the elders came out screaming and shouting to run as fast as everyone could to the secret entrance of their underground dwelling.


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Wonderful story lovely lady. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

My lady!! How are you? Thank you for stopping by! GBY always and hugs and a kiss on the cheek. :)

Hello my fabulous friend! I'm as good as I'm going to get, LOL. :D It was my pleasure to stop in for a visit. :D Awe, thanks. :D Sending you hundreds of hugs, love, and positive vibes. :D
God bless you lovely lady. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Hey! Hi there, hope you had a great week and GBY!

Hi lovely lady! :D We had a busy but nice weekend here last weekend and this weekend seems to be going about the same. Tomorrow we're taking a drive down to Fredericton to take our daughter out to supper for her 21st birthday. I can't believe my baby will be officially an adult the world over. Where the time goes I don't know, but it flies by quickly for sure. :D
How was your weekend? I hope it was wonderful, full of friends, family, laughter, and love. :D Sending hundreds of hugs and positive vibes to you my fabulous friend. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

My friend!! How are you? Sounds like fun to go to town for supper, please tell me how it went!! Wow 21 oh oh ... celebration. I hope you have an amazing time. :)
Still looking for land and drove 12 hours ... tears and now I have to do my taxes but I'm on here instead. Dalllying. LOL

Much love and hugs to you always. GBY xoxo

Hello lovely lady, we are well, we lost our internet for a couple of days and change, but other than that good, especially now that we're finally back online. :D
We had a nice drive and a lovely dinner/visit with our daughter and her boyfriend. :D Oh my, that is a long time to go without seeing land. :D Where did you go that you drove 12 hours to look for land?
We've got to do our taxes too and aren't looking forward to it either, so I completely understand why you are dallying on here instead of doing yours, LOL. :D
Sending you hundreds of hugs, lots of love and positive vibes your way my fabulous friend. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Oh no! Losing the Internet .... I would cry everyday heeehee

Okay I’m not that much of a girl. (Tho a girl)

Yay, so glad you had a nice dinner. :)

Drove south then north then east. Ahhahaha

Thank you so much do all the affection, I feel it everytime you send it. Must be a natural healer.

Blessing and love to you always always always.

Miss you,


I like this. I like this very much. Apocalyptic tales with a hint of magic and impending doom... Wow... Well done :)

Oh thank you so much SVK!! :)

Powerful and emotive story

Thanks so much Tatt!!

Interesting! I never knew red sky indicate something like that... I mean at least in a story. I always admire red sky and also hate it a bit because until now I haven't able to take a perfect photo of it hahaha

Without sounding rude ... GOOGLE IT! :)

That might be saying something, most people think it is a "conspiracy theory", but in all honesty the NA (my people) have been talking about this for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Many people are always willing to bury their head in the sands until the world ends. I guess it is their own peace.

Yes, and they deserve their (temporary) peace for sure. :)

Fiction? I don't think so. I guess it's all a matter if interpretation but it might not be a bad idea to stock the kiva with some seed stock as well as the scorched earth may not be able to bare fruit after that day.

Glad you agree, and yes that was the meaning of my writing for sure. You are typically on the same wavelength as I. :)

You know, one gigantic solar flare or mass ejection of plasma in our direction and 99% of the world's problems would be over. Only those speluncker's and people working in deep data centers and underground facilities would be left. And we could start over with a clean slate..

The worst case would be if we started tossing nuclear bombs at each other and tested the MADD theory of total inihilation. Planet X would be a cake walk compared to 5 years of -50 weather all the way down to the equator. Care to wager which will come 1st?

Yes, You may have not read one of the first comments and she mentioned the flare. She said it was a "satellite crashing."

Yes that is what has been stated, which is another reason why I moved to CO. I am not very far from where I need to be to be safe.

Well, interestingly there has already been reports of the earth's position and the equator has changed. The new and updated theory is that the weather will be changed by HARP and has been manipulated that will cause many of these changes but most of those in many countries will be flooded out and sort of like a topsy turvy. Either way CO is in the safe zone. LOL

I'm still unsure and lately have been feeling that something is going to intervene that this will not happen. For a long while I did believe most of the continents would be sinking with the plates movement, but now I"m not so sure. It feels more at this point that something else will occur but not nuclear or MADD. I feel people like us will stand up and take them out first. Just my thinking.

there is news about some fallen satellite crashing towards the planet Earth and is due to fall any time now. Sounds scary, hope the prayers of the good people save

I’m running to the Kiva 🤣🤣🤣

Amazing photo!

thanks! i borrowed it off the internet, although i have a video and a few photos of my own but the sky wasn't red yet. :)

The earth does wobble. I just hope it's not today! Great well written post! I always enjoy reading your work! You are a wise soul!

Did i say wobble? LOL
It is when you see that the RED IS ON FIRE WITH RED, just remember that and run for your damn life! LOL
Or if you choose, just tell Him to take you straight up and pray he does. Hee Hee
Thank you for your admiration and support. Hugs to you always.

HaHa! You said shift in direction! I guess I took that to mean wobble. What ever the Universe's plan is. "Fly like an Eagle" is playing on my radio right now. You won't have to run you will fly!

no, shift meant that the equator and astronomical stars, planets, etc have changed. they are no longer where they used to be.

Exactly! I think that we are saying the same thing only using different words!

Ah okay! LOL
When you said wobbly I “saw” you saying it literally wobbled but backbone to where it was originally. :)

I think that they have found that areas like the Sahara Desert has transitioned from a desert to a lush fertile land and back to a desert. Each phase was over the course of 30,000 years and was caused by the Earth's wobble.

Yes excellent but technically that’s called an earth shift :p

A scary upcoming event.... It saddens me

there has to be a cleaning at some point. i prefer clean if you ask me. LOL

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