
My lady!! How are you? Thank you for stopping by! GBY always and hugs and a kiss on the cheek. :)

Hello my fabulous friend! I'm as good as I'm going to get, LOL. :D It was my pleasure to stop in for a visit. :D Awe, thanks. :D Sending you hundreds of hugs, love, and positive vibes. :D
God bless you lovely lady. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Hey! Hi there, hope you had a great week and GBY!

Hi lovely lady! :D We had a busy but nice weekend here last weekend and this weekend seems to be going about the same. Tomorrow we're taking a drive down to Fredericton to take our daughter out to supper for her 21st birthday. I can't believe my baby will be officially an adult the world over. Where the time goes I don't know, but it flies by quickly for sure. :D
How was your weekend? I hope it was wonderful, full of friends, family, laughter, and love. :D Sending hundreds of hugs and positive vibes to you my fabulous friend. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

My friend!! How are you? Sounds like fun to go to town for supper, please tell me how it went!! Wow 21 oh oh ... celebration. I hope you have an amazing time. :)
Still looking for land and drove 12 hours ... tears and now I have to do my taxes but I'm on here instead. Dalllying. LOL

Much love and hugs to you always. GBY xoxo

Hello lovely lady, we are well, we lost our internet for a couple of days and change, but other than that good, especially now that we're finally back online. :D
We had a nice drive and a lovely dinner/visit with our daughter and her boyfriend. :D Oh my, that is a long time to go without seeing land. :D Where did you go that you drove 12 hours to look for land?
We've got to do our taxes too and aren't looking forward to it either, so I completely understand why you are dallying on here instead of doing yours, LOL. :D
Sending you hundreds of hugs, lots of love and positive vibes your way my fabulous friend. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Oh no! Losing the Internet .... I would cry everyday heeehee

Okay I’m not that much of a girl. (Tho a girl)

Yay, so glad you had a nice dinner. :)

Drove south then north then east. Ahhahaha

Thank you so much do all the affection, I feel it everytime you send it. Must be a natural healer.

Blessing and love to you always always always.

Miss you,


It is strange to say the least because we don't have cable or satellite television, we use our computer(s) to watch shows we like. :D There wasn't any crying here, but there were a few curse words uttered a few times since it stopped working, LOL. :D
That is such a lovely thing to say, thank you. I'm not sure about being a natural healer at all, but it would be neat if it were so. :D
Sending you hundreds of hugs, loads of love and all the positive vibes imaginable lovely lady. :D I'll be on discord tomorrow morning, around 830 my time, now that I've got my internet back. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

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