Reborn Chaper Fifty "The Scene at the Bar Continued"

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

Series Summary

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Chapter Fifty

"She's innocent you know," Will was saying to Matthias. "Innocent."

The emphasis made her cheeks burn.

"Serious? Didn't she just go through heat?"

"Yeah, but my dad....he helped her out without taking that from her."

"Shit. I have just gained all kinds of respect for that man. Do you have any idea how difficult that would be, to resist a vampiress in heat?"

"I have some idea. My old man is a rock. They don't make them any stronger."

"No kidding."

Will poured his own shot and tipped his head in the direction of his father's table. "Michael, he seems solid."

"Oh fuck yeah, that boy is as solid as they come. He should be on a poster with the words High Moral Fiber written across the top. I've got nothin' but love for him, he's the anchor to our band of misfits. Though I gotta say Wolfie comes in a close second. A lot more wild because of his animal nature, but grounded at the same time. I can easily see His Hairiness with a couple of brats bouncing on his knees. All it'll take is the appearance of his mate and he'll be domesticated. Of course he has a strong family still living so that helps."

"And then there's Code-red. Now there's an interesting story.” He leaned back in his chair eyeing the golden-haired, amber eyed vampire. “He was among the last born, about fourteen years before Michael, who is only a hundred and thirty by the way, a mere adolescent in our world. Anyway Code’s mother was being hunted by a vicious vampiress called Sandrayna." He said her name like there was dirt on his tongue. "One night the bitch caught up with them and his mother fled with seventeen year old Coderin who was still several years away from being able to tear that bitch apart. See vampires don't come into their own until they reach about twenty-five, until then they’re little different than humans. Anyway, she fled and found an underground cave where she put her son in hyberstasis...know what that is? Yeah, so the problem is he was too young to turn on his own internal clock, and she intended to come back for him as soon as it was safe. But she never did, the assumption being she was killed. Cody boy was in stasis for the full one hundred years, which is the maximum length we can go under. So about twenty five years ago he woke up and found his world had drastically changed. He actually lived with some humans for awhile, passing himself off as a teenager--which is the other thing, his aging process didn't continue while in stasis, so when he climbed out of that cave he was still seventeen. We age until about mid to late twenties right, so yeah he lived with humans until he ran into us at a bar about fifteen years ago. So essentially he’s still a kid, vampirically speaking."

Anna was loving Matthias at the moment, being able to learn so much about the males she would be staying with. It definitely eased her mind to know that for the most part they were good.

"Shit, that would've been nuts to wake up after a hundred years, it's like the movies about people who were put under deep freeze. So what about creepy over there, what's his story?" Will nodded at Tyros.

Matthias followed the direction of his nod and looked at Tyros for a long moment, then shook his head. "No one really knows. He just showed up one day about five years ago, said he wanted to help us in our mission to take out the evil ones. One thing I can say about him- he's a vicious fighter, and since it looks like war is coming our way that's a damn good quality."

"How does that work exactly, what you do?"

"At this point the demons are mostly child's play. Occasionally we'll come across a big enough gathering to have our hands full for a second, but they're not physically powerful. It's just the mind shit you have to worry about, they reach inside and try to warp you. For most of us three or four are easy, you build walls against them in your head, a kind of mental fortress. You'll still come away with that sick diseased feeling for awhile-although with Anna around that will change. Generally we have to get some R&R between attacks, let the evil dissipate, but a healer can merely touch you and it's gone. She'll be an asset, especially if things are going like we think."

"Which is what? You mentioned war, what do you think's happening?"

"The second gateway has moved and it hasn't been found, on top of which we think the Guards have absconded. The Dantalion are a bitch. They have the mental powers of the Jinn coupled with physical strength and speed. It's been a long time since I've seen any real battle, but it looks like that's about to change."

"We thought it was something like that. I know you guys deal with them in their basic form, but even their possession of humans is changing."

"Hell yeah. They're much more aggressive and they team up."

Anna shifted her focus to Michael, Jack, and Seth who were talking about the same things.

"What we really need to know is why this happened or happens. What about this particular time is different?" Jack looked to Michael.

"Like I said, every hundred years the potential for it is there since the time vampires were first created. At that time all the doorways were wide open and demons ran rampant through the world. The why's we don't know, but we were created to take care of the problem and angels were put at three of the gates once they were closed again."

"All right, so every one hundred years the demons attempt to move the doorways, but is it the Angels that find them or vampires?"

Michael shook his head slightly. "Matthias is the only one who was around the last time the Dantalion got through, and all he did was fight the fight. He was basically a soldier in the army who followed orders but wasn't privy to all of the reasons behind them. There are ancients of our kind who are supposedly involved in the process, as far as we know these ancients locate the doorways and they, with the help of the angels, get them closed again. The problem is so many of our kind were hunted down and killed by fallen vampires or human mobs who equate all vampires with evil, that much has been lost. We once had detailed accounts written down, but no one knows where these accounts are. So unfortunately we're about as much in the dark as you are."

"Damn." Jack said, leaning back in his chair.

Michael looked up as Anna walked over and smiled warmly. She smiled back thinking that if there were ever a man to fall in love with it would be him. Considering the things Matthias had said a girl could not go wrong. She sat down next to Josh and pictured herself spending eternity with the vampire, and faltered.

I shouldn't have made that Austin comparison, she thought. But that was the problem, he did remind her of Austin. On top of which she felt no spark. Don't be ridiculous, you just met him, she scolded herself. And Jack is here muddying your thinking. The mostly part of her crush squashing still left a lingering part that had not entirely left. Her eyes shifted over to the man in question and saw he'd returned to the bar, along with Seth...Wolfie, she snickered to herself as she thought about Mathias's nicknames and descriptions, and the young yellow haired and eyed Coderin...Code-Red.

Josh asked Michael several questions about his demon slaying process and she listened to the exchange watching Michael's expressions. He was beautiful, with his thick glossy brown hair and his vivid sapphire eyes, not to mention his muscular could she not be attracted to him? But she wasn't. She could already see him in Josh's role, growing to love him quickly but not in the fireworks, want to take her pants off for him kind of way. Matthias, with his powerful body, piercings and his platinum hair that stood out in stark contrast to his tanned skin, not to mention that tattoo climbing his neck, inspired more excitement in her. But he didn't seem right either.

Oh Jesus, she thought, are you really going to look at every vampire as a potential mate and then discard him based on a couple of hours? No more thinking about it, she decided, things like that should just happen so let them. She heard her phone ringing from the deep recesses of her purse and pulled it out.


"Jess! How are you, I haven't talked to you in forever!"

"I know, I miss you. And my sister. Speaking of which, have you talked to her lately?"

"This morning actually, why what's up?"

"My parents are flipping out. Apparently she messaged them that she was going to France with Aunt Harriet-they thought this whole time she was with you, did you know that? Anyway they messaged her back a bunch of crap and she ignored it then ended up turning off her phone. And I wanted to go with her!"

"Wait, what? You want to go with her? What about Nate?"

"We broke up. He's an idiot who I never want to see again. But that's not why I want to go, I want to meet Aunt Harriet, I want to find out about where we came from. I've been...well, a week ago I went to this party with some girls I met at work. Since Marina moved to Buffalo to live with Macey I've had to make a few new friends, or at least people I can spend time with. Anyway, they wanted to play with a Ouiji board, and you know how I am about that stuff, it scares me. So I just watched, but apparently you don't have to participate for something to happen, you just have to be there!" She sounded distraught and Anna could tell she’d begun to cry.

"What happened?"

"I can see them now...the shadow things."

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Oh, that was nice, to get some more distinctions between the 4 vamps. And I picked up something I missed last time it was mentioned. In my mind, it was hyperstasis. I only just clicked to the reference to hibernation. How did I miss that?

Poor Jess! Get that girl to France!

I'm glad you could see some distinctions, especially already. Should be easier and easier.
I know! Jess cannot be alone with this newfound scary ability!

By the way...I am going to be publishing a book very soon. It will be up on Amazon. Actually, let me go find where I describe it to Paul...let's just say it is not a book for guys, lol.

EDIT: The description for it-UNPROVEN is in the comment section of Anna's falls, the second anniversary post if you're curious. Once you read that, I'll paste the back of the book blurb my husband wrote for me, and maybe I can get the link to the book cover that he also created for me, it's pretty cool.

Yes, I did see you describe it to Paul in the anniversary post. Oooh you have covers and blurbs all ready to go too, yay.

Excellent work dear friend @dreemit, brilliant as you write, thank you very much for this gift every day

"...sand on his tongue." hehe I like that description.

Portrayed that well? Thanks ;)

Yes, I could hear it clearly! Great imagery too, I could see the sneer.

Thank you! Matthias is a fun character to write, I was at complete ease with him right away.

Nice mythology building here, my friend. The way you write conversations make it seem like you don't miss a beat. I really enjoy your consistency the most. Even though this answered a lot of questions, this chapter brought even more information to digest haha! Since we're considering this a "third arc" of the book, perhaps it would help if you posted a sort of character recap of the players we're dealing with currently? It doesn't have to be detailed, just brief pertinent info about them. Then you could link it at the start of the chapters for the people lagging behind. I think it would really help a lot with the reading experience. It would definitely help whenever those "Who's that again?" question arises in the middle of reading :D

Now that's a good thought about the character descriptions :) I've noticed some authors I read lately who also use a big cast have been putting up a glossary of characters in their books.
Out of curiosity, is there any of the new characters that have stood out to you enough that you wouldn't need a reminder?

That's a good suggestion, I would say for me, Matthias, Coderin & Michael are the hardest to remember so far in that order and Coderin does have an interesting past with his mother being killed by the evil vampiress Sandrayna and him being vampirically young due to the stasis 100 year dormancy, but he is still a mystery, but that's not saying much of any of these cool new characters since they were just recently introduced and need more chapters to fill out their role and depth. The character development will increase I'm most certain of it!

Been a super busy few days, I keep thinking about his suggestion and wanting to do it, but haven't had the time yet :) I think you'll find Matthias easy to remember shortly. Actually Code will become someone you remember simply by being the one that isn't focused on a great deal, lol.
Though it is sad to leave the McClaron's for a bit, it's also necessary for more than just the book plot, it would be way too much to have all of these people together haha! There probably would be no way of ever making characters stand out if I didn't leave some behind at times. (Don't worry though, they will continue playing a big role through the series :)
So I've done some reformatting, and the total amount of pages to this first book is now 470, and right now we are on page 370, exactly one hundred pages left to go just to give you an idea. And a crapload of things are going to happen in that time, lol.
Keep in mind that aside from character building, a lot of this first book is about putting a good majority of the players that will be involved in the whole series onto the board. There will be a few new people in each book, but not many, it will mostly revolve around who we've seen, and as the story progresses I bring different people (that you've gotten to know or at least been introduced to) to the forefront, fade others back, then bring them back again, lol. I have been told by every one of the somewhere around fifty people who have read both of the books, that while they liked this one a lot, they liked the second one even better, (and in some cases much better actually) and I'm hoping that's the way people continue to feel as it progresses!

Also, I had told Jed this a long time ago, before I chose to start posting this book in fact, that I had written two versions of it. Basically I had written a novella about Anna, the girls and Austin the summer before, then started the first book on the night before they left to Europe. The main difference is that Anna and Austin get together a year earlier, but also there's more background on each of the girls in that story. I'm considering putting the novella up, just to see if anyone thinks it would be a good way to go, having that as a sort of prequel, and also having book one begin in the action pretty much, in fact the prologue would then be put in its actual place in the story. I don't know, I was going to scrap the whole thing, but, hey, what is steemit for except to experiment right? LOL. Tell me if you'd be interested in reading that, yours and a few others who are reading this faithfully, are the opinions I need to make the choice.

I would definitely read the novella!!!!
That sounds amazing, I love prequels. i'm so tired, it's almost 5am, just about finished with my @everlove collaboration and about to post it then sleep for a few hours. Be sure to check my page for a quick instrumental :)

Nice!! I'm probably going to do it then. I had planned to take a break between Reborn and Renewal(second book) going to do more posts like the motorcycle anniversary, and hopefully resume Today Again, but it's good to have something I can post with minimum work involved since the work is already done.
Will definitely check out your post! Hope you got some sleep (Did you know that I'm an insomniac too?)

That is great news to hear, I am looking forward to the novella for sure. I was able to get two periods of sleep, my eight hours was broken into halves since I stayed up so late. I've always been nocturnal/an insomniac. Glad to hear I have friends like you who are sporadically online at random hours of the day :) Hope you enjoy the musical vibes, it's a bit different than usual.

Ironically, Tyros stood out for me the most haha It's interesting because he's the one who the others consider as the most mysterious. I guess the mystique surrounding him made him stand out from the rest haha!

"Matthias followed the direction of his nod and looked at Tyros for a long moment, then shook his head. "No one really knows. He just showed up one day about five years ago, said he wanted to help us in our mission to take out the evil ones. One thing I can say about him- he's a vicious fighter, and since it looks like war is coming our way that's a damn good quality."

I called it! Tyros is going to be a bonafide demon predator lol

He might be strange and weird, but I'm sure he is well versed and equipped for war.

So glad that Jess is back in the picture. Ouija boards are nothing to play with at all! Looking forward to the next chapterrrrrrr....

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