The Switch: Unexpressed Feeling. III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #fiction6 years ago



You can read the first here and the second here.

There was an awkward silence around as Stacey, Luke, and Gloria walked together. Luke stays not too far from where Gloria stays, but Stacey’s place wasn’t too far from David’s place.

Stacey broke the silence and asked Gloria, “Babe, what’s stopping you from dating David? You seem to have this desire to be around him all the time but you just keep fighting it, why?”

“I really…” Gloria said before Luke cut in: "Stacey, don’t mind her. I sensed they were up to something the time we walked in the other day. And when I went back to pick my keys, they were in each other’s face."

“Come on, stop it. You know that wasn’t entirely true. Just wishing each other good night, that’s all” she answered halfheartedly.


Stacey got to her junction and she left the two. She hugged both of them but the one for Luke was with so much heart. As she left them, Gloria coughed and said:

“You really want to pretend you don’t know this lady is really into you?”

“Who? Stacey? Don’t go there. Her heart is too tender, I don’t think she can handle me. Not like I would desire to break her heart or anything, I just like being to myself sometimes and she is the type that would love to be all over me.”

“So? That’s a bad thing? You should be happy.” Gloria responded.

“Nahhh! I like strong ladies who can manage their emotions. Not cold, but someone who can detach her feelings sometimes. Someone like you.” Luke answered.

“ I am cold, right?.”

“You know you are, but not the ‘bad’ cold, but the “good’ cold. You and I made out few times and you still seem fine. I like ladies like that.” Luke said with excitement.

“You know I can be jealous sometimes, depending on my mood, so I am not as strong as you think. The first making out was just a mistake. It was raining, I ran to your house because it was closer. Your shirt that I wore actually caused the trouble because I felt even naked with them on.” She answered.

“And the second? Third? Fourth?” he giggled.

“Luke, you know getting involved with you was why I actually told David we can never work? I can't bear dating him when I already made out with you that first time. I felt since the deed has been done, what can I do? That was how the subsequent ones happened. So, stop rubbing it in please.”

“Well, we have gotten to my place now, and yours still seems a bit far, would you stay and leave the next day? I have a lot of clothes you can wear” he said with a wink

“I can't understand how I​ got involved with you in the first place. Well, that’s not a bad idea. I don’t have the energy to go home tonight anymore.” She said.

They both entered Luke’s apartment and he bolted the door. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Awh! why now!

Luke is a devil, honestly speaking. He's not a good friend at all, he took advantage of Gloria and betrayed the friendship of David. I sensed it from the second part, but I never knew that he's this worse.

Gloria has changed from whom I thought she was too, so much changed that she become the exact opposite of who I thought she was. She already knew she can't marry David, why now stopping him from marrying someone else?

Who know Stacey should warn her because her emotions are leading her astray for Luke is not a man but an animal...

I pity David so much, he's been loving the wrong woman all his life, I don't know how he would felt when he find out, I don't want to guess as usual so as to enjoy the next part.

It's getting complicated already... Lol

Thanks for the twist, I'm sure that the whole followers of @communitycoin are preparing your noble

Thanks @olawalium and @communitycoin.

Brilliant analysis. I enjoyed this. Well done.

thanks bro... happy Sunday

It seems Gloria and Luke have a history together. I don't think it's wise to jump into conclusion right now about Luke's character. It could be a harmless sleep over...who knows... I also disagree with the notion that Luke is a devil and a bad friend. None of the two guys own Gloria, so I believe they both have a fair shot at her. It's a jungle out here.

ooooh I did not know that the story would take a turn like this

I never expect this too, that's why I said we should not judge from the beginning. Even with this, we are not very sure who the devil is, who knows the other hidden part of the story?... Lol

Exactly. You are right there bro. I am glad you are following every single step. Gracias amigo.

I don't think anybody that read the first part would want to miss the other parts.... Smile

Really appreciate the compliment.


Life is full of twists and turns and i am glad you are enjoying this. Means a lot to me. Thank you.

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Life is a story. Stories that change from time to time. While we are perpetrators. The perpetrator assigned to live the story.

Sometimes in a story there is a story that is so fun, but sometimes a sad story appears just like that. And we have to keep going. Like or dislike.

All perpetrators believe in fate. Destiny is something that has been determined by the Creator. He who created a story for each of the actors. Can the destiny change? Can not. A story that has been scenario with the mature could change instantly. It can happen if the actor in a story does not take for granted what has become his destiny. Unexpected variables change can change a story. But in the end it keeps coming back to the point where Destiny says.

Every actor in a story has a different power. Some are resigned to live it, some are always a dissident. Usually the actors who become dissidents meet a lot of happiness in a story. Because the perpetrator is undergoing whatever he wants. Although sometimes what you want always clashing with a predetermined story. He will remain happy.

Well they've told her the truth, and I'm sure she would confess that she love him very soon but I like what she's doing right now , i think she want to make the love story a sweet and tough one but still yet, the story is enough, they should be together

I think this story is going to part 10

Who are you referring to? Gloria or Stacey?

I am equally confused too hahahaha.

He needs to explain to us ooo or are you adding to the suspense? Lol

This is confusion and not suspense hahahaha

I rest my case..... Smile

Hahahahahaha i don't understand who you were referring to o

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