Finding Redemption 4: Day 334 : 5 Minute Freewrite

in #fiction6 years ago

No Freedom After Speech 1
No Freedom After Speech 2
No Freedom After Speech 3


I still don't know what got hold of me that day, they say it was the devil, I never believed in him though, that's mysticism at its best in the human mind. But I did it anyway. Justice was served on a plate of gold. It was death on the table for him.

The day was cool as usual, parents taking there kids to school and kids strolling joyfully on the pathway corridors leading to there academic institution, they might not want to know that education is just a fallacy, no one makes it through university certificate, not in this world or the next, not even in the next galaxies far in the millions of light years. But a grosteque man lurks in the dark, waiting to moon the sun and night the day, bringing along with it sorrows, sorrows that has no end, sorrow and tears that are eternal, that will forever reshape this country.

A bomb went off in the nearby school while everyone was at work, though we all lowered our heads as a precaution we all prayed it wasn't the school, bringing the heads up in place to see the horrible massacre, three schools were hit that day, worse than the 9/11, making parent ask God what have they done to deserve this, even atheist did same, a God that never existed came into the heart of everyone to ask, why us. As we all know, the mystical grandpa up there hasn't answered anyone mouth to mouth since the days of Moses.

The whole world sympathizes with us, but men like us who have lost more than neccesary knew this evil must stop, and there we are now son. Finding redemption for our cause, another father mustn't be in fear of taking his kids out when we are there, since those culprit don't want peace, we'll make sure they have none of it too. The killing of the motherfuckers was just the beginning.

Its a #freewrite from @mariannewest

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Wow, this is interesting. That bad set a bombs at school killing all the innocent? What a sour heart he had.

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