A Stranger Death (Ch 17)

in #fiction7 years ago

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Previous Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 |


Chapter 17

When they had been shepherded into the basement, it quickly became obvious that Spikes was right - there was no possible means of escape. They were stuck there until he returned and let them out, but then what would he do?

However, Sarah's brain was already in overdrive and hatching out a plan for their escape. While she was considering their situation, Darren wasn't idle. His priority was to get rid of their improvised handcuffs, and he thought he knew just how to do it.

"Sarah, can you reach into my trousers pocket? There should be a set of nail clippers in there if you can reach far enough."

Sarah did as Darren suggested and found she could just reach deep enough into his pocket to get the clippers.

"Well done," said Darren. "Now transfer them into my hand and stand behind me with your back to me. Hopefully, I can use these to cut through one of the cable ties holding your wrists and set you free."

Sarah stood behind him and could feel him tugging on her bonds. Without being able to see what he was doing, it took Darren a while, but eventually Sarah felt the cable tie come apart and free her wrists. It was just a matter of a few more minutes before Sarah had also cut Darren's cuffs and set him free also.

The first thing Darren did was turn on the light and take a good look around them. It soon became obvious though that his initial suspicions had been correct - there was absolutely no way for them to escape.

Sarah wasn't fazed by this, though. She had already come up with the makings of a plan that stood a chance of seeing them both free and Spikes behind bars where he belonged.

"The point is, we still hold the trump card. Spikes may have us captive, but we still have the diamonds. Diamonds which he badly wants back. If I can get free somehow, I can notify Robert of what is going on and he can organise the police to take over and arrest Spikes."

"Yes," agreed Darren, "that sounds like a good plan, except for one thing - how can you get free?"

After a few more minutes' consideration, Darren answered his own question. "How about if I refuse to hand over the diamonds unless you are set free first? Once they set you free, if you return to where we hid the car, which will be easier to find again once you are on the road, you will find my mobile phone under the driver's seat. You can use that to alert the police. I left the car unlocked, just in case we needed to get away quickly, but take the keys anyway."

"Yes, sounds like a good plan. But by the time the police get here, you could have already left with them to get the diamonds. Then what?"

"That's a good point," said Darren. "I'll persuade them somehow to take me with them to get the diamonds, but I'll lead them somewhere else. The police can then be ready and waiting when we get there. I noticed an empty house just down the road from you. I could tell them the diamonds are hidden there."

"Yes," said Sarah, "the elderly lady that lived there died about a week ago, but the house is still being prepared for sale, so it is empty."

"Hide those documents we took inside your trainers just in case they search you before they let you go. The police will need those as evidence."

Their plans made, there was nothing more they could do except wait for Spikes to return.


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Now, I hope nobody has stolen the unlocked car. And that Spikes will let Sarah go.

You'll just have to wait and see ... LOL

The waiting for the next few chapters is killing me!

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