A Stranger Death (Ch 4)

in #fiction7 years ago

a stranger death.jpg

Previous Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3


Chapter 4

Once the police had wrapped everything up and left, the morning was gone. Sarah's mother went off to her job at the pub, and Robert also had to go to work. Sarah decided that she just couldn't face work after the shock of the discovery of the body. She had telephoned her boss and explained the situation earlier in the morning, and Pauline had told her to take the rest of the day off.

"Don't worry about us being short staffed," said her boss, Pauline, "we'll manage just fine. You just concentrate on getting over the shock of it all." Sarah was thankful that she had such an understanding boss.

Sarah was now on her own in the house, which didn't appeal to her at all. Although the body had been removed, Sarah could still see it in her mind's eye. She decided to go and see her boyfriend, Darren. A spot of work on the farm should take her mind off the morning's events, and she wanted to tell Darren all about it.


"Be careful with that hoe," said Darren, as Sarah ploughed away at the ground. Although Darren only gives her the easier jobs to do, she always gravitates toward the harder parts of the job.

"Stop fussing. Don't worry, I'll be fine," she answered, digging away at the ground.

"You shouldn't push yourself so hard Sarah. I'd prefer you to stick with the lighter stuff," said Darren.

Sarah's face creased into a grin. "I'm a big girl you know, I can take care of myself."

"Oh no, that's not how it works young lady. You see, I should be the one taking care of you," said Darren egotistically. Sarah laughed as Darren made his gestures. It was just like him to be considering her all the time.

She finally dropped to the ground and spread her hands wide on the ground behind her as she leaned back, staring at the clear, blue sky. She just loved these summer's days without a cloud in the sky. Darren stood over her with his hands on his knees, looking down at her sweaty but adorable face. She looked back at him and smiled at the loving look on his face, knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, you win, let's go!" she cried.


Darren quickly pulled her up from the ground and onto her feet, upon which she took off before he could say another word. He ran after her as she blazed the trail down to the stream just below the farm, running as fast as he could just to keep up with her. It was a gentle stream with crystal clear waters, flowing from the Dart River. The two loved to play around in the river at the end of the day whenever it felt a little hot and humid. The water always felt cold when they first went in, but they soon got used it – even welcomed it.

They quickly changed into their swimmers and very soon they were splashing around in the cool water, seemingly without a care in the world, trying to dunk each other and horsing around and enjoying themselves. However, having enjoyed her brief respite, Sarah felt that the time was right to tell Darren what had happened that morning.

"My mother found a body at the bottom of our garden this morning."

"Yeah, right," replied Darren. "Most people have fairies at the bottom of their garden, but not your mother." He had assumed that this was just a joke on Sarah's part, but one look at her face told him different.

The smile quickly vanished from his face as he realised that Sarah was deadly serious. "Are you serious? There was a dead body at the bottom of your garden? Why didn't you tell me this as soon as you arrived?"

"Yes, it was in the vegetable patch. No-one knows who it is or how it got there. My mother found it and then my brother called the police and they took over from there. I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier. I just wanted to have a couple of hours with you without that dominating the conversation."

"Does anyone know how he died? Is it a murder investigation? What did the police think?"

"Whoa! One question at a time, please! According to Robert there was no sign of violence, but no-one will know how he died until the results of the autopsy come through. Until then, the police don't seem to be overly concerned. They questioned each of us but made no attempt to speak to the neighbours at all. It all seemed like a bit of an anti-climax when they left. It was very creepy, though, especially when they removed the body. I dare say Robert will let us know what is happening, though. One of the advantages of having a brother in the police force."

Darren looked totally mystified by it all. "It's just not the sort of thing you expect in Riviera Cross. We almost never get any crime in the village unless you include kids pinching the odd chocolate bar from the newsagents. It's just… well… unthinkable."

"Yes, you're right, but enough of this chatting. I need to get home before my mother arrives and starts asking me where I've been all afternoon. I don't want her finding out about us."

"You'll have to tell her one day. You'll be twenty-one soon and in charge of your own destiny. Then would be a good time to tell her."

"I'll have to think about that one. I might be twenty-one soon, but as long as I am living under the same roof she could still make life very difficult for us, however old I may be."


Chapter 5 will be posted tomorrow. Follow me to make sure that you don't miss an episode.


Another interesting chapter! I am really enjoying this serial.

I love that you made the boyfriend a farmer, a fact that will not escape Sarah's mother’s disapproval. I can't wait to see how it plays out.

How old is her boyfriend? Still gets me this story

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