A Stranger Death

in #fiction7 years ago

a stranger death.jpg

Chapter 1

"Good morning, Sarah. Another beautiful day," said the postmistress as Sarah walked past the Post Office.

"It certainly is," Sarah replied. "This is the sort of weather that keeps us busy in the tea rooms once the tourists start to arrive. Still, I suppose that's better than being bored stiff with nothing to do."

As she walked to work, through the main street of Riviera Cross, Sarah is reminded of why it is her most favourite place in the whole world. Although it is still quite early, the sun is up and soaking the village in its rays. Apart from the shopkeepers there are few people about as yet, but that would soon change as the day went on, and the visitors started to arrive.

Walking past the church evoked memories of when she and her brothers used to sing in the church choir. Sarah still likes to attend church services when she can, but her job as a waitress at the Riviera Cross Tea Rooms means that she often has to work on a Sunday during the summer season.

Working on a Sunday is frowned upon by Sarah's mother, but then just about everything Sarah does prompts an adverse reaction from her mother.


"Hi, boss. It looks like it's going to be another busy day if this weather holds up. The type of weather to attract the tourists." said Sarah to her boss, Pauline, when she arrived at work.

"Yes, you're right there. Once they've finished walking around, they'll no doubt be thirsty and will start coming in wanting a cup of tea. If the last few days are anything to go by, I expect we'll be rushed off our feet again come lunchtime as well. Still, make hay while the sun shines eh. Soon enough it will be winter again, and we'll be a lot quieter then."

Sarah busied herself with getting the tea rooms ready to receive visitors. They normally started to get busy around 11-o'clock, but there is plenty to do to keep them both occupied until then.

"Is your mother still working behind the bar at the pub?" Pauline asked when they finally had a few minutes to spare.

"Yes, she is, although I don't know how long it will last. I'm sure she looks down her nose at many of the regulars there. It is only because the pub doubles as a hotel, bringing in the higher class of customer that she applied for the job. I've watched her at work, and it sometimes makes me quite ashamed to be her daughter to see the different way in which she treats the customers according to their standing. Most of the customers get treated with indifference, but you should see the change in her attitude when one of her highfaluting friends goes in. She can't do enough for them, fawning over them all the time."

"Well, they say it takes all sorts to make the world go round."

"She has always been the same, though, always had the idea that she is a cut above the rest. She tried to bring my two brothers and me up to think the same way, but I don't think she succeeded there. I dare say she only wanted the best for us, though, like all mothers do. But I can still remember how she used to spank me when I was little just for smiling and waving at people in the street."

"That's because you're a naturally sociable girl," Pauline replied. "Everyone I speak to speaks very highly of you. It's part of the reason that I hired you. I think you take after your father more than your mother. He's the exact opposite. You couldn't wish to meet a more likable man. I have often wondered how he came to be partnered with your mother. They seem to be as alike as chalk and cheese. But surely she must have some sense of pride concerning her children. After all, both of your brothers are doing well for themselves and look to have promising futures."

Sarah smiled as she replied. "Yes, I think it's just me that displeases her. After all, I'm just a "lowly" waitress, as she puts it. According to her I will never amount to anything."

"There's nothing wrong with your choice of occupation Sarah. You bring pleasure to a lot of people with your sunny disposition and don't you forget it. You're a highly valued employee here. Not everyone wants to follow a recognised career path that has been mapped out for them."

"The point is that I enjoy my job here, and surely that's the most important consideration. I love socialising with the customers as I serve them."


Sarah and Pauline often have these chats when time allows, and Sarah is glad of it. Pauline is more like a friend than a boss, and the only real friend Sarah has that she can talk to in confidence.

However, as the morning progressed they soon became very busy, as expected, and there was no more time for chatting. As usual, the time flew by and the working day soon drew to a close - one of the many advantages of doing a job that you enjoy.

Little did she know that her idyllic life was soon to become anything but peaceful.


Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow. Follow me to make sure that you don't miss an episode.


Man, Your gonna have flocks of people coming to your blog to read your story. I’m a little jealous I must admit. I was sucked in by Pauline and her career choice.

I can't wait for tomorrow's chapter!

Looking forward to the rest of the story.

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