Home Made Norwegian Meatballs!!! ~ #FFFsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago

I missed last week due to holiday craziness, so I told myself I'd have to for sure make an entry this week. This one actually goes back to a chat me and @thebigsweed were having...I told him about feasting on my mother-in-laws homemade Swedish meatballs, but I ate them so fast I didn't have time to document it. He replied with something along the lines of "I'm sure you're not the only one whose done that!" And I bet he's right!


But not this time! @intothewild's first attempt at homemade Norwegian meatballs. Lol, ok, the recipe I went off of was definitely for Swedish meatballs, but seeing as I am Norwegian, I'm just gonna call 'em Norwegian meatballs. Only someone from Sweden would call me out, not sure if any are hanging around these parts of the interwebs or not though, time will tell ;)

So let's get to it!!!

I went with 1lb hamburger and 1/2lb pork.

The set up:


First things first, gotta sautee up them onions!!


Let em' cool and add em to your meat with all the spices.


Mix it all up, by hand! That's the fun part!


You have to roll them into little balls anyway, so might as well make it fun.

Get olive oil heated up on the cast iron skillet and place those babies on there and listen for that sizzle...Yes!!! THAT sizzle....music to my ears.



The goal is to just brown them enough and leave some pink in the middle, cause these babies are gonna take a bath in the ultimate of goodness.



Now the bath, in this case, it's a gravy with heavy cream, left over beef and pork fat, a little flour, and then beef stock. All added slowly and then whisked and brought to a simmer.





Finally give it the ole spoon test, and it looks like perfection to me!!


No complains comin' from me or momma bear, although she said they weren't as good as her moms...but she's clearly biased, so I'll let it slide.


Happy Friday y'all! Dig in!


Wow - that looks so delicious, @intothewild and I should not look while hungry!

@tipu curate

Thanks so much, @fitinfun! It was definitely filling, if you happened to have been in the neighborhood I would have been happy to share with you :)

Aw! Thank you, @intothewild. I would definitely take you up on that offer :)

Yum @intothewild, meatballs swimming in a creamy gravy sound so delicious!

Thanks, @lizelle! I'm definitely gonna have to keep this one in my repertoire.

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Come on now my man @intothewild, you're messing with my head, or should I say my stomach.
With #farm-mom back in NJ, its been nothing but cereal and eggs for me.
Not that I can't cook, 😜 I'm just lazy, and not many dishes with eggs and cereal.

My mouth is literally watering, so I have to go right now.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich over the sink, Bob, you don’t even need a plate! And it’s never a wrong time, either. Breakfast—check! Lunch—check! See where I’m goin with this?? 😉 Congratulations on #7, sir, and congratulations finding a Nordic friend!

Eh, between the three of us, it’s just us here, right @intothewild? Had I waited a few weeks before I released that article, ya’all would’ve been in second—you don’t stand a chance to these Italians!! Ya’all are saints compared to Italians—they can’t even walk nice! What’s the worst that’s gonna happen, I get 41 downvotes on my next one? “Shucks.” They’re all the same after 30 anyway.

Dear Italians, Norwegians are Saints compared to you!!

Love always,
The Luckiest Guy I Know

Nor-Wedens for the win!!!

Dear Italians, Norwegians are Saints compared to you!!

One small change....Norwegians are Vikings compared to you!! I know it doesn't make as much sense in the context you meant, but after yesterday, it makes perfect sense for me ;)

Eat over the sink, I like that idea.
They can't even walk nice. This is the second time I have seen you mention Italian's walking style.
I know that this reply is a little late, for you are no longer in Italy, but if you ever go back you should be the aggressor, and hip check one of those arrogant SOB before they do the same to you. When in Rome, I think you know the rest.

Funny story. Remember @edprivat? He’s no longer on the platform but we keep in touch. Eh, he’s French, right, and he and his family are back in France now after 7 years in South Africa. I mentioned what I thought to him. He said “oh yeah, us French love Italians! Cuz if there’s anyone worse than a Frenchy, it’s those :beep: Italians!” 👍🏿

Hahahaha, I didn't know @farm-mom left you to fend for yourself, otherwise I may have been more gentle, lol. Cereal and eggs are a staple, you've never thrown sunny side up eggs on your wheaties??? Joking, that doesn't sound too appetizing. But lmk if you try!

omg, that looks so yummi!<3I need to try this

Please do!!! Tag me as well, it was delicious!!

It’s so boring with you, @intothewild. This didn’t have anything to do with that thing I said back when I said that thing about Norwegians does it? Now I got you AND @thebigsweed claiming your Nordic pride while throwing down meatballs that look good enough you make a Vegan wanna give’em a test drive.

@thebigsweed, can a I get a side of syrup with these, please?

Good luck in round 76, @intothewild! Nice to have you back.

I know, I am such a bore. It might have had a little to do with it, but mostly because I had wanted to make them for a long time. Do you believe in coincidence? Or only the illusion of coincidence?

Making a vegan want to try meat is about the best compliment anyone could give, so thanks for that!

Glad to be back, @dandays!

My pleasure! Coincidence, I believe it’s about as funny as the word “plan.” 👍🏿 Have a great week dude.

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Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 76
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

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