Grandpa Gotta Cook—BIG BREAKFAST
Breakfast For Dinner
Here it is after 9 PM my time, and once again, I'm trying to get a post out before Friday disappears entirely.
There aren't that many inhabited time zones after me, so aside from Alaska and Hawaii, I'm among the stragglers who keep the days dragging on. What can I say.
Once again, I managed to get out of a Saturday meal preparation, only to volunteer to do it on Sunday. Go figure. I know. What was I thinking? But it was thought, the words came out, and the next thing I know, I've got to come up with something.
Easiest thing to do at that point was what we like to call around the Grandpa household—BIG BREAKFAST.
So big, it needs those capital letters. All of them. Excuse my yellin'.
Let's get this edition of Grandpa Gotta Cook rollin', shall we.
As far as I'm concerned, there's a few essential qualifications for a BIG BREAKFAST. There's got to be either pancakes or waffles, scrambled eggs, and at least two kinds of meat. Bacon always, and then either sausage or maybe ham. It's kind of loose at that point.
However, as far as my wife is concerned, there needs to be some hash browns, too. So, the BIG BREAKFAST just got BIGGER. Add some orange juice to wash it all down, and voila, Bob's your uncle's cousin twice removed on your mother's sister side.
(Don't try to figure that out. It wrote itself. Doesn't mean it's worth untangling).
So, up first, we have the pancakes. Now, I'm more of a fan of the Bisquick kind of pancakes, but because I don't do the grocery shopping, we can end up with all kinds of different mixes. This one just happened to be Krusteaz, which is actually easier, thanks to the ziplock big bag it comes in and the fact you don't need to add eggs—just mix and water (or milk, if you prefer). No stress, no mess and up'n running faster than your lickety can split.
I said it was late. I'm even annoying myself now.
I'm realizing I really don't have these photos in sequential order, but more in preference to what I like to eat. So, the pancakes are first, followed by the scrambled eggs. I usually like to throw in a bunch of different things, but we had the oldest and his wife and son over (as we do most Sunday dinners), so I decided to keep it simple and quick. I think at final count I had 18 eggs in there, with plenty of milk and some salt and pepper to taste.
Usually the eggs disappear the quickest, which is why I went for it this time. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I finally made enough of them. We've got an overabundance of eggs, though, so it didn't hurt to get rid of so many. Healthy cholesterol, right? Or wait? Did they switch that back? Again? I've lost track.
Next up, the bacon. This was a thick cut hickory infused bacon, the kind that doesn't cook down so quickly that you're left with a shriveled up piece of pork questioning it's very reason for being. I'm kind of picky when it comes to bacon. I like flavor, and I don't like burnt. My wife likes burnt, because that adds flavor. So, some of it gets burnt, and some of it gets just past raw (as in cooked, but barely).
Next up, the sausage patties. Not any sausage, mind you. This is deer sausage that my friend @bbrewer gifted to my wife a few years ago. It's been sitting in the freezer that long, and when I opened up the butcher wrapping, it wasn't looking so appetizing. Not so much red, and a lot of browning, especially on the outside. I wasn't going to use it all, but my wife decided we needed to put it all in.
I hadn't eaten deer sausage prior to this, so new taste experience for me.
And last but not... okay, for me it is the least... the hash browns. My wife made these from scratch. No peeling of the potatoes, just shredded and into the pan with oil they went. She likes them kind of crispy on the outside and kind of moist everywhere else. One of the few things she doesn't like burnt.
Taste Test
Not necessarily one of my best efforts. The pancakes were fine, the eggs needed some more seasoning, but they certainly weren't dry, so the texture was good. The bacon was tasty (though could have used more hickory) and I didn't try the hash browns. That leaves the deer sausage.
I've heard deer meat described as kind of gamey. That's kind of what I got out of it. Not overwhelmingly so, though. Everyone else seemed to like it, including the youngest son's wife, who he noted, eats squirrel meat. I guess if you like deer meat than it's only natural you'll like other forest critters, too. Or at least that was the logic I was following.
I think part of it was the fact that I'm not all that keen on how meat of any kind tastes after being in the freezer for over six months. It just tastes like the freezer, even if it doesn't have freezer burn, which this may well have. I'm not that familiar with what ground deer meat looks like, so it could be more of its natural color.
Whelp, That's It, I reckon
Not sure why I've been swerving in and out of redneck or bad puns or whatever accent I was writing with, but anyway. It's over, and you don't have to endure it any longer.
Tomorrow is the first game of the season for the Oregon Ducks football team, so I'll be calling one of the fine local pizza establishments to supply the dinner then. Sunday, I'm pretty sure my wife is going to cook. That leaves the possibility of Monday, though, since it is Labor Day here in the States and I've got the day off, because how else to celebrate labor than to avoid it for 24 hours straight. Except, too cook, I guess.
I'll probably be out on the grill, slinging burgers and dogs, so we'll see what makes it into a post for next week.
Cool. It's just past 9:40. Time to do a quick edit check and then, it's all yours to devour.
Until next time...
....Aw, you know what to do.
Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen
Grandpa Gotta Cook is published in conjunction with Food Fight Friday, a food loving, friendly, weekly competition. If you're interested in participating, follow these simples steps: Write about food, post it on a Friday (your time), use the all important #fff tag (so others will know your intentions), and then go and read some other entries, because the participants choose the winners. Cool, right? Yes it is.
Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 58
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a
Stop it. Just stop it! Tantalising people with that BIG BREAKFASTY goodness! It's not even breakfast time here and now I want a BIG BREAKFAST!
Looks awesome...Hmm, now I have to eat...What to eat...pancakes...I wonder...What could I have...pancakes...Maybe...PANCAKES! :)
Have a good night and weekend ahead. Saturday arvo here...1500. Been to the range, took photos, posted about it...Now...Hungry.
Well, you know, @galenkp...
Pancakes aren't just for breakfast anymore. I'm pretty sure that was a slogan at some point. Or was that Orange Juice. Can't remember. Regardless, we had ours for dinner, so you can have yours for a late afternoon early evening linner or dunch. Not sure what you want to call it. :)
I'm glad the pancakes are what caught your attention. I seem to be the only one around here who likes them enough to think about them regularly. :)
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Now this is a real hearty breakfast, sure you didn't need lunch after this!
Sorry, meant to add some of these.
Hey, @lizelle.
It was definitely a hearty breakfast, very filling and though it was eaten for dinner this time, I didn't really need breakfast the next morning. :)
We tend to do something like this once every other month or so. Found out this last time that my daughter-in-law isn't a huge fan, which may be why we haven't done it more. Food preparation seems to involve her likes and dislikes, but this time I went for it anyway. Because I wanted to. :)
Aha now I get it- breakfast for dinner:) I just love pancakes except we call them crumpets or flapjacks; our pancakes look like a crepe with a bit more body to it. We often have brunch instead of breakfast, now what could one call breakfast for supper I wonder?
Yeah. Well, let's see. I guess we haven't really gotten that far. We probably just say something like, "What are you having for dinner?" and someone will respond, "Big Breakfast," and that's pretty much it. :) Not very exciting, I know.
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token. Enjoy it!I would have loved to have seen the presented version of this delicious looking meal.
Hey, @shaidon.
Yeah. This was one of those times where my hunger (after cooking it all) got the better of me, so I didn't remember to take a picture of my full plate before it was too late. :)
Nice entry Grandpa, nothing beats a big breakfast like that one.
Hey, @farm-mom.
Well, thank you. What I find sad about it all is that I can't down the food as much as I used to, otherwise, we might have big breakfast once a week. :) Alas the old metabolism has slowed down with the rest of me. :)
Great breakfast, Nothing like a good breakfast to get your day off on the right foot @glenalbrethsen
Wow sir Glen, now THAT'S the way to do a breakfast, my gosh! I love that. lol.
Hey, @janton.
I'm sure they'd do breakfast bigger than that in Texas. :)
Since it was for dinner, I figure we can get away with a little more, than you can just sleep it off. :)
lol! good plan. how is work going, you haven't posted about work recently have you?
No, I haven't posted about work lately. Last week was basically a disaster post-wise. As it is, no one seems to really care (outside of maybe you and maybe a handful of others).
Yeah, comments have dropped off and some people aren't posting as much, probably most of them aren't. Is that what you noticed about the fewer postings? so work is going well?
I was following 29 users and realized after the hardforks that I wasn't seeing a whole lot in my feed. So, I when I went to go look, there were 13 that weren't really doing much in the way of posting (some for months, so before the hardforks). So, I unfollowed most of those. There's another 3-7 who don't post regularly either that I decided to wait on because of one reason or another.
I was telling bashadow that it's like I'm starting over again. Which means this will be the third time (if I count when I actually started, the first time I felt like I was starting over, plus this time), and hardforks have been involved in at least two of those.
I also feel like I'm constantly going through people I associate with. Most of the folks I came in with are gone or curtailed drastically. A couple of them have picked up a little bit in the last few months, which is nice, but that's about it. You and I haven't necessarily corresponded as much over the last several weeks, either, for one reason or another.
In my case, it's lack of availability, and it's frustrating. For others, there's a cost benefit to work ratio that's not being met. I may end up another casualty of that one myself.
Work is going. I don't really hear directly how people think I'm doing. I did get a raise, however, which I think is ahead of schedule, if there ever really was a schedule. :) So, I guess that means they want to keep me around. I know I'm full into ATMs, and when the general manager was gone a week or so ago, I was the person who covered the weekend in my route area. I haven't had to do that before, and thankfully, it wasn't much.
Howdy sir Glen! So you think you may reduce your postings too because of the low payouts? That would feel weird normally but since you are so busy working it would fit better in your schedule probably.
I'd hate to see the platform shrink significantly but it may be doing so, I don't know what the real numbers are. I don't like people talking about suddenly being downvoted when they never were before, that just pisses them off and discourages them.
Your job is a strange one! lol...but kind of nice because you are basically independent and it sounds like you won't have any problems if you follow the schedule and assignments they give you. I like that idea. The lack of feedback is odd but obviously they really like your work!
I don't have any plans to reduce at this point. I think it's just happening from the fact I've got 8-12 hours of work Monday through Friday that I'm sometimes too tired to think straight for a post. Doesn't help that I don't always have a subject in mind. The other issue is, since STEEM is hard to come by through posting, I've been mainly powering my way through the evening posting because of SNAX—but they haven't had a scoring round since August 27 (HF 21 day), because they had to replay the blockchain on their node more than once, thanks to the issues the both HF 21 and 22 have had. They're probably another five days away from being back up and running, providing they don't have more problems.
People need to do what they need to do. If that means leaving or curtailing their time here, than they will do that. Nothing new there. The downvoting is something I guess we're all going to need to get used to if we end up with any kind of success, or, if we happen to have something controversial to say.
Which is another reason why I managed one post last week. I have something controversial to say. It's a jumbled mess, though, so it's not coming out very coherently, so I haven't done it yet. That would be fine, but it's crowding out my desire to post anything else until I work through it.
So, I'm essentially chasing my own tail here and getting nowhere with it. :)