Caramel Color - An 80 Year Old Tradition

in #fff6 years ago


Looks like we got a vibrant one here! Check out that cover image - All decked out in yellow and blue like that with a cherry circle on top. Not too clashy I hope. This week’s contender got flashy with an iPhone 8+, weighed in at Photoshop Express and trains at Fumatic App: Triple Baked, Triple Yellow, Mustard F (for Friday) plated on top of a Sea Blue Pepsi Label reduction sauce.

Happy Food Fight Friday ya’all, thanks a lot for coming back! This is what I meant last week when I said I’m going to “utilize this platform strategically.” Say hello to my addiction - “Hello, Pepsi!” 🤝

Pepsi is my poison - iheart Pepsi. “Guilty!” The same guy who’s been posting those smoothies and health drinks talking about cardio bla bla and exercise something or other has a horrible habit (just one though!) :wink: Pepsi. It’s bad enough to where I won’t stock it in the refrigerator, it’s strictly an out and about thing; exit line at the market, lunch at Jack’s Place, etc. and I know it’s poison - I drink it anyway.

Ingredients: Carbonated Water. High Fructose Corn Syrup. Caramel Color. Sugar. Phosphoric Acid. Natural Flavor.

I’ve heard about that High Fructose stuff, it’s all over the media these days, and none of it’s good - I drink it anyway. I’m not certain what Phosphoric Acid is either - I drink it anyway. Natural Flavor sounds inviting but I bet there’s a more specific scientific term for ‘natural’ they haven’t shared with us peasants yet - I drink it anyway. Caramel Color is another ingredient found everywhere on a Pepsi label and although it has an inconspicuous name tag, I don’t know what it is - I drink it anyway.

#fff and the whole @foodfightfriday family welcomes this type of research/information. If you discovered an ingredient(s) or an item on a ‘warning label’ and believe it’s beneficial for your fellow Steemsters to be made aware of and all you need is a platform:

Welcome to Food Fight Friday!

Caramel Color: def. Water soluble food coloring made by heat treatment of carbohydrates in the presence of acids, alkalis or salts known as Caramelization.

Multiple Choice: Why is caramel color found in 1 out of 20 items per market/grocery store worldwide?

A. The blend of natural occurring supplements, caused by heat, is 10x the potency of Genetically Modified supplements.

B. In heat treatment, called Caramelization, shelf life is extended by 300 days to the product Caramel Color was introduced to.

C. A measured combination between salt and acid creates a ‘sweet’ flavor nearly disabling the need for organic sweeteners.

D. Caramelization neutralizes reactive agents, whereas without caramelization, safe shipping/handling is costly and time consuming.

If I attached my signature right now and called this post a wrap, what choice did you make, D? I thought B sounded believable with the ‘shelf life’ part. Do any of those four choices sound believable? Because I made them all up. Caramel Color serves one purpose: Aesthetics.

Clinical studies have proven humans will consume products based on eye appeal. According to this study we won’t purchase, nor consume: gray potato chips, beige BBQ sauce or pale gravy - Nope! Want more proof? Neither you nor I are capable of pronouncing some of those ingredients on the back of a salad dressing bottle but it’s a creamish-colored, thick and kind of pasty sauce instead of blood-red and coagulated... “Guilty!”


Let’s find out what The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded:
Heating carbohydrates with acids in a process called Caramelization creates two byproducts: 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI) and 2-aceytl-4-tetrahydroxybutyl, (2-MEI) both of which were concluded to be neither genotoxic, nor carcinogenic and no evidence has been proven to show adverse effects on humans. “Thanks, EFSA!”

Let’s find out what the United States Food And Drug Administration (FDA) concluded:
Artificial brown coloring made by reacting sugars with ammonia causes chemical reactions forming 2-MEI and 4-MEI which government studies conclude cause lung cancer, liver cancer, thyroid cancer and leukemia.
“Thanks, FDA!”

Interesting! Two countries separated by the Atlantic Ocean are worlds apart in scientific discoveries.

Now I’m going to find two independent studies, yes, “find,” we’re learning this together, and afterward we can all use this information to draw our own conclusions, deal?

”Caramel Color”

In an article posted by Livestrong dot com, caffeine does not cause an increase in blood pressure, cola does. Their research findings are based on participants who consumed only coffee vs. those who consumed only colas. Together with The Center for Science in Public Interest, petitioned the FDA to ban the cancerous byproducts caused by the caramelization of colas known as 2-MEI and 4-MEI.
“Thanks, Livestrong!”

In an article published by John Hopkins University; Senior Author of Study, Assistant Professor and Director of Food Production at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health had this to say about the ‘unnecessary’ risk: “This unnecessary exposure poses a threat to public health and raises questions about the continued use of caramel coloring in sodas.”
“Thanks, John Hopkins University!”

Friday. August 17, 2018. Pacific Standard Time.

Dear fellow food/drink consuming Steemsters:

I sure am leaning like the Tower Of Pisa on this one! As far as mankini’s and euro’s, I’ll stick to what I’m familiar with but when it comes to Pepsi, I’m considering standing tall like the Eiffel Tower. Something about that sweet tasting, throat burning, energy boosting, teeth rotting, battery terminal cleansing, copper deoxidizing, ice cold, non-hydrating beverage just gets me every time! “Guilty!”



P.S. Same place next week, deal? Follow @foodfightfriday and show us what you’re cookin’ with! You might even get served some SBD.


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I've almost always known that they use coloring in drinks like pepsi and coca cola, but I've never given it that much thought. Luckily I've never liked the taste of either of them. What is discouraging is that very few people read the label, and even the label can be misleading, like with that caramel color. And even if you read the label, google the ingredients and read some researches, you can still feel confused. It's just much better to eat natural foods, so you don't have to ponder whether the foods you're consuming will be carcinogenic or not.

Again, well done @dandays! Really informative post with a lot of effort put into it!

Thanks a lot again @jasmink! I really appreciate it. I know I’m not the only one interested in dissecting these labels we’ve all been programmed to believe is normal. So when someone takes the time to honestly let me know they appreciate the effort then I tell you what.... “gas pedal!”

Thanks for stopping @jasmink and nice catch from @gentlebot, that worked out well! 😉

It's really important to talk about these things, even if you're not the only one interested in dissecting the labels, all the credit to you for bringing this up! There should be a lot more conversation around the topic. I didn't even notice that upvote from @gentlebot, that was a nice surprise! 😊 Have a nice day @dandays!

I love how the “scientific research” is completely opposite of each other. Yet they are only an ocean apart.
Sometimes I feel as though we are in Alice and Wonderland and you don’t know what “science” to trust or believe.

He said
she said
They said
We said

I hear ya with the hooked on Pepsi
I was hooked on Mountain Dew for a very long time. Now I have gotten worse, maybe 1-2 times a week I get that craving for something fizzy and where do I go....
The energy drink isle
I don’t know why it’s not like I need the energy but that hard core burn in the throat followed by a slight watering eye is what I’m after. Lol
Great info thanks for your research and I really like how you leave it up to the reader to make their decision.

I did 12 pack a dew from 18 to 22. Yikes. Bro get the flavored fizzy water, i got some good ones. Aquired taste just like beer use to be, for me tehe.

I know, the energy drinks are terrible and highly addicting. I drink tons of water and try to flush it out. 😜😜

😉good. They sell pure caffeine drops, then get natural beverage (fizzy even) and a few drops, boom. 😎

You mind putting a couple images up right here of ‘the drops’ and ‘fizzy drink’ you’re talking about? I’m all about the burn too, show me a natural way to even come remotely close and I’ll give it a shot.

That’s what I meant, a link.

I havet done this yet but its on my list. I do drink natural flavored soda water, theres some good ones. Im no longer able to drink tea or coffee wo risking crazy symptoms. For some reason the diet cokes dont bother me, freaking A bad stuff. And thanks alot haha today i felt compelled to get a large fountain pepsi mmmm mmmm. Lol i rarely drink sodas and very rare sugar hah. Cheers

The burn of the throat! That’s it! And add the watering eye and I know, you know!! We share the same addiction. Something about the energy drinks, ive only had 1 or 2 in my life and both times I got sick and tired.

Thanks a lot for appreciating this brother, and leaving it up to the reader was my intention, I’m glad it came across that way! The order of my findings and research is how I learned it and that European study is the first one I found. Ima be honest, I was like “YES!” and half way to the corner to get a 6-pack. Well then the other research made its way to my screen and well, here we are....

Thanks a lot for stopping by @jlsplatts, I wasn’t sure how this was going to go.

You say several times you thought 'caramel color' had something to do with caramel candy... you where exactly right. Sugar is a carbohydrate, so your defintion:

Caramel Color: def. Water soluble food coloring made by heat treatment of carbohydrates in the presence of acids, alkalis or salts known as Caramelization.

is the same thing as how you create caramel candy; the coloring used in cola is just a more complete process, and they don't add butter and cream :)

Hey I appreciate that Matt, thank you. The more I pay attention, the more I realize the answers have been right in front of me the whole time. So you’re saying ‘candy’ is created with the same heat that causes both of those cancer causing things... “got it!”

Thanks for stopping by @mattlovell, I appreciate the correction!

Good job and good research babe! It’s a trip the things we consume in our food. It seems to be more and more difficult for people to just eat ‘real food’.

Question: does sprite or 7-up have caramel coloring even though it’s a clear drink? (Curious).

Answer: No they do not. Clear drinks are free of caramel color.

I’m going to give posts like this a shot for a little minute, see if the community is onboard. You got the kitchen gangsterness part covered.

We keep our posts to ourselves to keep the surprise factor intact (in case anyone is wondering how we don’t know what eachother is working on until it’s posted) until they actually go live.

Thank you, I’m glad you like it @luckiestguyiknowwife!

I dig the switch up, looking forward to other triple f contributions. Muah muah muah

Never been a Pepsi or Coca-Cola fan. I've drank a lot of Root Beer in my day. Lately, though, it's been Dr. Pepper. While I was at school in Utah a couple years ago, they've got places where they add in different flavored syrups as well as cream to the soda of your choice. If I've been hooked on anything, it's been those. Where I live, the closest I've been able to come to them so far is making my own, or Dutch Bros. Sodas, which isn't exactly the same since it's not a flavored soda water.

At any rate, if the caramel coloring doesn't get you the sugars will.

If I can find a natural drink that is just as flavorful that I don't have to make myself, I will purchase it and drink it. Jamba Juice, maybe?

Anyway, thanks for the research into your 'kryptonite.'

Heeeyyy! @glenalbrethsen, nice to see you, I missed you last Friday. I’ll switch it up, ‘good’ stuff, ‘bad’ stuff, ‘food,’ of course, too! I’m enjoying this #fff crowd where anything flies.

Man iheart Utah! We were last through there, driving through the Tetons and the snow was melting, beautiful! Actually.. I have a picture in my phone I’ll attach.

That’s recent, I’ve been through and stayed there countless time. I think my most prized memory of Utah wa skiing Ski Alta when I was a kid. I went to Sundance the day prior but Alta.. oh man! Granted, I was a kid, but that place was massive!

Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen!



Yeah. I didn't cook something new the previous Saturday (this last one I did, so I'll have something to share this Friday), and was kind of in a Steemit funk so didn't try to come up with anything. My wife had hernia surgery on Monday and seems to be doing well in her recovery, so I've been kind of sporadic this week, but am slowly catching up.

See, now, that's not a part of Utah I've been to yet. I've been to Park City, but I'm not much of skier, so it was just basically to look around at all the expensive houses. :)

I'm kind of partial to Pine trees and green, so while I find the Wasatch Mountains on down to be huge and amazing, the valley is just a little too brown and the weather is a little extreme. I'm glad, though, there are people like you who like it. There's plenty of people moving there every year, so they must agree with you. :)

Wow, the absolute worst shit on the planet! Haha, cocaine comes in 2nd. Diet coke here, i mean F I cant drink coffee.

Safe to say it is the worst! Shame on me for thinking Caramelization meant something to do with caramel candy! What was I thinking?! They got me, Danget! Again, Danget!!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @weirdheadaches! (Fun fact: my phone just autocorrected when I accidentally left out the last ‘a’ in your name)

Sounds like an conspiracy. :)

I used to be hooked on Diet Pepsi, yuck I know, but I eventually figured out the premature arthritis in my hands was all the fault of the aspartame in that garbage I was drinking. I've got the knuckles of a wee pup again lol

The 'caramel color' in Pepsi reminds me of the coloring used in cheddar cheese; you know it's not naturally yellow, right? :)

I'm submitting this bad boy to curie/c-squared, speaking of learning together. Let's see where it goes? :)

Has anyone told you iheartu today?

Aspartame, on my goodness! Yes, that’s another one that everyone should really investigate a little bit, 100 out of 100 labs rats can’t be wrong! The first time I dig into aspartame was probably 4 or 5 years ago, shame on me for waiting so long!

Now I know about the coloring in “cheddar cheese.” I’m on it! I suck at hard bids (due dates) but I’ll most definitely add the coloring in it to my research project.

Thanks a lot for the support @lynncoyle1... wait, @lynncoolest1! Happy Friday to you and Brian!

Awww just Brian :) That's pretty sweet, thanks!

Not sickly aspartame sweet mind you, but organic, cane, natural sweet :)

Happy Friday to you guys too!! :)

Some of this stuff they call “Food or drink” should be kept behind lock and key at the hardware store.
So nasty!!
Thank for the enlightenment @dandays

My pleasure, I’m glad you appreciate it. I really wasn’t sure if I was the only one interested in this stuff. Until I dig deeper into the label, I guess you’ll be seeing me exit the market with a Sprite every once in awhile.

Thanks a lot for putting this together @foodfightfriday.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

@c-squared you rock! Thanks for doing what you do.

Caramelization creates two byproducts: 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI) and 2-aceytl-4-tetrahydroxybutyl, (2-MEI)

Aye?... you what?... can you spell that in English please?

Shit, man, if you listen to all the scientific mumbo jumbo, you'd probably have you live on organically grown lettice leaves and mineral water! And lets face it, we gotta go sometime so we might as well enjoy the time we spend here, by having the things we like.

Pepsi is my go to drink if we're out for a meal. I drive so I cant/won't do alcohol.

The multiple choice thing... I picked B, highly believable 👍

Excellent #fff post @dandays, may be you should move to Europe were that 'caramel colour' stuff is good for you!

PS. On a conspiracy angled thought, maybe it's ok to consume 'caramel colour' in Europe, because they have recently introduced a sugar tax. Now, if they start announcing that caramel colour is not good, that could make the sales off colas drop... well I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this!

I’m glad you like it dude, thanks a lot! Going into his thing I had no idea what caramel color was, I actually thought it was something to do with caramel candy. The nerve of me..

That research I conducted is in order, we all learned that thing together so when I first read Europe I was like “yes!” Then I dug a little deeper.. kinda makes me wonder why the soda companies all had a clear beverage at one time as though the knew the bad stuff their drinks are doing so they tried to be cool for a minute.

I don’t drink either dude. And for sure, I’m looking forward to digging into stuff that’s benefial too, we can’t all live on mineral water and lettuce!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @sivehead, these posts of mine just don’t seem right without your 2 cents!

edit Any particular ingredient you’d like me to put the magnifying glass on?

2 cents... come on dude, my votes ain't worth that much... maybe 1 cent at best! 🤣

Eh now that you mention it I’ve been meaning to say something about that!

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