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RE: Caramel Color - An 80 Year Old Tradition

in #fff6 years ago

Caramelization creates two byproducts: 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI) and 2-aceytl-4-tetrahydroxybutyl, (2-MEI)

Aye?... you what?... can you spell that in English please?

Shit, man, if you listen to all the scientific mumbo jumbo, you'd probably have you live on organically grown lettice leaves and mineral water! And lets face it, we gotta go sometime so we might as well enjoy the time we spend here, by having the things we like.

Pepsi is my go to drink if we're out for a meal. I drive so I cant/won't do alcohol.

The multiple choice thing... I picked B, highly believable 👍

Excellent #fff post @dandays, may be you should move to Europe were that 'caramel colour' stuff is good for you!

PS. On a conspiracy angled thought, maybe it's ok to consume 'caramel colour' in Europe, because they have recently introduced a sugar tax. Now, if they start announcing that caramel colour is not good, that could make the sales off colas drop... well I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this!


I’m glad you like it dude, thanks a lot! Going into his thing I had no idea what caramel color was, I actually thought it was something to do with caramel candy. The nerve of me..

That research I conducted is in order, we all learned that thing together so when I first read Europe I was like “yes!” Then I dug a little deeper.. kinda makes me wonder why the soda companies all had a clear beverage at one time as though the knew the bad stuff their drinks are doing so they tried to be cool for a minute.

I don’t drink either dude. And for sure, I’m looking forward to digging into stuff that’s benefial too, we can’t all live on mineral water and lettuce!

Thanks a lot for stopping by @sivehead, these posts of mine just don’t seem right without your 2 cents!

edit Any particular ingredient you’d like me to put the magnifying glass on?

2 cents... come on dude, my votes ain't worth that much... maybe 1 cent at best! 🤣

Eh now that you mention it I’ve been meaning to say something about that!

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