Friday Night Eats! | Gyros Burger with Tzatziki and Fries!

in #fff5 years ago

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What’s Up my Friday night Foodies!

It was market day for the Bird household! Evidently the Beet smoothie I had before we left was not nearly enough.

We all know what that means. You’re nodding your head, yesssss about right now. We’ve all been there, right?

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You end up buying wayyyyy to much stuff! Lol Okay, I’ll admit it, I do have a weakness for chips and when I shop without eating first, I end up buying them. Sigh It’s okay; I’ll just ride, run or walk an extra mile or two, that should do it.

Although I must say, I picked up two new fruits today, stay tuned I’ll be sharing them soon. I think they need to ripen a bit more before I dig in!

I digressed didn’t I…

Well, anyway. Like I said, today is Friday! For those of you who don’t know, that means Food Fight Friday! My friends over at #fff hold this food-flinging, finger licking contest each week. It’s true, I’ve seen it with my own two beady eyes! I knew I had to pick up something interesting; the stakes are pretty high over there! You’ll have to check it out! The food flinging festivities are getting bigger each week!

After wandering around the market for far too long ...

I finally decided on our Friday Night Bird feast! My other half has been asking for Gyros lately (pronounced YEE-ros, and if you’re having two it’s YEE-ree), and I’ve been yearning for fries so I while chirping through the fruits and veggies I spied a fresh Rutabaga! Ah, ha! I knew that would satisfy the Friday Night French fry craving. I know my pal @puravidaville loves those so she’ll be doing a Friday Night happy dance over these babies!

Fast forward to the Bird nest…

That rutabaga I picked up was a beast! I managed to wash and peeled this guy you’ll notice I had to pull out the big guns to slice this baby. Fresh and firm! Timing is crucial, I wanted everything do be done at the same time so the fries were in the oven while I started on the Burgers.

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Now to the Gyros…

Burger, I flew into high gear to make the esteemed Tzatziki sauce. Everyone knows you can’t have Gyros without Tzatziki sauce. Cucumber, lemon, EVOO, Pepper, Salt and Yogurt blended like a dream in my little blender. Hot sauce anyone? How about a little Sriracha sauce for the fries? Spicy Friday night!

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Everything came together quite nicely, Burgers topped with Fresh Goat Cheese, fresh julienned cucumber, red Onion and a very liberal drizzle of Tzatziki Sauce!

Friday night Feast my Foodie Friends! Time to kick back and enjoy!

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Two happy Birds and another successful #fff! Be sure and stop by, you’ll never want to leave!
Thanks for stopping by!

And as always, blessings to you all!




The STEEM Engine


Ok, I need a few details. Do you just fry rutabagas (never had one) like you do potatoes? And do you use ground lamb for your gyros -- or just ground beef. (LOVE Gyros. Haven't had one in years ... and wow I miss it. I may have to break down and do my own -- eventually.)

I baked these guys, but I did contemplate frying them. I'm sure frying would be amazing. When I make gyros burgers I do use ground lamb and for the real gyros I use shaved lamb which we looooove. You should make it, that tzatsiki sauce is amazing (and easily spiced up ;) ) I hope you'll share it when you make them!

You, young lady, yes you! You have such an inviting and friendly blog. The bird nest must be the coolest nest on the block.

Now then :whistle: I noticed some blueberries in the smoothie picture that weren’t facing perfectly up like the other ones—what’s up with that?! Who are you and what have you done with birdsinparadise?!


lololo, ah ha you caught me....although you know how it is to drop the blueberry on top and have it roll over? By the time you stick your fingers in the drink you have thoroughly ruined your perfectly place hemp it Mr.? Thank you @dandays, I promise, I'll do better next smoothie! You da best! Enjoy your beach Sunday with Pura Vida :)

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I can't tell you how much I enjoy this community! So many fun and creative people. Appreciate the upvote @powerhousecreatives :) Thank you!

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Thank you @thesteemengine, appreciate your constant support :) Good to see you this morning! :)

I too gonna fight for these...potatoes always been my weakness and when it served like this , I am ready for do or die....bring on👍

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hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Fries are a true weakness...I'll use any excuse to serve them :) Thanks so much @steemflow, appreciate the compliment!

Okay, where’s my plate. We literally just finished dinner and you have me drooling already. I swear I get chunky just reading your blog. Rutabaga fries are the shizz and Tzatziki is just lick my whole entire face yum 😋. Happy food fight Mrs. Bird!

I thought you would like those fries, lol Although I should have cooked them a wee bit longer, they didn't last long so no biggie. Tzatsiki was yum-o I had a bit left....trying to figure out what I'll drizzle it on next :) Now I just need one of your brownies...;) Perhaps a trade? Thankee @puravidaville!

Anytime my friend, anytime :)

I'd eat that! I miss greek food hard to find good stuff where I inhabit.

I'd eat that! I miss
Greek food hard to find good stuff
Where I inhabit.

                 - abitcoinskeptic

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I know, it's difficult to find here as well, that's why I make them. :) A favorite while in college, Mr Bird and I loooooved this cute Greek restaurant and their Gyros, yum Thanks so much @abitcoinskeptic!

your creativity with coming up with these amazing dishes is amazing, and you present them so well I would happily devour that

hehe thanks @tattodjay, I have fun with it. I figure if I'm going to cook, why not make it look tasty when I serve it. My hubby was pleased (and I got to have a tasty burger and fries, lol)

Your sure do make it ok tasty and burger and fries I haven’t had for months although that one was not as healthy as yours

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Thanks so much @c-squared :) Honored for the curation!

This looks really edible

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