Curation reports

in #fart5 years ago

So there are some differences here to curation reports and recent upvotes and downvotes I wanted to be talking about today.

This is going to be a slight rant for those of you checking in so if you don't like reading those anymore after all this time then please look away cause I personally wouldn't want to be reading them either but some things need to be said.

First off, as I have first hand experience, even though I am not part of the active curation team of OCD as to what goes in to being a curator. I understand this word has been misused, abused and has lost most of its original meaning by now but let me give you a quick look at what our curators do on a daily basis when finding posts that deserve the upvotes.

  1. Find a post that is underrated and quality, preferably from a new user or a user that hasn't had any major curations from us or others in the recent past. (already pretty difficult to do considering not many active authors around lately, especially with the increase in curation since HF21/22)

  2. Check the author for a history of abuse/plagiarism (big props to @curie's tool here for helping with this), then check that the post itself isn't plagiarised.

  3. Nominate said post in our inner curation inside discord where we have certain tools that anonymize who the nominator was as to not give the post an advantage or a quick judgement without reading/curating it from others.

  4. Read through the other noms and find the best of the best and have an inner voting on Discord where only a few of them make it to the compilation post.

  5. Write a short description of the post so our readers of the @ocd compilation posts can quickly decide if it's something that may interest them or not.

  6. After voting is done a curator takes care of posting all the finalists onto our compilation posts, setting beneficiaries and editing out numbers, etc.

So as you can see this is something that takes a lot of time. Curation here isn't just about looking through your feed, checking which author it is and judging it by it's content and history of the author, etc before casting a vote which I admit is something I have been doing with my own account lately as I am super busy with a lot of other things on and outside of Steem but I still don't want to give up "manual" curation after 3.5 years and follow a more thorough curator as I'm hoping to find the time very soon to do better curation with this account as well.

Okay so about the action recently, a former bid bot who I for a fact know has a grudge against me or ocdb due to it's part of breaking off the bid bot selling and discouraging authors from buying profitable votes to force them to curate, effectively decrease their ROI and getting more curation going onto the platform which is something we desperately needed after two years of whatever the fuck was going on. He felt that the @ocd compilation post which were netting around $20 in rewards were too high so he downvoted them. Bear in mind this is $20 divided by 6-7 curators/daily authors of the compilation posts that receive the rewards in beneficiaries after the work they do daily mentioned above.

So curiosity hits me and I go look at his other downvoting activity, hmm, strange, no other downvotes cast on any of the other curation projects that do curation reports similarly or - worse, in a more automated way. What's automated you may ask and how does that differ from the way we do it with @ocd. Welp, take a look at its own daily reports and tell me if you find the difference, spoiler down below.

So he basically takes the first couple lines from a post he curates and pastes them under an image of the post in his reports. Wait a minute, isn't this something that one could easily do with a bot? Woah hodl on there. Isn't this something that someone could easily program that all you'd have to do is take say 5 daily posts voted with a certain threshold and automatically create a whole report without lifting a finger except having created that bot/script? Damn future you scary! But okay that's all fine right, if they are able to then why not. I have nothing against that but when that same user goes out of his way to downvote the manual work of a team of curators that have been doing the same thing for over 2.5 years while he's at the same time asking his bid bot buddies to upvote his automated reports - yes that is going to grind my fucking gears pretty good.

I have nothing against people downvoting the reports because they believe they are overrewarded. We decided ourselves after the HF to stop self-voting them as they were taking up a lot of space on trending and many were attempting to curation snipe leading to even higher rewards. If it were many different people downvoting them and they actually were earning a lot of daily rewards the same way they were way back I'd also have no problem, but when it's one user who

A. Holds an obvious grudge cause he is earning way less ROI from his service now that he is forced to curate does it alone.

B. Has numerous times tried to smear my reputation, accused me of only targeting the "freedom" bots with our downvotes, then complained about the lack of interaction some of my fantasy posts get (even though lack of interaction is pretty much platform wide right now) which as of now I make 0 rewards from (before this it was 10-20%) and then also went so far as to accuse me to have cheated the fantasy tournaments by sockpupetting them.

... yeah I'd say this is pretty much targeted grudge downvoting not far off from whatever haejin is doing on a daily basis.

I understand some people may not understand the work that actually goes on when curating and I especially understand that an ex bid bot owner who all he did to earn the stake he may have today was copy a bot, ask for delegation and sit on his ass at the beach for two years doesn't understand what curation is, but hardworking curators who are completely not part of any of this drama or decisions of @ocdb and the way it has decided to break off voting rings and bid bot sales get in the crosshairs of some mean old fart who seems to get angrier and more ridiculous with each accusation he attempts to throw at me cause he probably can't get it through his thick skull that some people here may actually not be here to just abuse and maximized their stake no matter the cost, then yeah it really does grind my gears and I take the opportunity to call that shit out publicly.

OCDB's votes on OCD have only occurred on posts where A. We are doing tournaments/giveaways of Steem to Gods Unchained players to get them to join Steem and see what they've been missing and B. The inktober contest we've been running for October where 50% went to the judges (who 60% of were not part of the OCD team before it) and 50% are going to a gallery at Steemfest mentioned in @roelandp's recent post. Yet still these posts are also getting downvoted. Dang it, if there's no value to bringing in new users and increasing the activity here on Steem of a very popular phenomenon that's been striking artists all over the internet each October, I don't fucking know what will be.

Another thing I wanted to get out is that on top of me not being 100% with my current curation I have been casting 100% votes on @ocd because I understand the amount of work they do to not miss out on great authors on Steem and I also know the amount of rewards they missed out on when bid bots and other owners decided to band together to take the majority off or even downvote them to 0 because "my precious ROI" so I figured they'd deserve some higher rewards now after.

Anyway, just needed to get these things said.

The curators of OCD haven't even mentioned the downvotes cause the majority of them are not in it for the rewards but are long term stakeholders who see the same vision many of us may see so I am not making this post because of them but when I see unfairness go on then I like calling that shit out, much like when boinknutz and slowtalker and retardim were going after fucking minnows that dared show their support of curation projects to follow both their upvote and downvote trail and these dipshits were hitting their 10x better posts that were not votetraded with 100x higher downvotes than they ever did "just to prove a message". The message was pretty clear, you guys are absolute garbage.

The only incoming and outgoing steemreport charts that should be allowed to almost be a copy of each other are when abusive downvotes and upvotes are being countered. That's all I have to say about that, really.

Welcome to newsteem.


Thank you for being the voice of the curators, people think this is a simple task, and it is quite the opposite, sometimes you can last up to 2 hours looking for a publication to nominate, taking into account that each project has its rules (something that is very valid) and I think the guidelines are always important, because that highlights the fact that people must do a good job to deserve a good reward, that's what mutual effort and work is all about, the curator and the content creator.

I have always said since we are in this newsteem, the best advantage that the bid bots have is that they already have the power to vote, now they only need the human power, those are the curators, establish their rules of curation as with any project with their curators and see the rewards, I think that way more time is invested in doing what should be done and not in conflicts that is only damaging the platform itself.

I'm a content creator, and I've also been a curator for a year and a half. It bothers me as a content creator to see high posts ($50 or $60) of mistranslation or plagiarism abuse for sources from a very recognized community that do absolutely nothing, a translation that takes 1 minute, while I as a creator take 1 to 4 hours to make a story and translate it. So why not improve that? instead of creating personal conflicts that damage the work of many, the reward does matter, I must say, because just as an art content post has its well-earned value, an upvote of a compilation of authors says "these curators do an excellent job for the platform", the compilations are acknowledgements of the author and the curator, deserves respect.

It's interesting to learn more about the curation process.

I think an understanding can be reached with some more big stake holders regarding tolerable antics. I've even noticed a few of the names you subtlety mentioned curating a little more. Others will just continue fighting until Steem prices rise and win, the day. But my guess is they aren't gonna cash out and disappear when they made their investment back. I think they made a mistake investing in Steem with a traditional investing view. It's a social platform, stakeholders can't be abusive actors.

After HF 21/22 due to increased healing, it is really difficult to obtain publications that meet the ocd requirements. In other words, it is necessary to invest more time in the process. Therefore, the rewards obtained by the compilations are a dignified remuneration for the work team.

On the other hand, unfounded negative votes demonstrate a lack of commitment to the platform.

Just like in the real world, few good people want to make the system better for all and others just care about being successful, even if this means being unfair to others. Keep up the good work!

Posted using Partiko Android

Tag of the week. Not got much to add really, I hear newsteem will take a bit of time to bed in, so these issues should hopefully fade in time.

Some of the above mentioned seem pretty keen on trying to keep with the oldsteem approach though, and I'm not sure a rise in price will improve anything.

Price will make at any cost maximizer behavior worse I am sure. Funny considering the same people could earn nearly as much and play a hand in increasing the value of Steem by not being this way.

Let it out mate. And yep, a real shame.


Out damned fart, out I say!

Pretty sure that is from Macbeth.

Your work on the Steem blockchain doesn't go unnoticed @acidyo.

     Thanks to you and several other curators, the effort I put into my posts is seen and rewarded, and it's very encouraging to me. I've onboarded a friend and now my wife, but the future will tell if they are sold on Steem or not. I'm a believer, and even though I'm a minnow I stay on my downvote trails with no fear. Long-term is the name of the game.

I don't get what these people are trying to achieve other than maximize their own greed. Seems counter intuitive to undermine the value of Steem as a holder of Steem in order to grab a few more tokens. And then the retaliation of massive downvotes against micro voters is pathetic. Fragile egos.

I'm pretty sure a lot of it is thinking "oh well someone else will take care of it - I'll just maximize a bit more because "free money lol"" meanwhile we could've been way more ahead and have a way bigger userbase if there had been some more "altruistic" curation happening over the years.

Fucking suckers that curated the past 2 years, eh.

I figure that is what it is and when you look at many of the ones who are doing it, they don't do much otherwise. 10 years from now, I hope it doesn't matter.

meh, was going to steem.dao the rewards but forgot, will transfer them over after payout or just downvote myself

I'm sure some of the people you called out will generously help you with that =p

I wonder how annoyed they are when they realize how little I care about my post rewards, especially that one crazy person that downvotes all my comments as if it does anything.

You have a completely different approach. They are happy to see you get 0 and your feelings are irrelevant.

I always thought around 500 to 2500 sp was ideal for authors. Sure bigger stakes mean more 'supporters' but engagement and quality are ultimately more important.

Above that sp level, one really needs to shift their strategy towards curating. At this point seeing the bigger picture is more important.

I think you deserve rewards on most of your posts, especially the creative and insightful ones. I agree wanting them on these kinds of ranting posts is off. I also have started setting at least some beneficiaries to null dao or peak if I'm ranting and raving about new steem. I think once every couple of weeks it's nice.

I prefer to call these kinds of posts open discussion. Downvoting and name calling and plotting in the shadows is good fun, but with all that, adversaries need a place to have a reasonable discussion when the time is right.

One thing I want to analyze is how much will people lose by adopting new steem (with out speculation on fiture price change). This is important to consider because it lets us know how much they can devote to fighting.

Way to keep "building bridges" least spell my name right dick wad.

There's no bridges to be built with scum like you.

oh really? Thats not what your partner said last you guys are not on the same page? So i can expect even more downvotes from you after the changes i made to make everyone happy here? You just wanna keep moving the goal posts? I knew you were a fraud.

"make everyone happy" is quite a boast. That anomadsoul doesn't want to bother with you any more, and I promised him to have a look how that turns out, doesn't mean you made anyone happy. Stopping the abuse would make us happy, but you explicitly said you won't do that. It's the remaining amount of abuse that remains which will decide on future actions.

Well i dont consider voting for content that i like with a stake i paid for as abuse. I like all the content i vote for.

Nobody cares about your definitions. The whitepaper is clear about it.
That you do like the content of the vote traders >10 times better than everything else is something you can tell your mom. She might believe you. Nobody else does.

I'm not part of doing any downvoting and haven't been for some time, but as far as what I think about you, go fuck yourself you homophobic threatening piece of human garbage.

keep it up tough guy....your gonna get a chance to say that to my face someday soon.

You're the one that started threatening and calling people names after I told you to fuck off, so kindly fuck the fuck off.

i don't make "threats"....i'm as real as it gets when my mouth opens. i did not start anything with you. You just said above i made threats AFTER you told me to fuck off. Maybe where your from you can talk reckless even though you cant back it up but that dont work with me. Like i said, someday your gonna get a chance to say all this to my face....but i know you wont. Soft as baby shit.

Are you actually mentally challenged? Cause I'll lay off if you are and I feel bad about what I've said.

Is this your first day on the internet? Someone tells you to fuck off and you take that as a reason to result to physical violence? And for some reason you like to think yourself as some immortal human who would actually win in a physical fight? Dude, can you be more of a fucking joke? The fuck do you know about me or what I say to who's face in person.

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