My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Tanisha - From The Cradle to The Grave

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Tanisha's story is about a young girl sexually abused from infancy, put in foster care around the age of 7, sexually abused by her foster dad up to the age of around 13- Placed in Juvy for being a run away - All she ever wanted was to have a family that would love her!


Tanisha - From The Cradle to The Grave

I have struggled for three days on how to tell Tanisha's (not her real name) story as I get extremely emotional just thinking about her. I have decided to just give you a bit of background on her and then simply describe my conversation with her on her "last night" in Juvenile Detention.

Tanisha got caught up in the system at the young age of 3. She was removed from her home by the Child Protection Agency when it was reported that she was being sexually molested. She was immediately taken to a foster home for placement. She was constantly molested, beaten and threatened by her foster father until around the age of 13. She finally ran away from the home, was reported by the foster parent as a runaway, picked up by the cops and brought to Juvenile Detention and remained in the system until she was around 16 or 17. She was placed in one foster home after another but something would always happen to cause her to runaway. Every time she would runaway, she would either live in the streets or stay with friends. When things would get bad, she would turn herself in and be brought back to Juvy. She would be held in Juvy until another placement could be found for her. Each time a placement would be found, she would get excited. She was allowed to meet her perspective new foster parents prior to be released.

One night Tanisha had been in the visiting area talking to a new couple. She came running up to me after the visit. "I have good news, the Jones family want me to come live with them! They said they might even adopt me!! I'm am finally going to have a "real family." Three weeks later she was back in Juvy. I asked her why she had run away again. this was her reply, "They made me live in the basement full of rats and the only time they let me out was when there was work to do." "I just could not take it anymore. Besides, I'm pregnant now, so I will start my own family. I will finally have someone to love that I know will love me back!" I asked her about the baby's father and she advised me she could not say as she didn't want to get him in trouble.

Tanisha was released again to a foster family which took in pregnant underage females. This was the last time I saw Tanisha.

A few months later another Juvy Officer called me at home on my day off. She asked me if I had watched the news the night before. "No, who got killed this time?" "Tanisha," she replied. Here is the accounting of her death as close as I can remember it:

Tanisha and her boyfriend were staying with a couple and living in their basement. The couple had heard yelling and arguing all morning from the basement. After a few hours, the arguing stopped and the boyfriend left the house. They assumed that everything was okay, so they didn't bother to go to the basement. Later that afternoon, they decided to go check on Tanisha as she had not come upstairs all day to eat. When they got to the basement, they found Tanisha hanging by a rope from the basement rafter. Both Tanisha and her unborn baby were dead.

The investigation revealed that the boyfriend was the one who hung her. fortunately he was caught and charged with double homicides.

Rest in Peace my Angels!


“Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead inasmuch as her spoiler lives.”

― Michael Bassey Johnson, Trials Of A Damsel


Many people who experience sexual abuse in their formative years come to see their sexual availability as their primary worth. While the abuse itself may have been deeply painful, internalized conditioning caused by sustained sexual trauma can distort your sense of self, fracture your understanding of healthy relationship dynamics, and cause you to seek validation in sexual activity. The feeling of being wanted by another person becomes intoxicating and essential to your self-esteem; sex becomes an attempt to gain love, belonging, and acceptance while guarding against abandonment or rejection. This may be particularly true if the abuser made explicit connections between affection, desirability, love, and sexual activity.

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Hypersexuality: How Trauma Informs Sex Addiction



@familyprotection was started approximately 3 months ago. If you are concerned about where these funds are going, please take the time to read this post:

We are Family Protection, Keeping Families Safe, Together.

@markwhittam grew up in the care of CPS and then many years later he and his family had to flee their country under threats from the state to take their child because they home schooled.

Linda, @canadian-coconut, started @familyprotection because she has helped several families who have been torn apart at the hands of the legal kidnappers aka. Child Protection Services.

We are Family Protection, Keeping Families Safe, Together.


It is up to us as a Community to uncover the truth and spread this truth worldwide!

If you or someone you know have children that are now wards of the state and/or government, we encourage you to share your story. If you are an underage youth caught up in this insane cycle of abuse and control..Please share your story..If you have friends in abusive situations..Please have them share their story. We here at have caring people that that are willing to help you in anyway we can.

If you wish to donate in support of this project, please do so by sending your donations in the form of Steem, Steem Power and or SBD to @familyprotection

Show your support for @familyprotection, @markwhittam, and @canadian-coconut by visiting their blogs, leaving comments revelent to this most worthy cause, upvoting and resteeming as many of these posts as you feel drawn to do. Please read this post prior to using the @familyprotection tag on any of your posts!


"Let the things break your heart that break the heart of God!"


...steemit posts in support of @familyprotection by @thethreehugs...

My Wish for You! In Support of the "Victims"

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children (Introduction)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Maria (Part 1)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Maria (Part 2)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Tanisha - From The Cradle to The Grave

What are the three things that cannot remain hidden?

photos from






This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @thethreehugs for supporting @familyprotection.

Your story is really hreartbreaking. @familyprotection is really doing great work!

Yes indeed they are! Thank you for your support.

This story is very sad but one of the repercussions of the foster homes constantly replaced is that the infants do not learn to know what the affection is and that is why dependent personality traits are generated, I only substitute the punishment for a person

Yes and unfortunately their screening process leaves a lot to be desired.Thanks for your input.

Such a heart breaking story, but I have a feeling it is only one of thousands more across the globe. You have a very difficult job and it must take its toll on you. How do you stay sane with all this craziness around you?

Yes but I'm sure it is more like Millions! I took an early retirement from Juvenile Detention over 10 years ago as too many of the kids I worked with got caught up in gang wars and were getting shot. I traveled around for a few years, worked for Job Corp for 3 years, then settled on the big Island of Hawaii. This Island has been a major part of my own healing process. If it weren't for @familyprotection, I probably would not be writing these stories. Writing these stories is helping me even more to honor these girls and then be able to put it all behind me and move forward with my life in hopes that their stories will give some sort of meaning to their short lives.

Writing is very therapeutic. Travelling and a change is helpful too. I am glad that you have been able to move forward. Your stories do give meaning to their lives. They are being remembered as human beings.

Yes, for me writing is extremely therapeutic. It helps me bring out issues that I wasn't aware I was still carrying around with me.

The heart always tells the hand what to write.

Yes indeed it does my friend.

It's so important to illuminate how children in the care system grow up without family support, and the serious impact growing up without love and family support can have. Many people don't think about these vulnerable children, who are lucky when they meet someone within the care system who supports them.

Thank you for your contribution, getting to the very core of child abuse. Never an easy subject to talk about, but must be spoken none the less. Society must no longer turn a blind eye. May this sweet soul and her child rest peacefully while others carry on the work. Resteemed with love.

Thank you my friend!!

OMG another heart breaking story about the cruelties and myseriese. God help them my friend can't hear such a unhuman realities. Thanks for sharing, a great thanks for the great steemians @Canadian-coconut @markwhittam and also @famaliprotection .may god grant the power to live their lives.

Thanks for you comment and your support of this group!

That is a sad story. It is so hard to break loose from the crap that life offers you. How did that know that the boyfriend hung her and not her hanging herself? They burn out so quickly. So many variables go into their burnout. Personality disorders, abuse, sex, prescribed or non-prescribed drugs, and a fast life. They fall through the cracks and burn up before their time. Thanks.

Yes, they had enough evidence against him to prove he did It.

Thank you for sharing this. These stories are heart breaking, I remember living in a group home and sleeping on a coat in the garage because I wasn't "worth" as much money as the other kids.

Yep, group homes can be pretty brutal too! I guess you proved them wrong,,,,

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