My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children..Rachelle's Story

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Rachelle's story is one of a beautiful young African American 13 year old who had everything going for her until her mother joined the Morman Church, refused to allow her to continue with a promising modeling career and kicked her out of her home for refusing to conform to her mother's "rules" according to the Morman beliefs, then called CPS and reported her as a runaway. From that moment forward, she never had a chance! She was now in the "system" and a ward of the court.


Rachelle's Story:

I was working a swing shift in the building which housed youth on minimum security, both boys and girls. I was down the girl's hallway supervising their showers when I received a call from the intake office. The officer advised me that they were bringing me down a young female that was extremely emotional. The intake officer asked me if I would "calm her down" before I put her in her cell. She also advised me that CPS has brought her in as a runaway and that she would only be there a few days until they could find a placement for her.

When the officer arrived with Rachelle (fictitious name,) My heart went out to her. She was one of the most beautiful young girls I had seen, even with her bloodshot big eyes, no make-up and a terrified look on her face. The Officer asked me if I would allow her to sit at my little table where I did all my paperwork. I said sure and gave Rachelle a big smile. "You are safe here" I whispered to her. I asked her to have a seat in the chair across from mine and that we would talk as soon as I finished up with the other girls showers and escorted them back to the dayroom. I then asked her if she wanted to be roomed up with some of the other girls or if she preferred a single room. She looked up at me with her big brown sad eyes and said, "Can I please have a room to myself? I have never been in jail before." "Can I please just go lay down for awhile?" she asked. "Okay, let's get you in your room." I replied. I told her that the other girls had already eaten dinner but if she was hungry, I would call the kitchen and have them make her a tray. She advised me that she wasn't hungry. "Okay. I'll have them bring you down some snacks in case you get hungry," I replied.

Every time I would peek into here room to make sure she was okay, she would be on her bed all balled up and sobbing. I would try to talk to her but this just seemed to make her cry more. Later that night after all the other girls were secured in her rooms, the control room advised me that they were popping the lock on Rachelle's door because she wanted to come out and talk to me. When I heard her lock pop open, I opened her door and told her it was okay to come out. She walked out and asked me if she could have a hug. I said, "Well, we are not allowed to touch the youth bit I guess a small hug would be okay." That is when she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and started sobbing again. I gave her a gentle pat on the back and told her, "It's okay, now can you tell me what is wrong and what happened to upset you so badly?" She then sat down in the extra chair and began to nervously tell me her story in between the tears that were streaming down her face.

Here is Rachelle's story as best as I can remember it:


Photo from google

Rachelle had recently been accepted into a prestigious modeling school and was scheduled to start in about a week. Her mother had already given her verbal consent a few weeks prior to her enrollment. Rachelle had plans to save the money she made from modeling to pay for acting school. A week later, everything changed. Her mother had been convinced by a friend to join the Mormon Church. That is when her mother started making changes within the household. She got rid of the television, Rachelle's stereo and music and donated a lot of Rachelle's "inappropriate" clothes to the Goodwill. Rachelle was not allowed to see her old friends and tried to force her to go with her to the Morman Temple. This is when Rachelle began to argue and rebel against her mother. She refused to comply with any of the "new rules" and started sneaking out of the house to see her friends. Her mother finally told her that if she refused to follow the rules, then she could no longer live in the household. Rachelle packed her bags and called her friend who only lived a few blocks down. Later that night after she had taken her bags to her friends house, their was a knock on the door. It was a female CPS Officer and a Police Officer there to take her into custody. She was escorted in a caged police car along with the CPS Officer to Juvy, booked into the "System" and placed in jail until CPS could find her a foster home. Their justification was that since she was a runaway and they had no place to take her to keep her from running away again.

The next time I saw Rachelle, she was brought in for Prostitution. She also tested positive for drugs in her system. I asked her what happened to her. Her reply was, "What else could I do? I'm only 13 and I have to support myself somehow!" "Besides, I have to make money so I can pay my way into modeling school." "I just don't understand why my mother did what she did. I thought she loved me." I asked her about the foster home. "What foster home? They put me in a group home with girls that were making threats and stealing all my stuff!" I ran away because I was afraid. They wouldn't let me live at my friends house so I made some new friends that are helping me make money. I take the drugs because It doesn't hurt as bad when I have to have sex with those nasty men. I have to sell drugs so I can pay for mine."
It was at this moment that the tears were rolling down my eyes. If I could, I would have taken this little girl home with me! This was the last time I was able to talk to Rachelle.

A few weeks later I found out that Rachelle was in a car with a young man. They were in a drive thru fast food place waiting for their food when the worker heard a gun shot coming from the car. The car then sped off. Later the cops got a call advising them that his friend had murdered a young girl and called him to assist with getting rid of the body. He told them where they could find the body in a dumpster behind a big grocery store. Later my daughter found out the name of her killer. She was in shock because she knew the young man. Her best friend dated him for awhile but refused to see him again when he punched her in the face for talking back to him.

I cried for two days after I found out what happened to Rachelle. A friend of mine from Juvy called me and told me when the funeral was scheduled for and advised me that a lot of the other staff were going if I wanted to go with them. I advised her that I probably should not go because if I ran into Rachelle's mother, I would probably end up in jail myself. That is how angry I was at her. I called the funeral home where Rachelle's body was and asked them if Rachelle's mother was there. They said she had just left. I then got into my car, drove to the funeral home and said my last goodbye to Rachelle. I also told her I was sorry that I was not able to do anything to save her.

Rest in Peace my Beautiful Angel!!


"The Sacrificial Lambs of Violence"

Senseless slaughter of the innocent

In the land of life and liberty

A country of brotherly love

A melting pot of diversity and acceptance

Murder wreaks havoc in the land of plenty

Lives taken at the blink of an eye

An eye once looking far and forward

To achieving the American Dream

Violence is winning while

Young boys and innocent girls are losing

No longer free to pursue goals

Cheated by an early fate of death

The cruel sacrifice a mother makes

Losing her innocent lamb

Off to school, to the corner store,

A playground, or to a movie theater

My heart bleeds tears of sorrow

As I hear the latest news

Of another slain victim

Sacrificed, again, as violence lives on.

Senseless Violence in America Continues

This poem is dedicated to all the families in America who have lost someone to a senseless, violent act. Each day, our sensibilities are over and over again assaulted by the breaking news reported in the media, about the loss of another innocent fellow human being.

Whether it's a six year old child, just beginning to grasp the wonders of life, or a middle aged man snuffed out days before retirement, the losses are all tragic.

When will it stop? When will we go for one week and not hear about another domestic terror attack, school shooting, deadly robbery, or violent home invasion ending in death? Where can we feel safe?

I offer no answers to these rhetorical questions, only a word of validating comfort and a shared grief as a member of one community. By acknowledging the pain families are experiencing across the country, a message of solidarity is sent that "you are not alone and we share your loss."

Until we find a way to teach the value of human life in the midst of our need to express anger, frustration, and disillusionment, we will remain at the mercy of violent expression that so often ends in sudden death.

In the mean time, we can embrace each other with a collective hug of compassion and prayer, for ourselves, our deceased loved ones, and for the souls of those who will continue to perpetrate senseless violence upon innocent people.


Help for Survivors of Violence

Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) Victim Services Crime Information - Homicide
Learn more about the impact of homicide on family members and where to go to find support.


@familyprotection was started approximately 3 months ago. If you are concerned about where these funds are going, please take the time to read this post:

We are Family Protection, Keeping Families Safe, Together.

@markwhittam grew up in the care of CPS and then many years later he and his family had to flee their country under threats from the state to take their child because they home schooled.

Linda, @canadian-coconut, started @familyprotection because she has helped several families who have been torn apart at the hands of the legal kidnappers aka. Child Protection Services.

We are Family Protection, Keeping Families Safe, Together.


It is up to us as a Community to uncover the truth and spread this truth worldwide!

If you or someone you know have children that are now wards of the state and/or government, we encourage you to share your story. If you are an underage youth caught up in this insane cycle of abuse and control..Please share your story..If you have friends in abusive situations..Please have them share their story. We here at have caring people that that are willing to help you in anyway we can.

If you wish to donate in support of this project, please do so by sending your donations in the form of Steem, Steem Power and or SBD to @familyprotection

Show your support for @familyprotection, @markwhittam, and @canadian-coconut by visiting their blogs, leaving comments revelent to this most worthy cause, upvoting and resteeming as many of these posts as you feel drawn to do. Please read this post prior to using the @familyprotection tag on any of your posts!


"Let the things break your heart that break the heart of God!"


...steemit posts in support of @familyprotection by @thethreehugs...

My Wish for You! In Support of the "Victims"

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children (Introduction)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Maria (Part 1)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Maria (Part 2)

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Tanisha - From The Cradle to The Grave

What are the three things that cannot remain hidden?

photos from






This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @thethreehugs for supporting @familyprotection.

Thanks again!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your heart-wrenching story of a young girl that had such a bright future, but ended up getting lost due to the system. Unfortunately there is a history in my family as well that is almost the exact story, so I know how extreme religions can push people 2 make decisions that are not in the best interest of their children. The overwhelmed child protective program goes by the information they are given by the parents, and they do what is in the best interest of being able to deal with their rapidly growing caseload, and not what's in the best interest of the new child's that they are meeting. I am hoping that more people read the story and together we can come up with better ways to fix this system for the future of our youth.

Thanks for your input. Yes, there has to be a better solution to helping these kids. Unfortunately any system is only as good as it's leadership and worker's. Now following you.

The fact of not allowing our children to perform an activity or occupation they wish is psychological violence, but religions are plagued by cognitive distortions. You could give your vote in my first publication

I started a narcissistic weekly digest of my own stuff last week but I’m putting an article a week from another user in each edition. Part One of this series is what I chose. Great work!

Yep it does sound a bit narcissistic and frankly it was, but guess that is what people need to hear. Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of control of what or when to write. The writing fairies hit, they keep nagging me until I do it. Fortunately this is the last of the ones that have nagged at me for many years. Thanks my friend for all your support. Still waking up from a not so pleasant dream. Taking a "road trip" to Hilo to clear my mind a bit. Coffee and more coffee, then I will check out your blog!

Lol, I’m sorry. I meant to say that making a digest all about my own page is narcissistic, a little joke. I find nothing of the sort in your writing. Hilo is so beautiful

No need to apologize! Yes, Hilo is nice but I love where I live in Kau more. We actually went to Puna to get some rare Hawaiian Banana keikis. Was wet and nippy. Glad to be home.

Unfortunately young kids are forced to grow up fast. They do not make good choices and often get in with the wrong people. She did what she thought she had to do to survive. Without good role models the odds are against them to do any better. sad. A few make it and get their GED or a bit of college. But more grow up fast and are forced to abandon their childhood to make it in life or so they think. They are not taught good decision making skills and discernment. If they were taught that is could help a bit. Thanks for your continued series. Sad story. But we all possess at least one.

You are correct..if more parents would take an active role in teaching and nurturing their children in these areas, a lot of these children would make better choices. I ran across an essay I did regarding this very subject that I think might be very helpful for young parents especially. I will think about posting. Thank you for your support and for taking the time to comment.

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