Pediatricians Selling-Out Children for Big Pharma Profits, an Assault on HealthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Your health, your child's health and your family's health is rightfully up to you to manage. It's your choice on how you health. Others can inform you, but no one can rightfully make you do anything. But the "authorities" or "experts" in our society are taking our freedom to choose away from us through the concerted effort to force vaccinations, especially onto our voiceless children who have less sovereignty. They have declared war on health through their forceful vaccination policies that have grave risks. By doing so, they are assaulting our health and freedom to choose.

Source, Source

As Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center explains, not so long ago, bringing one's child for a checkup at the pediatrician was pretty standard. You didn't have to worry about anything harmful being forced upon them. Parents trusted doctors to never do anything that would harm their child. But in the past few decades things have progressively changed.

Vaccination has increased, and parents are not even given information about their risks or failures to do what they claim. Parents are still following the doctors orders, with implicit trust and without question in most cases. Though some people are thinking and questioning more, and blindly trusting less.

Vaccination has become an increasing hot topic in recent times, prompting heated debate on both sides. Some want to avoid vaccines and their risks, and others who want to make everyone take them, believing either they are all safe for everyone or that the risk is acceptable for the "greater good". The alarmists want to make you feel guilty if you don't give your child 69 doses vaccines, as the health and fate of the nation or humanity depends on vaccinations.

The CDC recommended 16 vaccinations is no longer taken as a recommendation, but rather seen as a holy commandment from the gods of health, medicine and "science" that must not be violated. If you want to be a good citizen, then you must do your patriotic civic duty to vaccinate yourself, and especially your children.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has taken a hardline stance on vaccinations of late. Parental consent is more of a nuisance to doctors as a result. This makes taking a child to the doctor a scary endeavor to embark upon. Some doctors just try to vacciante without even having a discussion. If they do and parents object, they are threatened with being removed as a patient from that doctors practice, like a court martial from the army for not obeying the orders of the white-coat authority.

In some cases, doctors have actually reported parents to CPS. It's madness. The insanity of a fearful mindset that seeks to control what they fear. If you dare to not do what the authority says, they think they can sick their authoritarian dogs -- the CPS -- on you to harass and terrorize you into submitting to the vaccine orthodoxy.

Vaccine awareness groups and websites are often contacted by parents, especially mothers, who report that pediatricians are outright refusing to provide care to their infants if they not only decline vaccines for their babies, but even if they ask the doctors to delay one or more of the many doses of vaccines that the CDC orders pediatricians to give a newborn child within their first year of life. However, this early childhood vaccination program has not been fully studied for safety according to the Institute of Medicine.

Public health officials are either not aware or are often suppressing the risks of vaccines. They eliminate all medical contraindications from public knowledge, and pediatricians follow suit by insisting on re-vaccinating children who have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations. They attribute little significance to vaccine reactions, or deny that the vaccine was even the cause.

This is despite many cases where a degrading health condition appears directly after administration of a vaccine, or even when their health continues to deteriorate. They believe the vaccine will save them, because "vaccines save lives". They don't need to look at the reality and evidence before them, they only need to belief in the dogma of vaccine supremacy to fix everything and do no harm.

Loving parents who want to be well-informed are finding the pediatrician's office to be more like a battleground than a welcoming place to make sure their child is healthy. Asking legitimate questions about vaccination safety and risks results in parents being belittled, disrespected and treated with contempt for daring to question the sanctity of vaccinations or the authoritative expertise of the doctor.

Doctors are failing to think and learn themselves. Rather, they are acting like robots who unquestioningly implement CDC ordered vaccination schedules. They also violate the responsibility to inform parents and get consent. Threats are the coercive tool they now use to force compliance. NVIC has a vaccine freedom wall with testimonies of parents who report the terrifying experiences they undergo at pediatric offices.

The trust between parents and doctors has been progressively eroding. Mutual respect and a conversation to share decision making and obtain content is not path always taken. Instead, the path taken is that of fear to try to force parents to accept vaccinations for their child. The freedom of choice is an after thought. Doctors have become our masters, as often happens with authorities like politicians, police and CPS who are supposed to help children not traumatize them.

As history has shown, suffering is a catalyst for change. I hope the suffering that is forced upon many parents and children will be worth it at some point, and enough to eventually wake up the sleeping masses to realize the risks in vaccination and work to reform the medical establishment and other authorities (like CPS) that often harm children rather than help them.

Support @familyprotection. Expose CPS, vaccines and other harms that threaten families and children. Donate if/when you can :)

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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We are a family of five and we have found that most of us react badly to the flu vaccine. Thankfully we have a doctor that understands this and has noted these adverse reactions in our files. When one person gets a flu shot...the whole family shouldn't get sick for a week straight. Especially when the next person gets the shot and the whole thing repeats. I'm not talking just a tummy ache. I'm talking aches, pains, throwing up almost violently, and having troubles moving. This happened twice in the span of a month because two different people in our family got the 'same' shot. Since we stopped taking the flu vaccine...we have each only been slightly sick maybe once or twice a year. We live in the country so it's not like we're getting others sick either. People look horrified when I tell them we didn't get the flu shot. Until I explain why.

Wow, "People look horrified when I tell them we didn't get the flu shot. ". What sad ignorance they are immersed in. God forbid u get a cold and deal with that without a.vaccine of shit :/

I have never had a flu shot and I don't remember the last time I had flu. There are ways to stay healthy that do not involve lining the pockets of a few billionaires.

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While I agree that the health decisions for children should ultimately be up to the parents, I don't agree in general that pediatricians are "Selling-Out Children for Big Pharma Profits" though obviously I can't speak for them all. I know a couple of doctors personally and they would certainly recommend vaccination but it's because they believe the benefits outweigh the risks. I also find them to be intelligent people who think for themselves. Attitudes can certainly be a problem and your doctor should always be willing to explain things to you and answer questions (and that has generally been my experience). If not, it is time for a new doctor.

Yup, many are good and reasonable. But some are horror stories for parents who get mistreated and risk to lose their children to CPS.

Two things i really hate about vaccine rhetoric.

  1. "My unvaccinated child is a threat to your vaccinated child"
    If vaccines worked, those who are vaccinated should have no problems or issues.

  2. The bonuses paid to doctors who get the child to take ALL of their shots is WAY too much. Browbeat the mother into relenting, and get a new car, which should i choose?

Yes, corrupt individuals and ignorant thinking.

I never go to any doctors for yearly screenings. That is the biggest scam going on at this time. Never get vaccines and no mammograms for my body. I am the ama's and big pharmsters nightmare. They will never get me to take their snake oil. They are the quacks!

They love using the "experts" to force us into harming ourselves and giving up freedom. One of the saddest dynamics is they are training the children that one does not question the experts with every parent they bully or worse, kidnap the child from them fro not complying with these poison programs pretending to be medicine.

40ish years ago my then wife decided unilaterally not to have our second son vaccinated. He caught whooping cough and is impaired to this day. I have been a strong supporter of vaccines until recently, feeling the benefits far outweigh the risks. That was until I discovered what's now going into our children. Not only are big pharma including the kitchen sink, but they are also including scrapings from the kitchen sink drain.

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Families now a days, just take any medication and vaccine that doctors give theme with out question. Little that people know that doctors make commission out of selling medications and vaccines. $$$ Example the flu shoot. People think that it is amost to get it. Yet many people that I know have taken it, and they still get the flu. People have forgotten that the full shoot was introduce with the fear of the swine flu epidemic back in 2008 and 9. The worst part is, that the media would give out case numbers that latter had controversy of not being so high. People have forgotten that. Military personnel are obligated to take it. That means that the defense department spends a whole lot on the flu shoot. The pharma company are truly banking.

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