Homeschooling Is Our Choice - Reasons Why We Homeschool

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Years ago when my oldest son was still too young for school, we became friends with other little boys his age. My son was born in late September, and, in the state of Texas, you have to be born before August 1 to be able to start school for that year. Most of his friends were looking to start school in 2013, but according to this rule, my son could not start until 2014. I really wanted him to be in school with his friends, so I started trying to figure out options.

We lived in a great school district that was highly sought after. I figured that I could homeschool him when his friends started school so that he could then finish the first year and be ready to jump into first grade when his friends did. (I had no idea that the school district really would not allow this, but it sounded like a great plan.) I was a former teacher, and homeschooling, at the time, just made sense. I started letting everyone know that was my plan for that year.

The more I started looking into homeschool, the better it sounded. I loved being with my kids, seeing what they did every day, playing with them and teaching them. I loved knowing where they were at any given moment and being a major player in their lives. We enjoyed going to the library, playdates, museums, eating out for lunch and so much more. I quickly learned, I was not going to be willing to give up that time and send my kids to public school. Sure, homeschool is not for everyone, but it has worked great for us.


We have many reasons for homeschooling now. Among them, we like that someone else is not teaching our children something we do not think they should be learning at this age. We decide what we think is best for them, not the state curriculum committee, who does not know anything about them. We decide how fast or slow the curriculum should move, not the other students in class. We do not teach to just one type of learner, or the slowest student in class, because each child gets a personalized one-on-one education. We love our kids more than any teacher ever could and we want what is the very best for them. We know our kids very well because we are constantly around them.

Another main point to us is we know a family whose minor son was questioned at school by the police without their knowledge. He was alone, scared and wanting to get out of there. So he said he did something he did not do. His parents had no idea he was being questioned at school by police. They were not allowed to be present while the police questioned their minor son. They never received a phone call that he would be questioned and were not able to advise him to not answer anything without a lawyer present. They thought it was a normal day at school, but instead, the call they got was a call that he had been arrested. They all thought he was at a place where he could be safe and everyone was interested in his wellbeing, but instead he was strategically placed in a strange room with “good cop” and “bad cop” in order to get his confession. The principal was the one to allow it to happen! I know this does not happen at every school and to every student, but it should not even happen to one.

I cannot protect my children from everything, but I can help spread the word of injustices so others are informed. I have read too many stories like the one above recently, and some that are even worse! This is one reason I support @familyprotection as they are actually trying to do something to help people fight the system. They help families like ours keep the ability to homeschool. They are getting the word out about these injustices and helping families who have been affected. Please read through some of their posts and follow them on steemit.


We often run into people who do not agree with our decision to homeschool, and this includes family members. People who tell us they could never homeschool. People who say the kids should be doing this or that like other kids their age. People who ask if the kids know a certain thing being taught in school. We know that homeschooling our kids is what we are to be doing, no matter the objections.

Homeschooling is hard, but it is also so rewarding. Homeschooling is something we are able to do and we are thankful for that. Life is all about choices and this is one of the bigger ones we have made for our family.


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My grown son,26, says if he ever has children he wants to homeschool them. I think it's great that you are able to do it and I think it's even better that you are a former teacher. I have a niece,33, that tried to homeschool 2 of her children for kindergarten and she just kind of gave up and didn't stick with it when her boys didn't cooperate with her. The next year she enrolled each of them in public school kindergarten a year late. She is not trained to be a teacher and really loves the baby/toddler stage. She has 4 boys! I've heard of success stories so I know it is possible. I didn't home school but I was very involved with my children especially when they were in kindergarten through 6th. I read extra with my kids, I was their scout leader and Sunday School teacher. They probably got sick of how involved I was in their lives!! Both my kids could read by the end of kindergarten. My son(my oldest) told me how happy he was that I was a stay at home mom until he was in 6th grade and then I only became a substitute for the school district. Anyway, like I said I'm happy for you that you get to home school your children! I can tell from your posts that you are a great teacher!

Thanks for the comment! Yeah, I have some relatives who have also done some homeschooling and some who say they would never do it because of personality conflicts between parents and kids. I like that we can immediately work on any issues that arise instead of hearing about it from a teacher and dealing with it hours after it happens. Like attitude, kindness, sharing, and even biting! Nice that you were able to do so much with your kids growing up. My mom also stayed home and then my parents also taught our Sunday school so it was nice to have that as well. I'm glad we have the choice to get to homeschool. Panamanians can't, but we hear the law here is that you can do whatever is legal in your country. So for a German, they cannot homeschool either, but we can since it's legal in the US. It is illegal in Costa Rica as well, so there are no homeschool families that live there (that I know of at least).

Wow @apanamamama, that's terrible that it is against the law to homeschool in those countries! I never knew that.

Yes, during the Obama administration, there was a family seeking asylum in the US from Germany who homeschooled. They knew as soon as they returned home they would be arrested. Obama sent them home. :(

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Thank you for sharing the reasons you chose to homeschool. This was a really nice write up. There’s so much that I agree on. One of the things I like the most is that we are able to teach our children at their own pace as you said. They each get one on one learning and attention and they love that. You are so right, no one knows our kids better than we do and we are well capable of teaching them. I started to get a teaching degree because I wanted to teach in public schools. I went for two years until I realized it wasn’t for me. I knew when I became a mother I would be a teacher to them.

It’s terrible to hear about that boy whom was questioned all alone with no defense. The way they do things behind parents back is so cruel. Thank you for sharing that story and helping to bring awareness to these ugly truths. I am so glad you are supporting @familyprotection, it is really a wonderful cause. Looking forward to sharing more with you on homeschooling. Resteemed!

Thanks for the resteem and comment! I taught Spanish in middle school for 6 years and I enjoyed my time there. I remember certain kids that were so great, but there were classes where I hated teaching because of the few students in them that were just wild. I think a lot of the issues we have with public school are in the upper grades, but I have also heard of a lot of stuff in elementary schools sneaking it. It's just like how the Disney channel is slowly trying to indoctrinate the kids - magic, witches, alternative lifestyles. I'm glad that homeschooling is still an option - it is illegal in Germany and other countries (Costa Rica as well). Yeah, it is sad what happens behind parents backs that people in authority usually get away with.

I experienced that when I taught at daycares. The kids that wanted to learn had to suffer because we were so busy taking care of those that were disruptive. It’s crazy how the kid stars from Disney grow up to become these wild teens and young adults that do outrageous things. I feel Disney let’s you fall in love with these innocent kids and then they try to corrupt them when they get older. It’s really crazy how the industry works. I’m thankful homeschooling is still an option too. We are prepared to leave our area if that should ever change.

We also always had an exit plan if needed, but it didn't ever involve international moving until about a year ago. ;) Yeah, it is so crazy what happened to a lot of the actors on Disney. Sad!!

Homeschooling, always an interesting topic :-). The one thing i find difficult to compensate for is the socializing with other children. We are living remotely on a mountaintop. My children are 11 and 14 now and they really want to explore the world and be with other children. We will do. They have the age now to selfschool, interesting times, much love.

Yeah that is difficult if there aren't other kids around, but being able to socialize and interact appropriately with adults is beneficial! We live in an area where there are other homeschool age kids, so we are definitely blessed here in Panama. :) Thanks for the comment.

Ha, cool, i didn't recognise the panama in your name, it all makes sense now :-)
Yes, we are moving out of India next May, we are going to look for communities where more parents are homeschooling. Lots of things happening in South-Spain and Portugal, hope we find it, much love.
I travelled so much but never made it to Panama, spent months in Honduras, that was close :-)

Nice! I met another person on here in Spain. She also had a post in familyprotection. I bet your kids love getting to live in all different cultures. :)

We are an enthusiastic homeschooling family.

My children are still young, but "school" is beginning for my 4 year old. She knows her alphabet can count to 100, she can write all the letters and her name. It's a start!

This is foreign territory for me, I was indoctr- I mean educated in the public welfare system. @ironshield

Lol! So was I. And a public school teacher! :) That is good that your girlie is starting out. We use which is based on the Charlotte Mason method. It encourages holding off on all formal education until they turn 6 and I really like it. My daughter turns 6 on Monday and will start then although she's already picked up some stuff. I just like that I don't have to stress about keeping up with "they should be reading in kindergarten," etc. :)

I've not been homeschooled, but I had cousins who were. Also my wife is a teacher, so I can appreciate your perspectives on education. There will always be various reasons for homeschooling, and I think it's important to listen to the concerns.

Certainly there are issues with the public education system, so I think as long as you are willing to put in the effort to school your children (I know you are willing- I read your blog, haha), I say more power to you!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the comment. Yeah, there are people on both sides of this issue - as with any issue. :) I used to be a teacher in public school and I really enjoyed my time there, but homeschool is right for us...especially in Panama. The only reason my kids would need to go to school here is to learn Spanish and get some Panamanian friends their age. ;) I hear the system here is just plain bad...whatever that means.

I agree with your opinion @apanamama, Homeschooling is difficult, but also very beneficial for the safety of our children, in Indonesia we call Homeschooling dormitory as a gathering place for children, they should not be visited by anyone except their parents or guardians who are already registered , I think is something we can do and we are grateful for it. Life is all about choice and this is one of the larger ones we have made for our families.
Thank for sharing @apanamama

I believe there is a growing number of parents wishing they were in a position to homeschool. It is very hard for some families to survive without both parents working full time these days. Even harder for the single parent home. This "forces" families to use public schools. It is so sad that we have such a "broken" system.

@apanamamama this is a great article - resteemed!

This system is against the family thanks to feminism, political correctness, and globalism. Trump will hopefully change that, but I doubt that since this requires a lot of work and the people have to be "unbrainwashed" which will take ages.

Say what you want but "oppressive" religions and systems have intact families.

Thanks for the comment! Yes, because of the way families choose to live, it forces families to have two working parents. We have lived for years with cars we can pay off, no cable, not eating out at expensive places, no expensive vacations (like Disney, etc.) just so we can afford to homeschool. There is always a sacrifice - everyone just has to decide what is worth sacrificing.

Homeschooling can be fantastic if you prepare yourself well for it!

What you said was just the right thing my dear friend @apanamamama

Good deal. Thanks for the comment.

Mother became a teacher when I got to middle school. She says from all of her days at school and studying for her degree. She felt that if we could afford it. She would have homeschooled myself and my sister.

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