Out-of-the-box-thinking: escape your government by traveling as a Workaway-volunteer

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

fresh start in spain.jpg


This post tells the story about how we escaped the interference of CPS in Holland and at the same time the high level of stalking that was set up against us for the last months before we left the country. The reason I share this post with the warm familyprotection community, is to show people that are in a similar situation like we were, and maybe don't think they have any options due to lack of funds, that you have options. The options are just not those steps that society will tell you, and are not mentioned by most people because they are the perfect example of out-of-the-box-thinking. I learned to think out of the box myself several years ago, and mostly used this for creative things while having my own web shop. Never had I imagined several years ago, that this way of thinking would be our escape card for the horrors we were going through.

The only way out was getting out of the country

I will try to focus on the positive things in this post, and not go back too much to what was going on at that time. The most important thing is, that I truly believe that if we didn't make this choice at the time, we would not been alive anymore. We were really close to losing our mind, as they targeted us really hard, including our baby, she was the reason I kept fighting and did not give up. I knew there would be a possibility this horrific activities would hunt us even in Spain, as Spain is not that far from Holland. But we were willing to take the risk. We simply had to, as we tried every other option in the "book" and we walked every possible path possible. None with any success. Until I started to feel my own power again, that power inside myself that told me: "You are not going to let them win, you have too many skills to just give up, you are in this world for a reason, and you are the best team possible, so let's find a way out".

Unconditional love and trust between me and my boyfriend

Many times before my boyfriend and I had done hours of brainstorming while we had just one little idea about something. We have that intense feeling of understanding each other and filling up the missing pieces of the other half. We sometimes can just think something, and the other connects through the mind and then answers the question. We are deeply connected, and I think that's pretty cool. It is funny too in some situations, while we understand one and other by one look, others don't understand what the hell we are laughing about. The cool thing about this is, that my other half told me at the time, find a way out, I will follow you wherever it will be. He trusted me completely to make the right decision about where our path should lead us. He did not ever doubt me once when I told him that I knew this felt as the only right thing to do. Other people (mostly those stuck in the system and especially those who never had to deal with government corruption like we did) would all say, this is running from your problems, this won't solve anything. Yes, we were about to run, true, and no, it would not bring my children back to me, also true, but it gave us back our strength, our faith in humanity, our confidence that we can do anything possible etc. And most of all, it gave us back our lives, and without our lives we would not have been able to accomplish anything, right?

So what are the options actually?

We had been looking for some options to go abroad volunteering. But as I was still pregnant of the youngest darling at the time, I parked this idea somewhere in the back of my mind. And the last month or so of my pregnancy and a few weeks after the birth, they let us be in peace. No stalking activities, at least we had that. But when the activities were getting higher in frequency and I noticed they were harming the baby too, I soon decided enough is enough. And went in survival mode, clear thinking and finding solutions that were in our possibilities. I remembered the options on the website workaway.info that I had saved for later. Hours and hours I had been searching between the hosts, to hopefully find something we could use later on. The time had come, and I started checking when the last cheap flights would go to Spain, and to which airport. This info I used to search for hosts.. And it took me about 1,5 week of corresponding with a few hosts, before I got a : YES! in the mailbox.

We didn't let anybody know where we went exactly

The fear of our friends telling someone with bad intentions by accident where we went, was too big. Therefore we only said we would go to Spain, not where. We had arranged 2 weeks housing in a Hotel with food included, and we would see where the path would lead us after this. We had no idea if one of us would go back to get some stuff after these two weeks, we completely gave ourselves to the universe to see what would happen. We were so stressed because of the scary situation we were in, that the hours before leaving were not nice, we were arguing all the time, because we were too stressed out about the situation. I can honestly say that our leaving did not have to be days later, maybe I would have had a heart attack by then.

We arrived the next day in a little village somewhere deep in the Andalusian mountains

Scary as shit, let me tell you. We didn't speak more Spanish besides Hola! And we were going with our little baby of barely three months old to complete strangers somewhere deep in the Andalusian mountains far away from tourists.
This was our safe haven for the next 2 weeks:
We had our own hotel room in this little cute street, where we had plenty of space. We had everything included even drinks. We had to work 3 hours a day per person for this. I worked the mornings and my boyfriend worked during the hot afternoons (poor guy). Even though it was bloody hard work (especially for him) we still miss this place sometimes, we made plenty of nice memories, and actually were these the first good memories we could make after the horrible time in Holland. So in a way, this hotel has a special place in our hearts.

So what did we do after 2 weeks?

Good question! We found a new place via workaway just 3 days before this hotel was about to close. It was a close call, but I never had the feeling this would not fall into place. I had a strong feeling that everything would be fine in the end. We would go to another village somewhere deep in the Andalusian mountains near Seville. And the most challenging thing was, the guy spoke only Spanish, and we only spoke English (and Dutch). We thought this would be a great learning time for us to get a grip on the Spanish language, we had one of a lifetime experiences there (maybe I will get into that story another time) but it was not because we learned much Spanish :)

How did we cope with leaving it all behind

I cried a lot in the evenings, we talked a lot with the owners of the hotel, they were great people. In this time I only could cry when talking about what happened, and the other thing was trying to find peace of mind. I needed to come at peace first, and this was not easy in the beginning as we did not know where our path would lead to. The next workaway address we stayed 7,5 weeks instead of 2 weeks as planned. During this time we talked a lot and we knew for sure that none of us would go back to Holland anytime soon, we would lose lots of stuff once again, but by that time we knew it's just cloths and other replaceable things. As long as we had each other we would manage to get through all of this.
After the second workaway address I had found another address somewhere near Granada in a villa with pool where we could stay for a month. After this we settled down.

When I found a job and we were able to settle down in Spain

I was so proud of ourselves that we made this decision to do what felt best for us, and not think like the system wants us to think. If we had stayed in Holland we would never get out of welfare, and we would never have gotten the chance to do what we love, and use our talents and skills to make something out of life. And look at us now, we went to Spain for an unknown period, and went back. I had a full time job, a job that I would never have gotten in Holland due to lack of diploma's for that job. We had our own apartment after I signed the contract, and most important thing we got from this whole adventure is gaining back trust in people. People are not all evil, and I learned to trust them again because of the friendships we made in Spain. Did we follow the system? No, we thought outside the box the system wants us to play in, and we know not everyone can do this to escape CPS / evil ex-boyfriends / government corruption, but I know for a fact that people intend to think that it's such a big step to do so, while it actually doesn't have to be that big a step as you think it would.

For every problem there is a solution, and if you learn to think outside the box, you will discover that the solutions may not be as far away as you thought they should be. Believe in yourself, and listen very carefully to your gut feeling.. If it feels right, it probably is!

This was my pep talk for those seeking solutions to escape horrors from CPS in their country. You don't have to own a big pile of money to do what we did, actually we booked the cheapest tickets, and had just a little money with us. For the rest I made some money online every week that got us through our costs. We owned no house or car, we left Holland with a few suitcases, our daughter and the stroller. People intent to think you need a lot of savings to do something like this, but you don't. And if you get the option to plan this longer before we did, you may even find places where you can stay for months and months in a row, so you will be settled for a longer period.
Find your out of the box solution if you think the only way out is to get out.

Please be aware that if you don't have custody of your child, this is not an option, because you will be hunt down. We had just had an investigation about our baby and closed it with a positive outcome. I knew this is the moment, they can't do anything now. If there is an active investigation you will be in trouble probably. Think it trough and be aware of your rights!


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

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You've been so strong to get through all this. My heart was in my mouth when I was reading your story. I can't imagine what it must have been like to cope with all that targetting in Holland. But you took the steps you needed to take to get out - good stuff. Thanks for sharing this "escape option" with others.

@healingherb thank you! It was hell day in day out. And at the last period even 24/7 very scary shit and I wish it to nobody but the persons responsible for that. It makes you go insane being targeted like that, and our only option was to get out there. Still not sure if we would be targeted there also, but it was a risk we took. Most people in Holland will go to Belgium or Germany escaping from CPS horror situations. But there is a way out somewhere else in the world too, and you can come to rest in the sun, it was July when we got away, so the whole summer season we were working a few hours a day to have a roof over our head. Like I said not the most common option, but it can be very effective. And thinking about that, the world is on your feet, as the workaway hosting program is global.. There is an option out there for everyone :) I am sure about that..

I do believe that there is a way for people most of the time - because this is evil that is being escaped and the good really does step in. You made the best decisions for your baby and kept her from harm - you have been incredibly brave, all of you and here is a big hug xxx - I'm looking forward to reading more. Good is triumphing over evil :)

Thank you soo soo much. That is really good to read :) I believe so too, that we did the best thing we could back then. And step by step new good people came into our lives, and things started to look brighter every day. For me that is confirming we did good. And I did really learn that I SHOULD always trust my gut feeling. Even when someone else doesn't get why red flags go off (for example my other half lol) I still won't ignore it anymore even though I cannot explain why red flags go off at that time. Too many situations that I failed to listen to my inner voice, and too many confirmations where I did and turned out to be the best decision, so no more ignoring that for me :) Thanks again and big big hug back to you! xxx

So good of you to share your experience - people need to know such things, know that there's a solution. Even those who think they'd never be in such a situation - truth is you never know, so better be prepared. Good luck with your new life!

Thanks, this is one of these things you will not think about normally. I didn't before either. But when you know of someone who did something like this, it may stay in the back of your mind.. You never know ;) We already moved on to Hungary last September, but stayed in Spain for 14 months total. We found out we really don't want to be stuck in 1 place anymore and just take the options we have when they come. So Hungary it is for now, but actually I see ourselves somewhere else in 2019, because there is so much more to discover :)

Hi @anouk.nox, awesome post down here. you've been resteemed by @tomset for my #newbieresteemday. Cheers! :-)

Thanks @tomset for the compliment and resteem have a good day :-)

You're welcome. :-D

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Glad things are looking up, and it seems as if you are going to have one very compelling book when you get it done and published.


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amazing story and what has had to happen, thank you for sharing and in this way serve as an example for many people who go through a similar situation. Luck

You're welcome ;)

I can imagine why people do not leave. It does sound way easier the way you describe it as it is in reality. Even if you have custody it is way harder to leave if your children are older instead of babies. It is harder to stay alive with children as it is without, also it is way harder if you are a single parent. As a single parent on the run you can not be picky at all. Big chance you meet te wrong people. But I do agree with you want should try to think out of the box and in most cases there are solutions for everything. It is a good thing the internet can help out with it.

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