01/02/19 Day 86 , Cycle 5 of 6. Today We Start Chemotherapeutic Treatment

in #esteem6 years ago


01/02/19 Day 86 , Cycle 5 of 6. Today We Start Chemotherapeutic Treatment

My appointment is at 9am. The first treatment of the cycle is the worst because it entails two bags of chemo. I am hoping to be done today by 2 pm. Before we can start with the chemo treatment a blood test has to be done. If we are not within tolerant levels everything stops.

I have been very lucky tolerating the chemo. Most do not and have to stop or reduce the treatment. The biggest problem that I run into is with the platelet count. The normal range is 140-400 and last week it was 82. It’s been dropping steadily over the past month. So an infusion of platelets might happen depending on the count. We will see when the blood test comes back.

Small cell carcinoma is what I have.

Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) comprises approximately 15% of all lung cancers [1] and is a subgroup of primary lung cancer that is known for its aggressive and rapid growth and early metastasis. SCLC is associated with a poor prognosis and limited treatment options, particularly in cases with liver metastasis [2]. We present the first report of a rare case in whom diffuse liver metastasis of SCLC was diagnosed histologically using a transjugular liver biopsy while the patient was alive, despite the absence of any visible lesions when examined using contrast-enhanced CT. Unfortunately the condition of this patient rapidly progressed to acute liver failure before the indications for chemotherapy could be met.

I was able to have chemo therapy started just days before acute liver failure. I have read the report of the individual above. It is how I know how close I came and how accurate the doctors were when they stated 93 days ago “ you might have 2 weeks”. On a lighter side is a good thing that there is only [1],[2] because I don’t thing I could handle a [3]. [1] and [2] are bad enough.

I am younger and in better shape then most in my position. This is one reason that I am here and they are not. In their deaths they have moved / advanced the fight in cancers. I am better off for their sacrifice.

Cancer Immunotherapy

The disease starts when one cell in your body goes rogue. Researchers hope immunotherapy treatment will harness the power of your body’s natural defenses to fight cancer cells, just like it would with a germ, virus, or allergy.

Toward the end of this month I hope to be a part of this trial. I was approached a couple weeks ago. I have asked about trials before that and told flat out, no. The reason I think is because no one in our medical community thought I would make it this far. I am by far not a shoe in for a trial, but I am hoping. The end of the mont is a long way off and anything can happen. The fact that a trial has been brought up shows hope.

9:10 am
Blood has been taken and we are waiting for the results before any treatments.

All test are good and the start of chemo.

This should take about 5 hours to complete. I am going to fall asleep soon. The premed IV makes me tired every time.



I dont a words to say about this treatment sir, even you are a strongman to face it, but I am a reader and I am only hope everything going good and you get healthy soon. Blessing

Posted using Partiko Android

We will get through this. I beleive that. It is a long hard fight but on that needs to happen.
Thank you for you support. It means a lot

All the best to you! I hope that you will get in the trial and envisioning you in perfect health.
It sounds like you are doing well with the chemo and hope it will do it’s work.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am handling the chemo very well. It beats the hell out of me but I will not let it overwhelm me. So far it is doing what it is supposed to. We will know after cycle 6 and How soon it comes back

I am glad that it is doing what it is supposed to do! And let's just envision that it will kill the cancer and you will be healthy again. I had cancer and chemo 15 years ago - different cancer - colon- but I am still here. And I hope that we will have a conversation in 15 years from now.

Now I have to add you to my hero list. There are so many cancers and not enough cancer survivors. Big hug 🤗 to you.
Yes 15 years from now we will have a conversation . Have to put that !remindme 2034
If I can remember how to do it

Agreed. Way too many cancers. And I put the remind me in my calendar as well. Hope that you are getting a good night's sleep. Chemo and I did not get along very well. I was very sick and had to slow down the treatment.

My sleeping is crap. One hour here and there.
I am taking the chemo OK but then again I don’t care how bad it is I will power through. This is chemo week and I am going to suffer for the next 18 days LOL
I am so glad you made it through even after slowing down with chemo. The slowing down chemo with SCLC scares me to death.
You give me hope Marianne 🙏 thank you a little emotional here

I didn't sleep well at all. what has helped me is to listen to stories while trying to rest. Now, there are so many cool podcasts available - then, it was CDs or tapes LOL

Get your headphones on and let them at least help you rest instead of thoughts twirling. What do you like to listen to? Maybe I can recommend some to you.

A lot of people love the Sleep with me podcast.


Not my personal favorite but I know tons of people who swear by that one :)

And this guy is one of my all time favorites. It makes History so fascinating


I need quite and dark. The slightest thing wakes me up and I am in a very light sleep thats not a sleep at all

Keeping you in my prayers @wolfhart. I don't prefer to say much because I am always emotional whenever I read about stuff like this. I will be moved deeply to even tears. A hugs of strength for you although I know we don't really know each other.

❤️You sound like a fighter to me and that - I am glad. And know you will make it and emerge stronger.

I can understand the emotional part. When it comes to kids I am a goner 😭 and don’t say much.
Thank you for your prayers I sure can use them. The support makes a difference and gives me the strength to fight on. Thank you 😊

I wish you keep beating the odds this year, @wolfhart!

We will keep knocking them down. All year then next year until they give up because we will never give up

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You are strong and i always feel that from my heart that you are a fighter ... Everything will be okay because there are lots of love, support with you. Please tag me when you are able for updates,,,, keeping you on my prayers buddy...

I have a lot of support. I am so greatful and humbled. It gives me strength and the desire to go on

Thank you ☺️ my friend

You can do this dear, do a little sleep and we Will See you later 😉

Man did I fall asleep
Woke up just before lunch LOL
Still here almost done with today’s treatment

Did they use a porto CAD or the vains in your arm?

port much better then the veins. I got my port installed on October 4th and started my 1st chemo on the 9th of the same month. I found out and had my 1st oncology Doctor appointment on 2 October and met with a doctor to have it installed.

My sister-in-law going through radio thearapy for mouth carcinoma. Seeing patient sight of eyes, only can wish may all that disease recover soon.

Yes it is a horrific disease and effects so many.
I Do not know anyone who has not been touched by cancer in someone they know or a loved one.

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