Struggle is real. Nothing to post!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends! Good Day!


I've been struggling lately coming up with topics to write and to be honest, I’m running out of ideas! Sometimes, I only depend on contests or challenges to have something to post! That is not enough. So I came up with an idea (not a challenge), it would actually save me a lot of time if I have a certain topic to write on a specific day! Let’s say for example every Monday, I set a topic and call it as "Busy Monday" and then I have to write about that topic every Monday. Do I make sense? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It sort of categorizing my blogs in the week! Hoping this idea would work for me ‘cause it would help me a lot with my blogs. Well, time will tell. I will give it a try for a week or two!


Anyone is welcome to join me especially to those who can relate. As most of you know, I’m not really into blogging because I find it hard to express myself or writing good stuff. I usually just write any random topics lol. Here we go again with random. My english is not that good, I’ve been open about it lately but you see I am trying and actually doing something —I think that’s what really counts! I’m still here trying to make a difference just like everyone else and each day I’m still here trying to inspire others who is just like me. So to YOU, whoever is reading this and going through the same thing, you are not alone buddy! We can do this together!

Anyway, again this is NOT a challenge! I rather see it as a GUIDE so whenever we can’t think of any topic, we’re not DOOMED and we’ll have backup plans! There’s no rules at all, you’re free to do so anytime you want! So let’s begin, shall we?

This is what I came up with. You can improvise if you want! Not a problem at all. Here goes:


Make it work Monday!

“Mondays are made of anxiety, chaos, and stress, but they are also full of new beginnings and chances to start over.” —unknown

​​​• Think of what your goals are for the week and make them happen.

• Write what you are looking forward in the week.

• How about something you want to improve at! You can start from there.

• Another week to make things right, write about new beginnings.


Yummy Tuesday!

• What else can we write about?? FOOD!! This day can be all food related posts. You can share what you made for dinner, what you ate for a snack, or what you just baked in the oven! Just anything to do with FOOD, sky is the limit!

• This could also be the time to show off your skills in Food Photography!

• Share your recipes!!!

• Experiment in cooking then blog about it!


Would you rather Wednesday!

• Provide a question, starting with “Would you rather _____ ?” Choose any topic you want. Then whatever your answer to the question, explain why and why not.

Example: Would you rather choose day or night? Why and why not?


Thankful Thursday

There is always something to be thankful for. This day can be about appreciating life.

• Write about an appreciation post of someone who touched your life.

• Share a story how good it is to be alive!

• Write your thoughts about life and anything you are grateful for.


Friday Free day!

Give yourself a break after all it’s Friday!! You can write anything that comes to mind.

• You can write your “Ulog” this day!

• Post a video on dtube!

• Write something funny and tell us about it!

• Free writing day, any topic you want!


Two things Saturday!

• Provide a two (2) random questions to answer then explain why.

• You can share two (2) photos to blog on this day.

• How about write two (2) random facts and one (1) random fiction about you.

• Post two (2) inspirational quotes and then encourage your readers.

I don’t do Sundays.

Just a reminder, this is just a guide to help you whenever you are lacking ideas what to write about. I’m not challenging anybody to do any of this topics. You can decide what’s best for yourself! Hopefully this can help some of you getting it through the week!

Have a blast weekend!
Mama dork


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What a great idea! You are so extremely creative! Glad you are on my side.

Scott and I tend to write on our travels and adventures. Last week was pretty lean on that because we started the curation thing. However, we have had to make a list as well.

Thank you @xcountytravelers goodluck with all the stuff you’ve planned!!

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I was thinking of doing the same thing
Dedicated days which is what we did on radio
I was also thinking of “would you rather ....”
I was concerned about committing just in case time does not permit
It’s a good idea so can plan it out and your followers will know what to expect on the given days
Rooting for you 😊

Thanks @kaerperdiem I can’t do all six either I’m only going to try maybe 3 in a week and depends what day. Hehehe like i said this is only a guide, no commitment involve. Only do it when you have nothing to post. This is absolutely different from my challenge. Hehe I don’t want to tag anyone on this.. only for those who took their time reading. 😆 so thank you!!!

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Hey, I don't know why I didn't think of mentioning this to you
When I initially struggled, I got into FreeWrites
I am not sure if you have heard of it
@mariannewest would drop a prompt everyday, and we start the timer and just let our fingers fly for 5 minutes. You can write fact, fiction, ideas, thoughts, anywhere your mind takes you
You'd be surprised what's stored in your "hard drive" hahaha
Give it a go and see how you feel about it
And the FreeWriters are an amazing bunch :D
Just check out @mariannewest or @freewritehouse

Oh, I heard about that!!! Hahaha just doesn’t fit for me. My english is horrible!! Haha l can only do simple blogs.. I’ve read some awesome entries and damn they’re good hahaha!

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You are too hard on yourself
Your English is not terrible and that's the beauty of the freewrite
No judgement, just write :)
If you are ever curious to see what will happen if you did give it a go, swing by :)

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Excellent idea sissy dear! You never runs out of cool things to do.. it is an awesome initiative to provide one week hashtags!! I might consider a few hahahaha please do not pressure me, i repeat do not pressure me!! 😂😠

True enough.. after the onset of HF20, it has been a struggle to keep a post every single day. It has been hard to go back to previous when some things have to change. It is quite hard to move on and do things differently from what we used to be doing.

I am a work in progress! I know i know i keep telling myself that we need to contain our positive vibes and never dwell on the negative ones.. Believe me, the struggle is real! I feel you too sister! Let us fight this battle together..

So with that being said, i will try to post one to tonight.. again no pressure! Hahahahaha

Love yah! 😙

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Oh no sissy we don’t have to do all six! Haha I can’t keep up myself either! I just provided topics for Monday-Saturday so whenever we feel like posting we have a guide on what we can post..

Hahaha and i know i always have your back!!! 😘😊💯

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Hahahahaha i know! And I still have posted yet hahahaha this is crazy crazy!!

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I have also been considering getting a list of stuff to post since it sucks having to think of stuff anyway and then self doubt and then you cry yourself asleep so nah I am over it.

I first saw a good way of doing it in @Rhethypo's Monday Rundown post

I think @rhethypo posts are list of what she already have prepared for the week. Am i right? Hehe

Mine are kinda the same but for general. Anybody can do it. I provided 6 ideas what to post in each day. No commitment at all just when you can’t come up of anything then this will come handy! Hehe

I’m not sure if I explained well but thanks @penderis for dropping by!!! Good morning to you!!!!

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Clever Cookie.

Cupcake with icing on top! 😆

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Now I want cookies.

Not a bad idea at all. The original premise behind my own Monday Rundown posts was to give myself a day to lay everything out for the week and post announcements, as well as hold myself to a schedule. Setting up specific requirements is highly effective at actually accomplishing your goals, and can build both momentum and confidence.

I would recommend you don't shy away from altering your general framework here as you move forward. You might find that once you get into a rhythm, you may have too many things you want to make posts about and not enough days in the week to post them. If that happens, maybe write them down locally and try to schedule them well ahead of time, so you can make it through future dry spells.

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Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
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Such a cool idea- I'll definitely be joining you some days! It's funny to see so many people feeling this. I wrote an ebook if 100 blog prompts a few years ago... maybe i should put it back up on Amazon!

Good luck posting lovely - I'm right there with you. E x

Thank you @eveningart your too sweet!!! You know you also have me supporting you all the way!!! 💕

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What a great idea of getting organised! Love it!!

Thank you mama!!! Have a great day!!!

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nice guide!! For me I find it hard to follow guides cos I like to be a "free spirit" hahaha but i totally get what you mean though when you have nothing to write and then you get frustrated or you get depressed and dont post for weeks... haha

Hahaha me too! I want to be free on what to post but you know there are days you can’t think of anything!!! Hehhehe

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