The Weekly Airdrop #2

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


The Weekly Airdrop is an EOS community focused research report. EOS Detroit will be monitoring the EOS pulse, publishing weekly updates, and informing our readers of current news within the EOS ecosystem. If you didn’t catch TWA last week, you can check it out here. Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop if you would like to receive them directly in your email.

EOS Detroit Update

Block Producer Rankings: Currently there are 21 block producers actively producing blocks and 33 standby block producers that are in paid positions. EOS Detroit is currently ranked 66th in votes, just short of a paid position. We are self funded but can only sustain ourselves for so long without block rewards. Securing a Decentralized and Prosperous EOS would ideally require both a higher voter turnout and also more block producers in paid positions earning block rewards. In order to be a paid block producer, you must be earning at least ~0.5% of votes.

This image displaying block producer vote rankings was grabbed from EOS Tracker.

EOS Block Producer Calls: Every Thursday, there is a scheduled block producer call. EOS Detroit has started a regularly broadcasted livestream for these calls. We will continue to livestream these calls on our Youtube channel for as long as we have access to the Zoom link.

Interviews: Chris Coney, host of EOS Tips, interviewed EOS Detroit CEO Rob “robrigo” Konsdorf.

Shoutouts: @thomasbcox who wore an EOS Detroit shirt on a recent episode of EOS Go. We gave him that shirt when he visited Detroit and gave a wonderful presentation about EOS blockchain governance during his tour in May. Thanks for your support Thomas.

EOS Update

Price of EOS: $7.14

EOS Voter Turnout: 30.71%

Market Cap: $6,398,041,376

Price of RAM: 0.33988874 EOS per KiB

Note: The numbers above are accurate as of 10:00 am EST on 07/11/2018.

EOSIO 1.0.9 Released with Host Header Validation for HTTP endpoints:

  • The contents of host headers for HTTP endpoints can now be validated using nodeos.
  • http-alias can be specified multiple times to provide alternative hosts.
  • http-validate-host can be set to true or false to indicate whether these extra validations should be enabled or disabled respective (default is true)
  • cleos has been updated to produce standard compliant host: headers.

Block.One Press Release: Former Jefferies Asia CEO Michael Alexander to Lead Block.One’s US$1 Billion EOS VC Venture Capital Division

Victim of Theft Writes Thank You Letter to the EOS Community: One of the 27 victims whose accounts were frozen wrote a thank you letter thanking ECAF and the Valor Genesis Fund initiative for their efforts to make everyone whole in a timely manner.

Rights to EOS Account Names Ending in “com” Sold in Premium Name Auction: EOS premium account names are a very coveted digital asset. Accounts on EOS are typically exactly 12 characters long, however it is desirable for the EOSIO software to allow shorter names to be created for usability and because they are a marketable commodity. Premium names on EOS that are less than 12 characters are auctioned off, with the proceeds of the name bidding system going to the eosio.names savings account and can be burned later or be used to fund worker proposals. All names can be bid on at any time which consumes your account’s RAM, however each new bid must be at least 10% higher than the previous bid. Once you bid, your funds can only be returned to you if you are out-bid. One premium account per day can be purchased, however this will likely be adjusted to one name being available for purchase every 10 minutes. The shorter names can be used as suffixes at the end of EOS account names. For example “com” sold for 150,000 EOS and was purchased by block producer Starteos who also bought “eos” and is bidding on “bank”. Now any business that wants to make a premium EOS account ending in “.com” or “eos” will have to get permission from @starteos who at their discretion can charge a fee if they so please.

EOS-Voter 0.3.0 Released: Download EOS-Voter here.
EOS Voter is the best wallet to store your EOS and vote for block producers.
New features include: Multiple Accounts, RAM, Account History and Proxy Voting.

Dan Larimer’s Perspective on RAM: EOSIO RAM Market & Bancor Algorithm.

Creating an Account Just Got Easier: @cryptolions is now sponsoring ZEOS, a website for easy EOS account creation. Before this partnership, ZEOS was charging a small fee when users wanted to create a new EOS account. However now, users only need to pay for the RAM allocated to their accounts.

Hardware Wallet Coming Soon: @eosnewyork announced that they are building a hardware wallet codenamed EOS Bridge and are aiming to have a prototype ready for testing by Jan 1st, 2019.

Dan Larimer and Block.One have plans for Steemit2.0, BitShares2.0, & BitUSD2.0: See the chat log below from Telegram.

“Lots of good things coming.”
- Dan Larimer, CTO of Block.One


Incoming Airdrops

What are Airdrops? Airdrops are additional tokens that are distributed to EOS token holders. New projects can bootstrap a user base for their DApp while avoiding the complexity of selling tokens via the traditional ICO method. Projects then withhold founder tokens that can provide a runway for the development team. The free market then decides the fair market value of airdropped tokens for themselves.

Do I Already Have Airdrops? You might! Visit EOSWeb and enter your public key or account name in the search field. You’ll see the public record of all the transactions associated with your account. You can also try the AirdropCalculator.

How Do I Receive Airdrops? Most airdrops do not require registration and are delivered automatically to every EOS token holder, so long as the exchange or wallet that you are using supports them. Binance and Bitfinex both made announcements this week that they will offer airdrop support. However, some airdrops do require prior registration in order to receive them.

Featured Airdrop of the Week - IQ Token - Everipedia: This week’s featured airdrop is the IQ token for Everipedia, an internet encyclopedia (similar to Wikipedia) that offers a new incentive structure and a distributed backend hosted on the EOS network. Every word in every article on Wikipedia is already on Everipedia’s within their 6,500,000 articles. In fact, the Chief Information Officer of Everipedia Larry Sanger is actually one of Wikipedia’s co-founders. Everipedia is already one of the top 2,000 sites in the United States with more than 1 million unique users per month and 17,000 editors. Information within articles on Everipedia must always be cited and worded in a neutral point of view.

How Everipedia is Different from Wikipedia:

  • There is no central authority capable of censoring content that is posted on Everipedia. Edits are permanently stored on the blockchain.
  • The IQ network allows for multiple language versions of the same article, while still sharing the same set of language-invariant metadata, citations, and media.
  • Content contributors are rewarded with cryptocurrency based on the upvotes that they receive. Editors gain more privileges as they accumulate IQ.
  • Content creators can make pages about anything in the world. For example you could make an article about a particular street in your neighborhood or a small business. The possibilities are endless. Larry Sanger even created an article about his left thumb as an example.
  • Memes, GIF’s, images, & videos can be placed in the articles.
  • Verified Accounts that allow individuals to contribute information to their own pages and have conversations with their fans.
  • Everipedia provides its editors with updates for any activities completed on pages and forum posts that they have participated in.
  • Everipedia editors can send and receive private messages to and from their inbox.
  • Everipedia embeds an Article Discussion section in every page created to discuss the page’s overall content or report inaccuracies.

How to Receive Your IQ Tokens: If you have registered your ETH address and did NOT keep your EOS on an exchange at the time of the Genesis snapshot on June 2 2018, then you will be automatically receiving the IQ airdrop. No registration required. There is not an exact time set yet for when the IQ airdrop will happen, however it is “imminent” according to their official Telegram channel. If you had EOS on an exchange on June 2, you can keep an eye on the Everipedia Telegram page for a future pinned message with an updated official list of which exchanges do end up supporting the IQ token airdrop. The distribution ratio is 5.1 IQ tokens per 1 EOS token.
Check Your Future IQ Token Balance Here

Note: We highly encourage that you never store tokens on an exchange. You don’t actually own your tokens if they are on an exchange. By keeping tokens on a centralized exchange, you are putting your tokens at risk. A much safer method of storage is in a personal wallet. See below for which wallet we recommend.

For more information about airdrops, we encourage you to visit AirdropsForEOS.

Voting for Block Producers


Token Holders Decide the Fate of the Network: What makes EOS great is that you, the token holders, get to choose the direction of the network by voting for which block producers are fulfilling your vision for the EOS network.

How to Vote: The easiest way to vote for your favorite block producers is to use EOS-Voter, which was built by @greymass. You can also check out this video for a short tutorial. You are allowed to vote for up to 30 block producers. With only 30% of EOS tokens being voted with currently, every vote counts.

Proxy Voting: If you don’t have time to follow every block producer, but still want to vote for the right ones, you can proxy your vote to detroitproxy, which allows us to vote on your behalf. We recently published our EOS Detroit Voting Slate which highlights which block producers we are voting for. Check out the EOS Vote Proxy Research Portal that was built by Hawaiian based block producer @alohaeos. We reserved 8 kb of RAM for our detroitproxy account.

We the People | EOS Governance


What is the Referendum Contract and When Will It Be Ready?
The referendum contract is a smart contract that would allow staked users to vote on worker proposals, constitutional amendments, or conduct polls on EOS token holders. Here is a Proposed Referendum Contract Process put forth by Steve Floyd from @eostribe. According to the Worker Proposal System Project Charter, the referendum contract is aiming to be done by July 31.

What is the Worker Proposal System and When Will It Be Ready?
80% of annual EOS inflation is allocated into a shared eosio.savings pool to fund worker proposals through a smart contract. Projects seeking funding can be formally proposed that can be used to benefit and stimulate innovation in the community, and sponsors that find it interesting or worthwhile can vote for the project to receive funding. Examples of worker proposals include security testing, bug bounties, bug fixes, new features, upgrades, and other public goods such as outreach, education, or access initiatives, to name just a few. Worker Proposal System MVP1 is aiming for an August 31st launch. You can view the full timeline here. Chinese.

Greymass Referendum Proposal: While most governance discussion is geared towards smart contracts and user interfaces, @greymass is proposing the addition of nodeos plugins (A set of chainbase indexes and APIs in which proposals are indexed with details, votes aggregated, results tallied, and information surfaced via standard HTTP APIs).

Upcoming Events

Want your event listed in The Weekly Airdrop? Reach out to [email protected] to have it included next time!

The Weekly Airdrop is an EOS community focused research report. EOS Detroit will be monitoring the EOS pulse, publishing weekly updates, and informing our readers of current news within the EOS ecosystem. If you didn’t catch TWA last week, you can check it out here. Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop if you would like to receive them directly in your email.

Please contact [email protected] to report inaccuracies.

Connect With EOS Detroit



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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61869.35
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63