The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago

Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!

News of sorts

  • The scoring / weight is the same as last week

To enter the leagues drop a comment below (for a lifetime membership - you will need to ask to be removed)

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!

The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Upvotes to others (V)
  • Upvotes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 25% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, he's back at the top thanks to a new chair, @janton! 🏆

After being knocked off the top by this weeks' 3rd, @ecoinstant, @janton takes first prize again typing over 250,000 characters in a single week!

In 2nd this week, the lovely @lynncoyle1 who reached 187 different accounts with her votes and engaged with 225 people!

Last weeks' winner @ecoinstant grabs 3rd spot with a solid all round performance. The new chair for @janton was organised by @ecoinstant who was no match for the new comfy padded seating device!

Excellent engagement levels also from @gillianpearce, @brittandjosie, @cicisaja, @melinda010100, @veryspider, @coinsandchains, and @bengy who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! 😱) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @snrm, @smithlabs, @delishtreats, @glenalbrethsen, @mrchef111, @macoolette, @denmarkguy, @steevc, @bashadow, @anouk.nox, and @mariannewest.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

Please find the rules in a previous post.

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

Congratulations @steemitri who takes first place again!

🎁🎁 Prizes 🎁🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting, goes to @bashadow!

Thanks Peter, and well done @bashadow!

Lucky number 7 in The Engagement League

An upvote share, courtesy of @costanza goes to @cicisaja!

Thank you for sponsoring the EL @costanza, and congratulations @cicisaja!


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome Sunday!



If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity

Find out more about our project here


Great job everyone! I see that funding for a new chair helped @janton get back on top! Woohaaa congrats!
As I am happy to be part of this great league and this is the only day I can give some sort of support of meaning, thanks to the kindest whale on steemit, this post gets a 100% upvote from me today!
Trust me I gave only few of these away... But I wanted to show my appreciations for all your effort @abh12345 <3

Thanks to @anomadsoul making me "A whale for a day" by following my vote while he is traveling, my vote will be followed directly by his vote with the same percentage. So thanks to this you will receive a much higher upvote than I could give with my own Steem Power.

Have a great sunday!

awww thank you @anouk.nox for the supercharged vote today!!

I hope and think @anomadsoul would approve in giving the EL a big vote. Hopefully some fresh eyes will see the post in 'Hot' and want to sign up.

Well done for reaching a prize position and thank you again!

You are very welcome! It's the least I can do... this league is so great for the community, and I have no doubt he will approve of me giving the 100% vote here..

Yeah I was surprised to be in a prize position again, because so many people are rocking the league, every little spot I earn is great, and makes me happy!

Have a great sunday!

I get lots of messages from people saying they are surprised, it's really cool to be able to gift the engagers some STEEM thanks to @curie. Have a lovely day too!

Yeah curie rocks! All these engagement contests really work so well.. because people are actually taking the time to leave a valuable comment.. I love that.. it's much nicer when you get a vote with a comment, than only a vote with no words in the comment section.. At least, that's my opinion..

Many curie voted posts used to get only few comments.. now people actually take the time to write something, which is awesome..

Yes i totally agree. I think @curie are rewarding the best comments on the posts they curate, it's a really good idea :)

Wow, @anouk.nox, congrats on being 'Whale for a day'!! So happy for you :0)

Congratulations on winning that "whale for a day" bonus @anouk.nox! I just think it's cool as heck that an active league member ended up being the recipient!

Have fun being a whale!


Awesome choice of places to lay it down @anouk.nox! Have fun gliding through the waters all whale like! Great job on your placing this round too! Whoohoo!!

Thanks for the vote @anouk.nox... the friend @abh12345 does an incredible job, motivating many of us to commit ourselves more! Regards!

Woo hoooo @anouk.nox!!! Way to use that power responsibly haha

Seriously, such a thoughtful and very smart thing to do :)

Of course I will not abuse his power because I can.. not my character... wouldn't want to be treated like that myself either :)
And I have tried to support all the communities that have been supportive to me today.. unfortunately c-squared doesn't drop posts of their own lol, so I just showed love to posts dropped in there instead ;)

Oh I know that!! I was just kidding you lol I've seen you around, spreading the whale love!!! You should be very proud of your choices!

What a wonderful way to use your super power! That is so generous of you!

Congrats @anouk.nox You must have done something great that you were rewarded with equally great power. They believe in your capability that you can handle it gracefully. Indeed, you did! You shared and boosted too many. Kudos to your good will, may you always shine through even if you came back to your old self.. 😊

This comment was made from

thank you sir @anouk.nox! It was a fun week of meeting alot of new people and yes the chair was a great blessing from our friend @ecoinstant! thank you so much ecoin and thanks for the kind words anouk.nox!

Congrats @bashshadow with the lucky 25!
Enjoy the lifetime upvotes. Always glad to see a great steemian winning this price!


For sure! Thanks for the continued support of the EL @fullcoverbetting!

What? Eh? @abh12345. I was hoping for spot 7. 😂

Maybe I need to do a few more self votes. Those two were by accident but I couldnt' be bothered to remove them. I'm getting a bit gung-ho about it all these days!

Congratulations to @janton for reclaiming the top spot and hats off to @ecoinstant for providing the chair that helped him to do so.

Congrats to @lynncoyle1 for top 3 again. I thought I'd seen you around a bit more this week. 😊

Hope everything's good with you @glenalbrethsen?

Well done to everyone who featured and thank you to Asher and @curie for the winnings. 💙

Have a fun week one and all!

Thanks @gillianpearce! I was on here more for sure this week, you're right. I also noticed Glen's absence and spoke to him last night via discord. He's good fyi. I'll leave him to fill in the blanks though.

Hey, @gillianpearce.

Thank you for wondering about me.

I am doing okay. I wasn't ill nor anyone in my family. Just hit the Steemit brick wall again (it had been a few months actually), so while it wasn't what I wanted to be doing, I ended up taking time and slacking most of the rest when I was actually trying to accomplish something. I'm not sure if I'm out of the funk completely, but now my wife goes in for an outpatient surgery in a couple hours (hernia) which we're all believing to be routine (if such things are), and as long as we can keep her resting, she should be back to work in five weeks.

So, not sure how much I will be around this week, so in the event you don't see me much, that's the reason. I'm kind of hoping my wife will just sleep things off and won't give me a lot to do while she is. Wishful thinking. A guy can dream, right? :)

howdy sir Glen! praying for your wife this morning. sure missed conversing with you last week but real life and rejuvenation takes will be wonderful to have you back though! God bless you guys and a very fast recovery for your wife!

Hey, @janton.

Thank you for the well wishes and the prayers. She's been out of surgery for about 2.5 hours now and apparently all went well. When the surgeon got in there, she found to other much smaller hernias that she ended up sowing together as best she could. We've been back now for roughly 40 minutes and as long as we didn't undo everything they did in surgery getting her into bed, she should be okay. :)

wow sir Glen that is great news! now she just has to be super careful not to pull those stitches out right?

Hey, @janton.

The larger hernia has some kind of meshing inside of it, which I'm assuming helps it to close, or causes it to be tighter, and so I'm not sure what could happen to it or with it. I just know that right now, it's the source of most of her pain/soreness. The other two were so small that the surgeon just did some kind of stitch work and didn't guarantee that they would hold regardless of what we did.

As it is, our bedroom is upstairs and aside from a couple of couches that wouldn't let her prop up very well, there wasn't too many options for her to be, so she had to up the stairs when we got home and that's basically where she's been since yesterday.

So, getting in out of bed has been more difficult, and I'm not sure what she's managed to do or not do as she gets in and out. I think mainly it's the larger hole they used to perform the surgery with (three holes as opposed to cutting her open), that's ailing her the most now.

sir hernia's are tears in the stomach wall? how long did they say she needed to stay in bed? or did they?
man it's so good to have you back, I missed talking to you everyday.

I'm not at all an expert on hernias, but it's not just the stomach area where a hernia can take place. It sounds like the definition is basically any time:

tissue or an organ exit through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides.

So, not sure what organ or tissue was primarily pushing through on my wife, but it wasn't her stomach.

She has a four week off full-duty restriction and potentially a two week where she could return to light duty if they had it. Unfortunately, she already knows there isn't any light duty. Plus, she's heading to Mexico to visit family three weeks from today which she scheduled at the beginning of the year, so she won't actually be back to work for five weeks.

So, she's not specifically bedridden for any length of time, just that it's painful to move around and probably will be for another 48 hours or so. She is supposed to do some walking, so we'll need to figure out how to make that happen.

re: good to have me back

It's good to be back, as much as I am right now, anyway. Doing this in between calls for one kind of help or another. :)

I too was in a bit of a funk this past week. Just a bit of ennui really. This week I've got my mum coming to stay tomorrow for a week and then my brother and sister-in-law joining us on Friday for the long weekend.

I should be doing a bit of cleaning right now but I was out all morning so didn't want to get too far behind with replies.

I'm glad to hear you're OK other than the Steemit funk.

I hope your wife's surgery went well and you have a great week, however you decide to spend your time. 💙

Thank you, @gillianpearce.

My wife is out of surgery and all seems to have gone well. Apparently, the surgeon found two other smaller hernias when she was in there fixing the main one. So, I think it took a little longer than planned, but we've been home now for close to an hour and she's in bed resting, I think. She hasn't called me, anyway. She's a hard one to keep off her feet for any great length of time.

It sounds like you'll have plenty of reason to be away from STEEM this week, and hopefully it will be rejuvenating and good company. Enjoy!

Thank you @glenalbrethsen.

Glad to hear the surgery went well. hopefully your wife's recovery will be fast and smooth.

Rejuvenating sounds great. That's just what I need. 😊

You were close - I'm hoping for that position too!

I think @costanza was running 'number 7' for 3 weeks to begin with and that this was the last week for now.

Have a good week Gillian, and well done for consistently placing high up in the EL :)

thank you so much gillianpeace your consistency in the top ranks is legendary and so deserved!

I want to participate in this league. If I wrote comment with native language how can you count the lenght of comment. I also want to write a post about your idea.

Hey @abh12345. I would like to be added to the list if possible. It would be great to see how i can match up with some of the most active people on the site. Thanks.
It looks like a great project that you have going and i would love to be part of it.

Cheers @niallon11, very kind of you to say so!

I've added you to the list, the post is out each Sunday. Welcome!

Thank you.

Just curious. Will I be involved in this weeks chart and if so when will it be counted from. Now or the beginning of the week?

Awesome, thanks Asher!!! I've feeling that ol' competitive juice flowing again :) Vodka? maybe haha Damn @janton and that chair! I told @ecoinstant last week that the new chair would be the proverbial nail in the coffin and sure enough, there he is, back sittin' on top of the world! Comfortably now too! :)

Congratulations to @gillianpearce, @brittandjosie, @cicisaja, @melinda010100, @veryspider, @coinsandchains, and @bengy. So great seeing some tried and true and new faces here too! And you too Asher!! Nice placement this week buddy! Was that even without your added boost of a Saturday night beer post? haha

Happy Sunday everyone :) Power up those prizes!! I'll consider that my boost, like @janton's chair :)

I've feeling that ol' competitive juice flowing again

I'm expecting a comment on every one of my posts!

That will help for sure, LOL! :D

Ha! I'll do my best buddy :)

Hello bengy, nice to meet you here.

Congrats to you @lynncoyle! I'm so happy to find a fellow raven friend!

Thank you so much! I am too :)

I've feeling that ol' competitive juice flowing again

Yay. That's great to hear @lynncoyle1. Do it for the girls!!! 😁

Prize already powered up as per your instructions. 😂

hahaha I hope I can do it for the girls :)

wishful thinking never hurt anyone.

I had very a feeling he'd be back on top with a more comfortable seating arrangement. Congratulations on 2nd place!

I did too! Thanks Ash :)

ThAnx I am still dancing 💃

Glad to hear it!! :)

I'd like to be added to your contest list!

Great! I have added you to the list ready for this week in which the post will be out on Sunday. Welcome!

And just like that @janton is back on top. As reliable as death and taxes almost.

Look at @blewitt charging up the leaderboard though. We may well have a new challenger soon.

haha :)

Yep, the new chair will probably see him hold top spot for a good year or two now!

@blewitt on the charge, perhaps he got a new seat too :D

Lol. We all went seat shopping this week.

That's it! I'm going chair shopping!!!

I wish. @janton is a maniac and a warrior. I think that seat is safe although I am going to work my way up to a higher position. Gonna aim for that this week and reach out to new folks like crazy. We will see if I get responses. Lol.

haha! keep working @blewitt and you'll be in the top ranks soon. afterall someone has to knock off the Queen of Steem lynncoyle1 sooner or later, I don't know about the top spot though, that might be reserved! lol


One day I will sit atop that coveted throne, overlooking the others...probably on a week where your power goes out or something. Lol

howdy there blewitt! that's a great goal to have, just keep building your contact list which builds your comment numbers and you can get there, I will be in and out of the top as I do other type of work from time to time, thanks for replying, I like your attitude!

Thanks a ton for the encouragement brother! It’s hard here...sometimes I’ll try to engage and just falls on deaf ears. Always move when you can spark up sone dialogue and banter. Keep kicking ass yourself and let’s see where we fall this Sunday!

yes sir blewitt! I keep seeing you around, either I'm getting to new places or your game is picking up. I know what you mean though, sometimes it takes awhile to find good conversationalists and sometimes even those are not around! lol

Ha. I have been trying to reach out of my comfort zone a bit as of late. I mainly deal with the world of comics, toys, games, movies, art and even dogs...but lately I have been reaching to different places to try to see what I feel comfortable with. Doing this has opened my eyes to new things and new friends here so I am grateful for that. Your passion for this place is inspiring and I just gave ya a follow. I look forward to chatting and getting to know ya. I'll be creepily stalking your posts this week. lol

haha! howdy there sparkesy43! I don't know how reliable it is, the great ecoinstant proved that last week and there will be times when I have too much other work to do but I sure appreciate your kind words and enjoyed learning more about you last week!

@abh12345 has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

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Happy Rewards Hunting!


Helloabh12345 @, I want to be part of that list, vote and resign the publication, thank you excellent work

Great :D Welcome to the Leagues, I've added you to the list and the next post is out on Sunday.

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