in #ecotrain5 years ago


The community has spoken! This was one of those questions that I think many of us would have LOVED to have been able to say that, YOU TUBE is the way to go, and University is really not necessary. But a pragmatic bunch we are, and apart from one two very special folk who live out of the Matrix, in Zion .. so to speak .. most of us did have to conclude that University is still quite necessary in order to be successful..


I mean, Bill Gates, Mark Zukkerberg, Steve Jobs all dropped out of University and look what happened to them! Ok ok, maybe not all of us want to be CEO's.. but if your desire is to be successful I would personally say that you can do it without a certificate.. as the most successful people in the world have done.

So with that said, i hope you enjoy reading a few of these posts.. there are some great ones, with fairly diverse viewpoints. Thank to ALL who took part, so many of you again this week, thank you!


Learning to become a plastic surgeon by watching videos on YouTube

HAH! I totally made you look. And yes, it was absolutely click-bait. But the reason why I'm actually bringing you here is for my answer to this very interesting new @ecotrain Question of the week.


Hey everyone

You guys know, I love to answer and participate into those contest where I can share my thoughts, kinda challenging stuffs. This time @ecotrain came with another question "University vs youtube" , comparison or which one you think better and today I am going to give my opinion about that. Because I think this is an excellent question to talk about...



Hello Friends,

Education is a system where people get the right knowledge of basic human development. Generally speaking, the right way to gain our full knowledge and to gain mental and moral skills is to take education. So to survive, to survive in real life, the name of any knowledge gained is education

There are many questions about how to accept education, why education is important, where education can be taken, etc., in our minds. Actually we have a thinking power behind what we see or hear. And this thinking requires learning to develop energy. Our primary education is achieved academically.


When I studied we had a payment plan in Australia called the HECs debt, which I finally paid off a few years ago. It irks me that tertiary education isn't free, considering it means that only the reasonably well positioned people in society will become more socially mobile because they can, and will, be able to afford it in the first place. It irks me even more later in life as I'm looking at changing careers or quitting a job I'm unhappy with, because I'd love to formally study herbalism, but that's a three year degree here and costs you around 50 grand. My son's doing a sound and audio engineering degree that he loves and he'll be paying that 50 grand off for a good part of his life. Most of our family (well, our generation anyway) have university degrees, but we'd all argue that there isn't much from that time we count as valuable knowledge know, except maybe just that enough to get you into a paid career with the piece of paper to allow that pay scale.


Hello friends and family,

It a beautiful weekend here from Ilorin, Kwara state. Nigeria and I am here to support the ongoing dialogue by @ecotrain QOTW which was Tittled University Versus YouTube. This is a lovely and fun question because I like it when it comes to questions and answers which many people throughout the world will participate fully. Here is my own contribution to the Question of the Week.

I like to further my contribution by laying much emphasis on University because we are just born to get certificate in Schools but there on YouTube, no certificate is involved but jist few things are engaged. Your maximum time and your internet connection.


My father was a firm believer in education and set up RESP for all his kids, so a year after completing high-school I figured I better use it (even though I hated school!).

Because I really enjoyed sports I figured I would take Phys-ed and become a Phys-ed teacher. Well that only lasted a month when I realized that I really didn't want to be tied up in the school systems for my occupation and dropped out. Dad got his money back and I went on life guarding and teaching swimming, occasionally thinking of what I wanted to do with my life. I thought of going to university again to become a marine biologist for I loved deep sea diving and figured I'd move to the coast so I could be a ski-patroller in the winter and as a marine biologist with work where I could go diving in the summer. That idea was soon dropped when I found a job working with horses (another passion of mine) at the race track.)


Times have changed. We are as close to "future" as it gets. Technology is at it's peak and only getting better. The world is more binary today and "digital age" is where we live in. With almost everything connected through the web do we need to rely on universities anymore? Do we need to attend physical and expensive classes anymore? Or is youtube more than enough to get us where we need to be? Are we ready to transition to "futurama", yet?


At the end of this month my eldest daughter starts university. She's doing a science degree, majoring in microbiology and immunology & genetics, with the aim of doing a PhD in microbiology and evolutionary development. I think I got that right…

I also, recently looked at courses in photography for my younger daughter, who is still within the age range for school and, in theory, free education. However, the education department only covers courses up to certificate 3 and the photography courses start at certificate 4. It’s classed as university level (even though it really isn't), so you'd need to pay full fees which amount to the same as you'd pay for a full time degree course, without the full time subsidy.


Hello Wonderful People!

How is your day going?

I'm gonna give my feedback right away on @ecotrain's QOTW- UNIVERSITY Vs YOUTUBE!

To be honest, I was a little surprised by seeing this 'Vs' thing. But, I understand it's just a fun question. Because for me, "There is still no alternative to University Education."


Hey guys

I have already written a post about University vs Youtube , a weekly challenge by @ecotrain, I love answering questions and this is my video response... If you want to read here is my post... You can also watch the video if you want...

Original contest post can be found here...


Faced with this supposed dilemma faced by some young people today, my opinion is that there is no real turning point between both learning opportunities for trades or careers for life. University is not only a stage of training in a particular career, it is also a stage of human growth, of socialization necessary to grow not only intellectually. On the other hand, the goodness of You Tube lies in its easy access and ability to teach in a short time different ways of solving problems that require technical and specific knowledge. In You Tube, there are thousands and thousands of educational videos, but that type of instruction does not replace a university education in any way.


The question by @ecotrain this week is a question I myself have discussed with friends and family on many an occasion. Does paper qualification still matter? Do we still need to go to University to get that degree?

This is very close to my heart because of my kids. I want to make sure I do right by them. Do I push them to get that Degree or do I allow them the freedom to absorb knowledge from their preferred medium.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this one too :)


There is no right or wrong way when it comes to learning. It really all depends on finding the way which suits you best. Some of us, are more visual in our learning, we need to see something in order for us to take it in. Others pick things up really quickly just by being told what it is they need to know or by reading it themselves. Some need silence, whilst others do not.

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I mean, Bill Gates, Mark Zukkerberg, Steve Jobs all dropped out of University and look what happened to them! Ok ok, maybe not all of us want to be CEO's.. but if your desire is to be successful I would personally say that you can do it without a certificate.. as the most successful people in the world have done.

Hmm, so some of the most successful people ever have achieved all this without formal education certificates, but if you want employment (in Australia anyway) anything above a basic retail job and they want certificates in something. I guess the message is looking like, tow the line or be strong enough to go it alone and succeed where very few do.

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This was a fun challenge I think I caught everybody's. Can't wait for the next question now... thanks for putting this together for

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Everything depends on your view on what succesful means :D

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Congratulations to all those who featured in this Post and I would visit all those one by one later. And I must admit that I missed the train, this was one topic I really wanted to participate, in fact I made an introduction too. One of the reason is that I or rather my team or company had a plan to introduce something different which have direct or indirect connection to this topic. Hopefully if materialize, I would post here too.

Cheers, have a nice day to all

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Interesting proposals to consider to move the floor and realize that everything is changing rapidly, time becomes faster and drives us to follow it. But, some things prevail, among these, values, social appreciation, customs. For now, the online university is gaining ground, which seems a middle ground.
Greetings to all and have a fantastic day.

I sure could have answered this one, only learnt about this question on here, today.

I went to and struggled in University from 2000 to 2007 and YouTube started in 2005. If it had existed 5 or 10 years prior, I might have never gone to University. Although, it was what my parents seemed to expect from me and I was the oldest son... There's one thing YouTube can't beat though and that is the social, real life contacts. Then again, did I really need University for that?

P.S. I have no regrets now. University sure taught me stuff but the question is, did it teach me the things that I needed / wanted to learn and did I really need all those years of struggle for that? I guess it was all meant as life lessons, to make me into the person that I am now.

I'd go even further, to say MOST of the successful entrepreneurs out there DID NOT go through traditional university-business-marketing type degrees. This was a super challenge and I enjoyed reading the posts - made me think A LOT, even if I didn't get it together enough to collect my thoughts into a post.

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