Name one small change you have made or could make to your life that would be of great benefit to the world if everyone did the same? ECOTRAIN QUESTION OF THE WEEK

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

OOh this is a fun QOTW.. because there are SO many things to choose from. So WHAT to choose!? I think my choice should be the one thing that would be both very easy for anyone to do, and provide a great benefit to the world. As I pondered this question I thought about a few ideas.. but I wasn't really sure.. Then I took a break and did some hoovering as I had promised my wife I would ALL DAY and simply couldn't be prised off Steemit.. Damn! But I did, like a good husband, and whilst hoovering the bedroom floor the answer came to me... Eureka!


Have you ever had someone do something nice for you, either totally randomly or after you kind of hinted at needing something? It is the most wonderful feeling, and can make the whole day seem so joyful. I am the kind of person who really loves to do this kind of thing, and I could write a long list of beautiful, amazing, and also crazy things I've done for people over the years! The funny thing is that we end up feeing just as good being kind to others as they do receiving! The saying that the love you take is equal to the love you make is so true! Why does it feel so good to give and serve? That is a very interesting question, and there is no doubt in my mind that it is SO true. When we give without any concern about receiving back it is a sacred act, one that affirms our unity with all life. Giving selflessly connects our hearts to the universal love and energy that the world is unified by. By being kind to others we are opening ourselves up to the the beautiful energies that are always ready to take home in the abode of the heart. These are not just words on a piece of digital paper, they are the truest and most real and beautiful experiences we can have.

Just how amazing would the world be if we ALL did one simple act of kindness to each other every day!? I would like to share a few random acts of kindness I did just yesterday.. all of which made ME feel happy and warm inside and cost me nothing but a bit of time and effort.

1. The overturned beetle!
As I walked down a nature trail I spotted a little black beetle on its back. It was flapping about and couldn't seem to get back on its feet. I'm not sure how long it had been there, but I stopped my morning jog and crouched down and gently popped it back on its feet. I'm sure it was very happy to be upright again, and as I did it i felt a lovely feeling in my heart. aweeeee

2. Making a Steemit homepage banner for someone.
I got a message on discord from someone I don't know at all, and he wanted me to help him make a banner for his Steemit profile page. He didn't mention anything about paying me for doing it, and sounded keen. I gave it some thought and decided that I would do it for him, and not bother to be concerned about money or payment. I spent about an hour on it, despite being REALLY busy yesterday, and finally delivered him a lovely banner that he was so happy with. He never mentioned giving anything back, and that was just fine.. I felt like I had really made his day, and it felt all the better because it was done just for the love of it.

3. Sending SBD up-votes to random Steemians
As some of you may know I give my SBD away every day to Steemians who write great posts but get almost nothing back. It takes quite a bit of time to keep checking the posts but it is a labour of love and feels really good to be able give back something to others who I know work so hard and often get ignored! As im SURE you can imagine, how great would it be if we ALL did this on Steemit!

4. The Hungry Horse
There are wild horses that roam the meadows where I live, and yesterday morning I decided to grab a load of carrots from the kitchen to give to them. As I jogged down the path, sure enough, I came across two horses. The second horse spotted me as SOON as I saw him and came walking directly to me. That was strange as it seemed to know instinctually that I had something for him! The carrots were hidden so I have no idea how it knew! We spent about 20 minutes together, and I fed the whole lot to him. This horse was so appreciative that I could see tears in his eyes and he just stayed with me even after I had fed him. He put his head on my shoulders and literally snuggled me, and then let me pet him for ages. When I walked away he just kept following me, and it was so clear that I had made his day!

I'm sure you can imagine I have so many more stories like this. Random acts of kindness is what can make every day a bit more magical and beautiful for us all. We live in a world where most people are looking out for themselves, even when confronted with others who are in great need. Random acts of kindness can be literally anything, even just a smile at someone who is begging for money, or a minute of time to talk with them. If we all did just one act of random kindness, Im sure we would all feel the difference and continue to be in awe at how beautiful us humans can be and what positive change we can make in the world with our combined, simple but beautiful acts.


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Well, let me tell y'all a story I didn't think I would mention. I was travelling through Ecuador about two weeks ago, and stayed in a hostel in city Baños.
The first morning there I met a cat - it was in a very pitiful condition - gaunt, dirty and in pain. I examined the poor thing and it became evident that the animal hurt its front right paw and could not use it. It'd be good to attach a photo here, to support my words, but I didn't think of making it at the time.
Instead, I confronted the owner of the hostel who turned out to be the owner of the cat as well. He clearly didn't give a shit about his cat and seeing me getting angry added that the cat is getting better already. Meaning, it was going on for days, all the suffering without a bit of compassion. I can understand why other travellers haven't intervened, but I certainly can't sympathize with the owner.
So, I ended up making him drive me and the cat (wrapped up in a bundle in my shirt) to the vet, where I paid for the treatment of the festering wound, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics injections and some pills to be administered in days to come. Despite being in a really shitty financial position at this point, and these 15$ could go a long way in Ecuador, but it had to be done.
Walking back to the hostel I set it free and fed for the rest of my time there. Surprisingly, by the end of the day the cat was hard to recognize, it started to use the paw again, cleaned itself up, and was looking rather good. After this I got a new best friend there, trailing me wherever I go. Here are the "after" pics:


awe mate, you are awesome! beautiful story.. i hope others read this and are inspired to just help when they see the need! <3 xx

Yeah, it kinda makes one think. Wasn't much of a trouble for me, but a world of difference for the cat. Everyone there could do it, too.

love it, this would definitely change things in the world. This is something we should al just start doing, there is a challenge on here about it but maybe we should do a ecotrain challenge where everyone does an act of kindness and we document it on here and see who came up with the best or craziest , ha you got me all inspired, nice one @eco-alex xx

ooh yeah that is a really great idea! standy by!!!

Well, let me tell y'all a story I didn't think I would mention. I was travelling through Ecuador about two weeks ago, and stayed in a hostel in city Baños.
The first morning there I met a cat - it was in a very pitiful condition - gaunt, dirty and in pain. I examined the poor thing and it became evident that the animal hurt its front right paw and could not use it. It'd be good to attach a photo here, to support my words, but I didn't think of making it at the time.
Instead, I confronted the owner of the hostel who turned out to be the owner of the cat as well. He clearly didn't give a shit about his cat and seeing me getting angry added that the cat is getting better already. Meaning, it was going on for days, all the suffering without a bit of compassion. I can understand why other travellers haven't intervened, but I certainly can't sympathize with the owner.
So, I ended up making him drive me and the cat (wrapped up in a bundle in my shirt) to the vet, where I paid for the treatment of the festering wound, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics injections and some pills to be administered in days to come. Despite being in a really shitty financial position at this point, and these 15$ could go a long way in Ecuador, but it had to be done.
Walking back to the hostel I set it free and fed for the rest of my time there. Surprisingly, by the end of the day the cat was hard to recognize, it started to use the paw again, cleaned itself up, and was looking rather good. After this I got a new best friend there, trailing me wherever I go. Here are the "after" pics:


Showing kindness to everyone is a sure winner. A one simple act of kindness can spread to a thousands of people, then we will make the world a better place to live.

(When you a smile to a stranger, it will surely brightens his day, giving back smiles to everyone he encounters until all the smiles and positivity will reach thousands of people). I believe, Humans are naturally beautiful!

nicely said, thank you sheryl

Long answer short... I could do what I came to do on Earth in this dimension. I'm one of those who remember why they incarnate on Earth. Must admit I fucked up my journey, but decided to come back to myself... That would be most help for everyone if I fulfill my mission here.

And yes!...There is no better feeling then helping others! ❤️

wow, mate what a blessing that you even remember! and maybe its never too late.. i know how you feel and sometimes have that same feeling.. but maybe that is just ego talking.. who knows.. Very good luck with ur mission, whatever it may be

Thanks man!

@eco-alex Would you be kind enough to read this post from pedophile ritual abuse victim? - Link

They are trying to get some support here. I really wish they will be able to receive it here. Sharing their hard stories must be hard for them and they deserve infinite support from everyone. Also sharing their stories (which will stay on blockchain forever) will help take down pedophile cults.

I know you are involved in @familyprotection and @tribesteemup, so I will appreciate if you can contact them and introduce @kida to them. Of course, you can contact anyone who wants to support their cause and mission.

I could contact them also, but I know you have more connections to them and many other Steemians and will be able to get help efficiently then me!

Thanks man!

please ask them to edit that post and use the tag familyprotection.. ill talk with canadian-coconut to see if she will help to get some support for it.. thank you

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Altruism is self interest in disguise.(imo)

Not that that changes the good feeling of giving, of course. I love to give when I can, also.. just saying..

haha.. yep! although that is never where the impetus comes from to do it.. but yes it is a very nice side benefit.. and hey.. sometimes helping people backfires quite badly.. like last week when I went to save my neighbour from her very abusive girlfriend.. and then ended up almost getting punched in the face by her!.. what to do.. i cant help muself

Har, har!
That´s called aggressive service:
You go out there and help people, wether they like it or not!

lol.. yep.. or tough love.. either way we do godda be careful sometimes.. im a bit of an act first ask questions later kind of guy..

Been there, done that, got the smack !

Helping people can really mess things up, no matter how good your intentions...

Oh that's happened to us before. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't help some people...

I love this! It is so true that even the smallest acts of kindness, even if they go unnoticed by others are so good for the soul. My one wish is that more people would start to give because it feels good for the soul. Too many people expect something in return. <3

mmmhum.. amen sister!

Thank you Alex for being a conscious human being, it just becomes natural to be kind this way. I've done all the above myself except I haven't fed a wild horse but instead feeding some goats who couldn't reach the branch of a tree they wanted, I must of fed them for half an hour because goats just don't stop eating. The over turned bugs I do it and just don't think anything of it, I don't see it as a kind act just something that must be done, like we've had butterflies getting trapped in our stairwell I'll grab them in my hand loosely then set them free off my balcony. I just can watch the butterfly repeatly Banging itself against a window, it looks like it's in distress, when u are aware of all creatures u just can't ignore them.

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