in #dtubedaily6 years ago

If You are ready for a debate and exchange some ideas jump in...

If You are just going to be bitter about it skip to the next video 😉

I want to know Your real thoughts about it.




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▶️ DTube


There is no doubt that DTube will cater to those that understand Crypto to some sense and therefore are happy to wait until our services operates to an acceptable standard to which is used on the web. We're getting there and hopefully we can be something that you can be happy to share to family and friends in the future.

I get all of that and as I said I am super thankful.for all Your hard work. I think that it is the creators on all rhis platforms includind Dtube to come up with original and different content. In no form or shape I think it is the developers fault... You guys are doing great and supporting what You think it People want on the platform. But at the same time in the long term is that really the type of content that will bring more people to the blockchain and create value and also help the value of steem in the market!

What I think is that creators are too concerned in helping all the other creators that are not thinking about the possible audience that have no interest whatsoever in create content online.

Thank you guys for taking the time to listen to this.

I am already happy to share with everyone about it but in the end the ones that join end up leaving because they dont want to see 10 videos of "how create the perfect thumbnail" or "how to improve your quality content"

They just want the content without the back stage things eheheh

well I love steemit and i think it is nice and cool.

Did you even bother watching the video??? 😂 because i dont think so.

I totally get where you are coming from Sergio, of course the advice that people give is useful and some do it really well, but I think when people feel more confident to produce their ‘craft’ again. The platform will then become more attractive to the outside and inside user. I’d love to see the travel people create travel content again, and the artists and comedians entertain with their skill again, instead of talking about the platform, we all need to start USING the platform to be our stage.

You nailed it my friend. We need to get coffee soon!

I hope that everyone start doing that sooner than later 😁 because I really want to be able to come and home and just relax in our community checking all that content you are talking about ❤

I think the interface is really a matter of time, this platform is so new, and I'm sure YouTube was much less comfortable in the beginning.
I do agree with you about the content being a little too crypto and steemit centered at the moment, but that makes sense since the first people who found the platform where crypto lovers:) However, it's really up to us, the people who are interested in other subjects to create content about these subjects and support the other people who are doing it, and I'm slowly seeing more people talking about non-crypto things so there's hope yet!

Yeah the interface it will evolve with the time as you said and is not that bad now specially with all the sister apps and sites there are out there. But as you said creators need to motivate each other to keep more diverse content coming out. Thank you so much for the feedback.

I tend to agree that the interface and terminology can be confusing to people. I think in order to be successful, there will need to be a serious movement to more mobile apps. According to comScore, mobile devices now account for 70% of all time spent on YouTube by adults in the US. I'm sure that trend is equal or perhaps even greater in other countries as well. The point is that a strong mobile presence is the future of most platforms and this is the place the steem blockchain is weak right now. Will it get there? Perhaps. Let's just hope it doesn't take too long!

That is true as well. For sure I agree. But when it comes to the type of content and the fact that the majority of creators are just creating Blockchain related content? How do You see that?

I agree that a large portion of the content is now crypto related. I think this is natural at this point consider the crowd. It's one of the reasons I've been striving to create content that isn't related to crypto because I think as a platform we HAVE to move in that direction in order to attract a broader audience. It really is all interconnected that in order to attract the others, we need broader content and easier interfaces to adopt and understand. I think your content is also one of those that isn't all crypto related and why you attract the following you have already!

Yeah I love what You do. I want more people like You in here. I think it is fine from time to time do a video or two about it. Because as i said this technology is so new and there are so many new things turning up every day that is good to learn and know about it. But having 90 of the community creating content about that every single day wont sparkle interest from the outside community.

You have a really great point here!
That's been bothering myself for a long time now, I realized that i was creating content about creating content rather than create my own original stuff that is not steemit related.
Now don't get me wrong, I love to promote Steemit and DTube. But it feels kinda sad that when i upload a video or a post about me cycling for example i barely have any support, But when i make content about " How To Get An Upvote from DTube", I get full support.

It's like you said, Most of people here create content about " How To Create Content ".
I really hope that it'll get fixed in the future and we'll have a platform of content variety in the trending page..

Awesome video man, Thank you for speaking up!


It is my pleasure. Yeah. I love the community as well and I am proud of being a member of it. We as the creators are the ones with the responsability to shift that and take it in a different way. Right now the most popular users and the ones with bigger Steem Power are the ones creating Blockchain related content. I dont want to take power from them but I would love to see them being more supportive to other type of content. Anyway I have digged my grave with this post and I can forget to have support by any of them. But I am so glad to see so many people understood what I mean. And that gives me hope to start seeing more diverse content in here. ❤

I understand what you mean as a person who pushed music on the blockchain.

You have been doing a great job (not that I have been following from close... But I see you all the time around) and now I have finally followed you so I will be checking more of that.

I really hope you keep pushing that music content and motivate other music related creators to do the same because that is the way to go ❤

I would have loved to add my thoughts about this matter but even after trying ten times I couldn't get the video to play. I try convincing people to join Steemit although they are probably only gonna make some cents but things like that frustrate them and they give up before they even start.

That is annoying. It happen to me with a couple of videos sometimes. But you can read the comments and the conversation here and i guess you will be able to understand the main idea of the video and the topic. But yeah... when it comes to invite new people to steemit in my opinion it shouldnt be based on making money. We just should invite them to join this new social network full of awesome content. And that is the point of this. Is that now there are so much crypto/steemit related content arpund that people that comes in wont see any interest in staying here 😉

dude I totally agree. What gets me excited is how the shift in what dtube upvotes has changed BIG TIME since this platform started. I would agree they still favor content about steemit and blockchain... I personally started making more videos on travel and just things I think people would enjoy and it seems to be doing fine!

And now dtube is commenting on more videos and really engaging in other types of videos. The future is bright!

Thanks. Yeah obviously Dtube and big users have some fault in this issue. But mainly this is our fault as content creators. Because if 80% of the people will be creating more diverse content... creating new trends in here... even bringing other trends from outside notnonly the big users will be supporting their favourote creators but also the audiences can pick and choose what to see. I remember the times i was excited to come to steemit to see what my favourite creators were doing while as per now I am not that excited.... because I know they will be creating something about the blockchain. And if me being part of the community and as someone that actually from time to time have some posts doing well dont feel to excited to come back here I imagine people that are new to the social network and just want to chill and relax with content... i bet i am not the only one that uses the internet as "tv" "newspapper" "books" "netflix" and so on.... it is our responsability to keep it real and shift that balance to be honest. It is our fault dont you agree?

I'm new to video blogging and came to a similar conclusion after about a week of doing it. The posts that were getting the biggest upvotes seemed to be about the platform or the crytpo, but as I've spent more time here, I've really found a group of creators whose content I really enjoy and connect with. When the Internet began, it was geeks talking about the Internet, but that changed pretty quickly. I remember when YouTube started too - it was like, what is this? It was all new. Now we've got a platform that's on the surface trying to do the same thing, but with a completely different paradigm under the hood that general people don't understand. I'm not even sure that I understand it. So there's a barrier to entry that isn't there with the centralized platforms that people also don't understand but they think they do because of familiarity. Give it time. We're all free to create whatever we like. It seems like we're just building content just now. The consumers will come.

That all is true... But back when the internet came.out or even YouTube the amount of information shared and the way to share it wasn't as easy as it is today... so this all adaptation process should be easier and as creators I feel that is our responsability to make it as seamless as possible for the "normal" internet user. Who would want to go to Instagram to see how this travel bloggers take that beautiful pictures and how many cameras and they carry and how they edit and so on... People want the final product and not the process to get there. Am I right?

There’s room out there for everything. Of course you are right, but there are people out there who do enjoy seeing others’ processes too. It’ll come.

This is my yardstick to measure DTube's success in the future. The day that someone searches for something mundane like "how to tie a shoelace" and arrives at a DTube video, watches it, and it helps, that day is when DTube has truly arrived.

As it is now, it feels like a curated playlist. Admittedly it's getting better, and time will tell where it goes.

Yeah. But that's the problem now. People are afraid of creating that type of videos because they know the big ones in the community won't show them any support and their content it will only my get lost. That's why it is up to All of us to make sure we don't let that happen and make sure we are not that afraid person that is posting something just because it will get the attention of the big users. I want to learn how to tie a shoelace. ❤

They can all come join me in the lost content world haha. Yeah, you're right man. Let's all keep creating what we truly want to. It will also encourage new comers to do the same.

I am in that section with you as well lolol but I will always be true to my heart and just create what I really want. 😉 that's also why if you see me talking about an update or some tutorial shit You will know that I really wanted to do that and I think it is important.

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