This Blockchain Based Affiliate Network Pays in Bitcoin & Could Be A Huge Money Maker

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


I've been looking for affiliate programs that pay out in Bitcoin and just recently found RunCPA, a blockchain based affiliate network which pays out in Bitcoin.

For anyone who's not familiar with affiliate marketing is when you work with a company to drive traffic to their links, products, and offers and in exchange for doing so can be paid per click, per signup, per purchase, etc. Many of these programmers offer recurring lifetime commissions meaning if you bring someone on and they are a customer for 2 years you are paid a commission every month for that entire two years.

This program also pays you 50% earnings on any commissions earned by other affiliates you bring into the program. Also unlike a lot of affiliate networks out there with garbage offers and low commissions I really loved the offers in this program. There's VPN services, Bitcoin exchanges, ICO coins you can promote, and some Bitcoin wallet services as well as Bitcoin and crypto debit cards.

I was thinking of starting a cryptocurrency blog so many of these offers will be a perfect fit for this project.

While I just signed up myself I tested and can say they are accurately tracking my clicks and while I personally don't have any conversions and havn't had a chance to be paid out yet I did vet this company on some review sites that review affiliate networks and they have been around for a few years and have plenty of positive reviews for both an honest program as well as how receptive and helpful their affiliate managers Jim and Margarita are.

If you have any questions about this particular program as well as just affiliate marketing in general feel free to drop a comment below...

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Also, I hate seeing this so I am alerting you. Here is someone that reposted your video (not resteemed) and has already made more money off your content then you have...

I don't like this...

I actually just made a Steemit post about this. My beef actually isn't with the poster so much as the Steemit community. While I do agree with poster should be adding some of his own thoughts to posts, I'm curious as to why 46 people upvoted a Steemit post which was nothing more than a repost which added no value?

I think if we want Steemit to continue to grow we need to actually reward good content and we need to stop rewarding every post from someone just because they have a high reputation.

YES! I do find that the fact that you get paid just because you upvoted a post early on that went big and that is why SOOOO many will upvote a persons post that has high reputation without even reading it.

I almost NEVER upvote a post without reading the entire thing. (unless it is for people like you that I KNOW produce quality content all the time), but I still try to watch every video and read every article.

Original content producers like you and i need to keep holding the line!

Hey buddy I appreciate the heads up. I'm still kind of unclear what the etiquete is here on Steemit.

While I don't feel he added anything worthwhile to the conversation, ie he gave no thoughts of his own, he didn't summarize my video, literally just reposted it, technically speaking he gave me credit even though he didn't even bother putting @ in front of rulesforrebels when crediting me.

It's a shame he's going to make more off that post than I will. Also looking at his profile briefly it seems he's got a pretty strong steemit profile despite just posting other peoples content which makes me wonder why people are upvoting it? I would rather upvote and support the origional creator than someone reposting something and not adding value but people with a lot of followers are going to get a lot of upvotes and people established will as well b/c people upvoting know they will earn from upvoting the post because it will make money.

I think this is one of the things wrong with steemit and what turns some people off to it.

Hit the nail on the head my friend!

Yes I hate seeing this on Steemit, and that poster in particular that is all he does. Never credits, no @ mentions, just using others content to make money for himself.

I guess if your content is good enough for someone to steal it, that cool, but when they are directly profiting off of it that is just fucked in my opinion.

I can deal with the massive amount of spam, but this is even worse in my opinion. A certified "original content" social network would be a cool idea... maybe I should work on that.. lol

As a believer in 'natural justice' - Karma if you like - I've upvoted your post 100% (I think?) and a couple of your comments.

I haven't flagged the other poster, mainly because ugh flagging wars.

As @jorlauski said, don't get discouraged :)

Hey thanks for the upvote and thanks for the kind words. I agree I try not to flag stuff unless it's pretty aggregious but to date I don't think I've ever flagged anything. Like you said I imagine at some point it just turns into a flagging war and the poster I took issue with is ranked higher than me so I'd lose that battle but I'm typically not the type to flag anyway.

Not only that but technically speaking I don't even know that the guy was in the wrong. He did credit me though he neglected to use the @ to properly credit me and I think it would have been nicer to resteem as opposed to repost unless he was going to add some of his own perspective. I guess that's why I kind of feel like we as a community kind of need to come together and get a more concrete idea of whats acceptable use and what isn't. What types of content do we want to see. What is the proper Steemit etiquette, etc.

Thanks again

he neglected to use the @ to properly credit me

That's what got my back up to be fair.

He's been around Steemit to know the protocol (such that it is) and that would have been the honourable thing to do. He didn't and that was deliberate in my opinion.

I thought I'd followed you too... I have now :)

Added by edit
'got my back up' - a colloquialism - wound me up - ;)

Right! And honestly, his whole account is like this. Almost every post he puts up on Steemit is from someone else on Steemit and he does not give credit or resteemit, just takes their content and makes more money off of it cause of his higher reputation score.

I'm upvoting your original content - keep it up and don't get discouraged - it just means that someone values your work . Sometime I feel like evything I'm writing is just going into a black hole- I do the research , I write it up , I edit and crop pictures to format everything just right - then I get 3 votes and it's a little disheartening. If someone else reposted my content and made hundreds of times more revenue than me , I would be be rightfully livid myself - I look at it like this - As I build up a library of useful info and good content - eventually when users find it - they will look back and see everything else posted - hopefully they will feel like I am someone they would want to start following and my future posts will have more activity - at least that's what I'm telling myself - it also bums me out hen someone makes a good comment about my post , but doesn't upvote some love people! peace

Hey @jorlauski thanks for taking the time to reply and thanks for the thoughtful comment. Everything you said I completely agree with.

In terms of this particular issue, to me it's a bigger issue than just me making $2. The bigger issue to me is the culture of Steemit. If this is how it's going to be were going to have a hard time bringing new people on and getting them to stick around and I think what we all want is this great platform to continue to grow.

The community as a whole tends to reward the dolphins and whales regardless of whether their content and contribution to the site warrants a reward. That takes away attention and rewards from new people to the platform who are adding more value.

To me that's an issue that 46 something people chose to reward a piece of content that didn't deserve to be rewarded which is going to help that user continue to grow and get more upvotes and higher reputation.

While I don't really agree with the user reposting my content without adding any value and without crediting me properly, my bigger issue is that the community as a whole rewards that.

I agree that is has more to do with the culture of rewarding poor behaviors wile , 'punishing" legitimate work .. and by punishing .. I mean - getting low visibility - question is - what can we do to change that culture? I don't believe he should have re-posted your info - simply from an ethics standpoint. There is a re-steem button for a reason - I don't know how it works , but if someone resteems your article - the bulk of its earnings should go to the OP - just my opinion. I wonder what it would take to shift the culture back towards original content creators - I think that what Steem was trying to accomplish - but somewhere along the line , people have found the loopholes and exploited the system.

Yes a lot of people exploiting the system just to make a few dollars. The bulk of people on steemit dont seem to give a shit about the platform itself and would rather "game" the system so they can profit....

This is pretty interesting and I would be the most interested in promoting VPN services that accept crypto as a payment option. That way if something was fishy with the service the persons credit card wouldn't be involved.

@rulesforrebels This is great news. Nicely carried out! Followed.
A lot info thanks for sharing. Love it. Followed.

The 'Stache likes this and will give it a try for the blog.

Very interesting and informative post shared followed and upvoted. Wish you the best with all your future endeavors.

@rulesforrebels Thank you for the function, I invite you to evaluate my function. Followed.
yeah! Why I haven't thought of that till now. Would be the animals immortal prior to guy committed sin??? Followed.

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