The Power of Being Authentic & Free

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

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We Want To See More Of YOU

The number of hairs on your head are different than the number of hairs on the next person's head. In fact your fingerprint is unlike anyone else's in the world. So many factors have lead to you still being alive today. The fact the you are here is a miracle. Not chance but a miracle. Let that marinate for a second. We are in the age where everyone is vying for attention, even me to an extent, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But at what point is losing yourself worth gaining the attention?  

Find Your Place

I've said it many times. YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER. There's power in your story no matter what path you have walked. This topic of being yourself means so much to me because I can tell you first hand that being myself has cost me popularity and fitting in with what's considered normal. But the power is in knowing that I can change the world by being myself. This is what I strive for when creating content for Steemit. I do my best to bring ME to the table and I hope you consider doing the same. For you to be you is what is means to be human. 

As you know Steemit is growing like crazy. Many new people come here trying to figure out how they can be heard or how they can make a difference. While there are some other factors that I won't mention at the moment, I will say one thing that should never be forgotten. BE YOU. I know how tempting it is to see other Steemian's success and say "I want to talk about what he talks about" or "She is popular so I want to do what she is doing". Now I'm not saying don't be inspired because I am inspired by others too like @valorforfreedom and @denmarkguy for example. But my main point in all of this is to focus on what you can bring to the table and the power you have to influence others in your own way. You don't need to be someone else. You need to be YOU. Much love and peace Steemit family.

What is one thing that you can bring to Steemit?

Who are some other Steemians that inspire you?

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This is the truth everyone has a story and everyone in valuable, its our job to inspire and bring forth a voice of love,compassion, and acceptance because every hair is known, and every soul was known by God before the foundations of the world....Lets inspire a generation to share their story and voice and transform our world for our children and their children.....Love what you are doing!!! Its all about Love, Agape.....


I'm ready to do this. And we know there is a spiritual war going on to try to stop the work God is trying to accomplish here on Earth. We have already won though. We have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Thats so beautifully written by you and perfect ornamental English writing and I learned some more words from this blog, so its a value addition for me. So I want to say here that this is what steemit offers and I must say I learn so many things from day to day basis.

Thank you and Have a great day.

I just looked up the definition for ornamental English and yes I noticed that I tend to write that way. It's just part of my personality and how I see the world.

@humamearl Thanks for saying this:

You don't need to be someone else. You need to be YOU.

it's very important that there's someone saying what you're saying here in this post because many people get caught up in the spirit of competition and in the process they lose their distinction.

I have said it very often that life isn't a competition but essentially a contribution.

Each one has to answer the question of what exactly they're here on earth to contribute.

When the answer to that question is known one doesn't have to be like anyone else.

Before the moment I started posting on Steemit on December 22, 2017 I made up my mind to come here and be me because I know who I am.

I'm here on Steemit to love on people with the love God has poured so immeasurably on me. I am here to make people's lives sweeter by teaching them God's Word.

"Life isn't a competition but essentially a contribution" Powerful perspective bro. Although competition exists we should not let it rule our lives and the way we interact with one another.

You seem very secure in who you are and what God has called you to do. You are a great example.

Yes different individual have different strength and we should look to strengthen those individual strength and then bring to the table of steemit and that individual strength becomes a global strength.

Focus on your strengths and what makes you YOU.

I joined Steemit to hear out others and to be heard! Lets connect inspirations of one another.
Well thought out piece by you @humanearl.

@samal Let's keep building!

Here we go!
The Portuguese would say Obrigado @humanearl.
Thanks in all.

But how can one not ever be authentic? What is the crux of being authentic vs fake vs wearing a mask? The mask one would choose to wear is still an extension of the authentic self.

What does it truly mean to be authentic?

I highly doubt anyone can escape authenticity, the problem is others willingness to admit this or agree. Even when you lie, it is still a reflection of the authentic self.

I've thought about this a lot, it seems to be a preference for others to be vulnerable, not necessarily "authentic" (a seemingly empty word). Which makes sense, considering it gives people an advantage in how to deal with you, cooperate with you, which can be very productive. The flip side is that being fully out there and open, is borderline suicidal.

I think it's critical to balance this to some degree dependent upon context and your desires... just some food for thought.

Interesting thoughts. I mean for some being authentic means wearing a mask. When I use the term I am simply saying be free to be who you are and express yourself. Yes some people may really be liars but that's not a standard I would want anyone living up to.

Hopefully our authenticity is for the benefit of others but we know that being free can offend some. I get where you're coming from though. People should just be open free, transparent and embrace who they are. Do you agree that people are pressured to be someone else when that is not who they really are at the core?
And don't you think people wearing masks negatively impacts society?

I don't think masks negatively impact society. I think they can be rather critical, depending on context. Some people are pressured, but it is still they who give in to the pressure. Is it healthy? I'm not so sure, but I wouldn't expect people to be transparent about everything (not saying you have the expectation). There's variations and gradations to this. There is usefulness to a mask, especially in security and/or exposing grievances and wrong-doing. Not all heroes can reveal their identity. Even on a more personal level, there is still usefulness to not revealing all your cards. To be totally transparent exposes some vulnerabilities and diminishes some level of personal value.

But at what point is losing yourself worth gaining the attention?

This was so deep that I had to drop my phone for a while to think. Do we really need to loose ourselves to gain attention ? We had to ask myself if that's how I have been living my life.

What is one thing that you can bring to Steemit?

Well for me, when I first learnt of steemit , the first thing I was told was that plagiarising was punishable and since then I made a resolve to bring originality to steemit . Most times I tell stories of my life to motivate others. I try to make my stay here in steemit as real as possible because I know it's all about touching lives. At least someday someone would look back and say his or her life was changed because of the life experience of someone he or she read online and that would be me.

Who are some other Steemians that inspire you?

I am happy you asked who some other steemian were because you are truly the first. Now for some others , @surpassinggoogle tips the list because he has been of great inspiration to so many of us steemians and we all look up to him. Another steemian that inspires me a lot is @karenmckersie, despite the fact that she has attained a great height on steemit, she still interacts with us minnows like it's nothing and we are greatful for that. Yet another steemian that inspires me @anomadsould...a man who is down to earth and has the interest of minnows at heart. I live all these people and wish I could meet them in person someday including you.

do have a good night rest

Since we've connected I've been inspired by you. I love hearing what you have to say so thanks for being open and sharing your life. A Steemit meetup would be cool. THey do have Steemfest in November which is the biggest meetup of other Steemians .Hopefully one day I will attend.

In steemit also we see many people and we get inspired by some people and they used to be our ideal in steemit and that really makes our journey easy and passionate.

Thank you @humanearl....steem on and stay blissful....

We all draw inspiration from others. I do as well. But at the same time we have to use that inspiration to grow who we are and be ourselves.

I commend you on being the authentic you. It's so easy to wear a mask to fit in because if anyone judges that - you know it's not the real you. But when you go out into the world being your true self and you get judged, it makes you feel deficient. Humanearl you are demonstrating true courage! Much love Jay.

Getting judged by the world for being yourself can give you much insight. It lets you know if you are being grounded in YOU or what other people think. I just choose to be grounded in me because that's just how I roll and being someone else feels like a big lie.

Nice post man, it seems in this day and age it's actually quite hard to be yourself. Everyone is expecting everyone else to do the exact same things, react the same, believe the same, think the same, dress the same, and if you don't then there's something wrong.

The past couple years I've been working to reclaim my individuality and really present myself to the world. Steemit has been really helpful in allowing me to have my own voice and enter an open minded community.

Followed ya, looks like we have a similar mindset on life

PS any advice on starting up on Dtube, I was looking at a camcorder the other day, shouldn't be too hard I'm guessing

Becoming more self aware is one of the most powerful experiences you can have. Take the opportunity to do that. Glad you stopped by.

For me right now I am using my S7 Edge which has a pretty nice lens for a phone. However my plan is to upgrade to an actual camera than can handle a much bigger workload. If you can't use your phone and it has a decent camera then great but if not then a camcorder should work also.

Awesome, thanks, I bet I could test our using the phone and see how it works. Looking forward to your stuff

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