Remember: It's Only Water

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

When you first jump in it's uncomfortable. It's cold. That's the obvious. But you are a human. Well that's obvious too. But you are bigger than that cold water. Remember to breath deeply. Focus on something other than the cold even though it is very hard to do in the beginning. Pray, talk to yourself, sing, laugh or do anything that helps to focus on something else if you have to.

If you can't focus on anything else except for the cold water then embrace it. Stand there freezing your butt off. Learn to be uncomfortable. Train your mind to get over the discomfort and trust me the more you do this it will become much easier.

Enjoy the benefits of putting your body through this uncomfortable situation. It's just a small test in comparison to what life brings at times.

And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my last cold shower video. Shalom.

▶️ DTube

Yeah @humanearl, the real test of a human being is its sustainability under uncomfortable situations and it is one of them although it is somewhat related to physical aspect but this is so true for other aspects of life as well.

Thank you and Have a great day.

These uncomfortable situations are hard to deal with at times but so important to learn from.

From last two days I am suffering from cold and cough and if i go for cold bath now then certainly it would my current situation, but I will definitely try this when I am perfectly okay with my health.

Enjoy your cold bath and show enough resistance @humanearl.

Just see how your health improves or if it does. It should help you to boost your immune system to make it less prone to getting sick.

Cold showers have forced me to just face my problems head on as I have programmed adversity into my life on a daily basis through cold showers and it has been tremendous in building my mental will power.

Interesting, this is the second time I've read about cold showers in just a few days. The last guy said it helped him to not be sick! He thought it strengthened his immune system. I can see how it does help in overcoming what is perceived as discomfort .

Discomfort is just perceived. We are not just flesh and bone. We are also spirit which transcends the physical sensations of pain/discomfort. I try to tap into that deeper part of myself when I'm in the shower. It does take practice though.

Hats off @kouba01 It definitely builds mental power. I'm glad that you view adversity as a teacher. I have done the same to program this adversity into my life.

A very lovely post @humanearl, giving life lessons from very normal and basic everyday life experiences like taking a shower.

The bigger takeaway however I have gotten from this post, is that life was not meant to be comfortable all of the time. True growth happens in the moments when you are challenged the most.

So stop rejecting or trying to avoid discomfort. Purposely face your fears head on and watch the magic start to happen.

This is the hardest thing for us to do. Especially in western society where we have all the comforts in the world. I think this can be very dangerous because it creates the illusion that life is supposed to be comfortable all the time.

Phil 4 vs 8

'Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.'

What you focus on and how you focus on it is very my own experience, I felt legitimate fear each morning before I forced myself to take a dip into my chilly shower prison.

There wasn’t a single time when I didn’t have to spend a few minutes psyching myself up before doing it.

But I kept doing it, because I felt like it would be good for me.

How many of you can say that you work through fear or being uncomfortable in order to ultimately benefit your life?

Even I have to admit that if I did that more often my life would look completely differently. My brain trying to keep me alive all the time and generating the feeling of fear is one of the biggest barriers to my success.

Having to start my day with doing something I definitely didn’t want to do gave me a different kind of confidence. By taking those showers first thing in the morning, I had this feeling like I had somehow already won by conquering this obstacle.

And I bet now you are much more mentally tough than in the past. Being in that cold water can teach you lots about yourself. You're right. Face it.

Totally agree with you, it's only water! From the outset, of course it's hard to overcome fear and a sense of cold, but you need several procedures with cold water and I'm sure that you will agree with me, without this already be uncomfortable! That sense of vivacity of body and spirit, you can get from cold water no less, and maybe even more than from traditional civilizational methods! Thank you @humanearl and keep us informed of your procedures!

It's just one of the things I do to toughen my mind. The stronger my mind and spirit are the better example I can be to you all.

To the very point, my friend!

You are absolutely right that we should bathe in cold water. We have a holiday in our country "Baptism of the Lord." Water is consecrated in the springs, and there is no such opportunity in the courtyard of the church. Sanctifying the water, the priest lowers the cross into a special baptismal ice hole called "Jordan", the consecrated water is called "the great agiosm," that is, the great shrine. It is believed that the baptismal water has the same miraculous power as the waters of the Jordan, which included Jesus Christ. On the day of Epiphany, after a prayer service, people swim in the ice-hole

Wow! That's a cool looking baptism. Never seen that before. I want to try this sooo bad. I live in Texas so we have nothing like that to my knowledge.

The idea of ​​bathing in cold water is a scary idea and you need a strong will. Sometimes, however, outside circumstances require you to do this, such as the end of hot water, or someone who is impulsive has separated hot water from you during the shower and turned it into a cold. Do not get angry with this person. A healthy and useful work for you will acquaint me with the amazing health benefits of it. But before you start talking about it there is information related to this topic about hot water showers. We always hear about the benefits of bathing in warm water. Historically, throughout human history people have been using whatever water they have and often this water is cold. Until the Greeks invented heating systems in the public baths in the 1st century BC. Interestingly, many Greeks maintained cold water because of their health benefits. Here are the benefits of cold water bath

Benefits of the bath with cold water
Benefits of the bath with cold water
1 - cold baths work on fat burning:

There are two types of primary body fat, white fat and brown fat. White fat is harmful and brown is useful. And try to get rid of white fat as much as possible. This is when burning calories by exerting effort. White fat accumulates in the waist, thighs, neck, or lower back. Brown fats are healthy because they generate heat to heat the body. What is new here is that cold weather helps to activate brown fat and burns enough calories to warm the body, which also helps you lose weight. Thus, bathing in cold water reduces the body temperature temporarily, which stimulates the body to burn energy to raise the body temperature. As a result, the level of metabolism is increased and thus more calories are burned per minute and carbohydrate and protein are increasingly burned. Apple diet to burn fat

  1. Cold water showers increase the rate of recovery after exercise.

Athletes often take a cold bath after vigorous training to treat muscle inflammation and restore it to normal condition, which improves muscle strength.

3 - Bathing cold water to improve mood and increase activity:

Many of us find it difficult to do on the bed and accompanied by laziness and trying to get rid of it. If you want to increase the enthusiasm and activity inside you, you have to take a cold shower before going to work. Cold water contributes to the circulation of the body by redirecting blood better. Cold water works to narrow the blood vessels, including veins, capillaries and arteries, In these tissues the blood distribution is reassigned with a renewed force that does not cause additional pressure on the heart but helps to push the blood that is stagnated in the capillaries, eliminating the impurities and poisons in these vessels.

4 - help with cold water to strengthen the immune system and circulation:

As we mentioned that cold water helps to raise the level of metabolism, and helps you lose fat and increase this rate helps you to activate the immune system. The exposure to cold water contributes to the increase of white blood cells, and increase the metabolic rate, which reduces the incidence of influenza and colds, and some cancers.

Cold water also stimulates the circulatory system, which improves the health of the heart and blood vessels, and contributes to the prevention of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

There are lots of other things - it's amazing

Loads of info. Very helpful. The fat burning section was very interesting. Many are unaware of the benefits of cold showers.

thanks for participating
The cold water it has several health benefits and beautiful although difficult to shower her but very amazing I am really very strong and patient I live from this pulpit

Yes and the benefits are treating me well. I haven't been sick in a while.

Morning baths make the body's blood flow normal. Often, due to blood flowing through the blood vessels, our organs are paralyzed. It also creates a lot of problems in the heart. The bath in the morning causes blood flow to the blood vessels below the skin and removes these problems

If you want blood flow to get you going then yes taking showers in the morning can be really good.

It is very useful for humans. Because the proper blood flow brings nutrition, mineral and oxygen to our body, improves the body parts and body cells and improves organ functions.

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