🎥 Actifit On! | CRYPTO TALK #4 | @cryptospa & @mcfarhat

in #dtube5 years ago

Hello dear Steemians, Actifitters and Dtubers!

This is Episode 4 of my show «CRYPTO TALK».

My guest was @mcfarhat. He is a team member of @actifit. Actifit is an innovative dApp that rewards your everyday activity.

Today we talked about the achievements of Actifit ecosystem and the perspectives of AFIT token. @mcfarhat also outlined what the advantages for the users of Actifit are.

Enjoy watching the #video and, please, comment!

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p.s. for the latest updates, follow @actifit

A few words about me:
Just to let you know: I've been working professionally as a currency analyst for the last almost 13 years, and as a cryptocurrency analyst for the last 2 years.


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Actifit to the moon!!! Great job @cryptospa & @mcfarhat! So much great info covered in this video! I have a feeling that the AFIT IEO will beat the HUNT record and sell out in less than 11 seconds. 🤣💯Also it’s interesting to hear how switching to “full AFIT” payout is a good way to support Actifit 😄🤔 I think I’m gonna test this out soon! Cheers guys and thanks for everything! I also thought it was hilarious that MC was Actifitting during the video LOL 🤣🤣🤣

@alexvanaken, thank you for stopping by! Yeah, the interview was really fund. MC was actifiting during the whole time. That was great!
Btw, I think that Actifit itself and AFIT are going to be a great success. In my view this is one of the most promising dApps, built on the STEEM blockchain.

Great episode of the show. Actifit is my favorite application on STEEM Blockchain.
Thank you for this episode! I am waiting for the next show.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! Yes, #Actifit is one of the best dApps in the STEEM ecosystem. I've been using it for the last almost 7 months on a daily basis and I am very happy with it. Also via Actifit you can make a lot of friends.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome interview, now I really have to start using the app, it's installed and I do walk quite a bit, so should not be that hard. Thanks!

Glad, you liked the interview. Keep on actifitting bro!

It was good, just passed 14000 steps right now, so hopefully above 15000 before the day is fully over.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yaaaay! My favorite Dtube show with one of my favorite steemians and the genius behind my favorite steem dapp!!! Best episode ever!

@blacklux, I am glad that you liked this episode of my show CRYPTO TALK. Definitively Actifit is one of the greatest dApps in the cryptocurrency world. I am a big optimist about it. No doubt, that the developers of this application are geniuses.

This is a great interview. I think @actifit can have 100s of millions of users in the near future.

I also think that in 3-5 years the user base of Actifit will be very huge. I think this is one of the most promising dApps in STEEM ecosystem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great interview. Highly informative & inspiring. Thank you @cryptospa & @mcfarhat 💖💖🙏💖💖

Posted using Partiko Android

@thereikiforest, thank you for your very supportive comment!


Most Welcome

Posted using Partiko Android

@cryptospa, this was really a great informative, energetic interview!

Posted using Partiko Android

Love your series. And great job having @mcfarhat as a guest - @actifit is such a great project and @mcfarhat is such an awesome dev!

thanks to share your conversation.

@shuvo35, glad you liked it!

Very good interview, thanks for posting buddy!

Posted using Partiko Android

@crypto-skip, thank you for stopping by! Farhat is really a genius.

No problem, I try to watch your show everyday. And I agree, Farhat is an amazing man!

Posted using Partiko Android

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