Children With Addictions (SML Beat Battle League S2:R6) - Nathan Kaye

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

I wrote this whilst staying in the lush tropical rainforests of far north Queensland in Australia and saw that they were chopping down the oldest rainforest in the world (Daintree Rainforest) to plant sugarcane fields!

It made me think about what we consume and how it seriously affects our environment, our fellow humans and our fellow Earthlings.
So every teaspoon of sugar (regardless of whether it's white or brown or raw) put into a cup of tea or coffee is literally contributing to deforestation.
It is like we are "adults living like children with addictions and distractions" that we don't notice the damage we cause ourselves (to ourselves and our precious planet).


If we want our beautiful natural places, like the tropical beaches and forests of Australia, or anywhere in the world, to remain beautiful, then we must become more conscious of our actions and inactions, of our addictions and distractions and then take action ourselves every day. Step by step. Bit by bit making changes in our lives every day.

We are the key.

We make the difference.
We make the change.
And reggae is a great way to skank happily as custodians of this beautiful planet we are the caretakers for future generations to also enjoy.

Jah Bless!
And smile!


Children With Addictions
by Nathan Kaye

Am G Dm G
Don't you know we're adults living like children,
Am G Dm G
Don't you know we're adults living like children,
Am7 G Am7
||:Children with addictions - addictions & distractions.:|| x 2
Am G Dm G
We got addictions to sugar. The sugar's growing where the trees once were.
Am G Dm G
We got addictions to caffeine & we genetically alter everything.
Am G Dm Em
Most of our lives we feed our addictions. When will distraction turn to
We've got addictions to the nicotine treat - we suck on a cigarette like it's our mother's tit.
We're addicted to the fossil-fuel cycle. We all switch on lights so you tell me who's responsible? (we are)
Well, it seems to me like some of you won't listen.
Why don't you just appreciate the life you've been given?
It's not a question of if you will die.
It's just a matter of how when & why!


©Nathan Kaye 2000
from the album, Illumination, released 2000
All vocals, acoustic & electric guitars, organ - Nathan Kaye
Drums - Orlando Allen
Bass - Marky Power

Written and produced by Nathan Kaye
Recorded and engineered by Brad Wann at Top Cat Studios, Alstonville, NSW, Australia
Mastered at 301 Studios Sydney, NSW, Australia
© Nathan Kaye 2000. All rights reserved

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Wow, this is so COOL, I see we are quite different in many ways but I feel like I have found a Brother. Even tho we are quite different, we have more in common than not! SO MUCH TRUTH in Song. Especially with This Song. Addictions and Distractions. My parents are both "late-onset" Diabetic, mum is pretty bad but Dad is easily controlled. BUT I do not want to develop that at all. Stevia in my "Cuppa Java" for me! :D

.GOV wants us to be "ADDICTED AND DISTRACTED" and CRYPTO is one avenue of ESCAPE! Perhaps the BEST.

Thank you bruthaman @minnowbootcamp!
That's the contradicting beauty of humanity, right? That we are intrinsically the same, yet we are also beautifully unique.
It's the common ground that allows us to relate and it's the uniqueness that allows us to marvel at others.

To make sure that we aren't continually distracted and conditioned with addictions we have to open our hearts and our minds and our arms...
Blessings mate!

I must say how I am impressed by your smooth voice, great singing!

I love the social relevance of this tune. I personally have had a vegetarian diet for over thirty years now. It made sense health wise, life span and 'health span' (delaying that age when one depends on big pharma to stay alive), 'bio-accumulation' of toxins is reduced when eating the lowest on the food chain. It also reduces habitat destruction for factory farms, somewhat close to what you sing about here. So what's good for you is good for the planet.

I was also fortunate enough that I could bicycle to work for many years, to reduce my need for fossil fuel; we were a 'one car family' for about five years, saving about 20000 USD doing so, once again, good for humans good for the planet. I could probably eliminate sugar, if my wife and kids didn't have a junk food fetish that allows me to snack on bad stuff.

There's also the rainforest in SE Asia and other parts of Oceania that are getting slashed and burnt for palm oil production, a big ingredient in junk (processed) food and candy, also...

Hey @onemedia! Thanks so much!
Seems we have a lot in common. I started on a predominantly vegan-ish diet since 1984. I've oscillated between pescatarian to raw vegan to non-ovo-vegaterian to vegan to... etc in those years since... But since 2012 I've been Veganese (No meat, no dairy, vegetarian, but have my own apiary and chickens who happen to lay eggs). My choices with diet and many other things has primarily been about having the minimal impact upon the planet and optimum health for mine & my children's bodies.
This song is highlighting our lack of awareness between our life choices and the impact we have environmentally, socially, politically, psychologically, etc..
Originally there was an extra verse about our psychological addiction to other people, as well.
It's about joining the dots because we are all intrinsically interdependent.
there is no such thing as true independence within this cosmic soup we live and thrash about in...

Fabulous to hear about your life and perspective.. Thanks so much for sharing!

Now that you mention it, occasionally I find myself in a situation where I eat something 'just to be polite' fish, or pizza (actually I find Pizza and ice cream difficult to turn down), something with eggs, but anymore, I'm noticing what could be allergic reactions, mostly nasal congestion from animal fat ... So I treat those items as 'special occasions' not part of my regular diet.

As far as other people, I do see collectivism as a problem, often thwarting individuation. A real philosophical problem, because we are intelligent, sentient, yet highly socialized (preferably not to the extent of group think and mob rule). The main difference, however subtle the distinction is between individuation and self-centered individualism, as far as I can tell, is the last part of the 'monomyth', The Hero's Journey ... That is, after one descends 'into the cave' and 'fights the dragon' to 'get the treasure' to fully Self-Actualize, one must 'bring back the treasure' to one's 'tribe'. Of course society itself could be 'the cave/dragon' itself ... Endless philosophical project it is!

Great chatting with you!

awesome! socially conscious easy skanking :) great job dude x

Thanks so much @basilmarples!
I appreciate that!

Great song =)!!! That's my constant battle too, being conscious of how we live. It can be very depressing sometimes (for me). i wish everyone woudl think about it more...

Thank you @evecab!
Bit by bit, step by step, is the best method. Slowly undoing our conditioning and replacing it with a more compassionate and sustainable way of life. This takes time personally. The vital thing is to make sure we keep peeling the old layers off and adopting new modes of being....
Eventually, we'll reach critical mass and a radical positive shift will occur.
That day is closer than we think...

I love this conscious lyric reggae vibe! SO cool!

Thank you so much, lovely lass!

couldn't agree more. we're very immature in that way using up the resources of future generations heedlessly... like an addiction for sure. many of us are waking up to it, but the corporations and politicians who are entertwined in leading this devastation still have a long way to go!

You're right, of course, @mountainjewel.
The good thing that we can take solace in, is that even the corporations and political parties are made up of human beings. Once enough human beings have awakened their own consciousness, it's only a matter of time before all the rest also make a positive transformation.
That will happen when a critical mass of human awakening to the truth that being conscious is a win win for all. When that has occurred the positive shift will happen swiftly.
Blessings mate

Your post is highlighted and given additional feedback in Issue #5 of Music Today here:

No way! That's awesome! Thanks so much! I'll go check it out!

Cool Song Must Be Listen

Thanks @shruti11. Very true

wow! this is nice. really deep and real!

O myyyyyyy this is the music I live for.

Socially conscious and brings such amazing awareness to issues our society have and can fix but people just need a fun way to become aware of them. And music like this song is what the world needs more of to help us raised our awareness to what our actions are causing.

Like you said "society is filled with children with addictions and distractions."

Your voice is so incredible and man do you deliver these powerful in such a way that is receptive to the listener.

Every time I play this for myself or for someone else I get the biggest goosebumps hair stand straight up on my arms.

And that line "When will distraction turn to realization." yessss my favorite and when you tell someone that their face just drops.

Absolutely love this song and I sing along now to it its so catchy and meaningful.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Woohoo! Thanks so much @chiefmappster!
It excites me that you and many others relate so much to the message of this song.
Some messages need to be delivered hard and strong, others need to be bounced on the skank of a reggae rhythm! So true!
Blessings to ya bro!

Amennnnnnnnnnn many blessings to you and so happy to see as well that people resonate with the message. Gives me a lot of hope for the future.

And you're very welcome excited to hear more of your tunes o myyyyyy :)

Aaaahhhh! You've got such great energy, mate!
It's infectious! Thanks for sharing it!

:)))))) You're very welcome bud o weeeeeeeeee

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